Mastopathy is a common problem that about 75% of women experience from time to time. This disease is of a benign nature, but it can deliver a lot of discomfort, so you can not let mastopathy drift. In addition to traditional drug therapy, the treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies at home is successfully used.

Causes of development and symptoms of mastopathy

The mammary glands are a hormone-dependent organ of the female body. Any disturbances in the hormonal system instantly affect the functionality of these glands. Mastopathy is a disease manifested by the formation of seals in the breast tissue. Seals are caused by proliferation of glandular tissue. Breast mastopathy develops, first of all, against the background of menstrual irregularities.

Among the causes of the disease:

  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • transferred abortion;
  • irregular sex life or its absence;
  • pathology of the reproductive system

The disease can occur only before menstruation. This form is called diffuse and is characterized by the formation of nodules in the chest due to increased hormone production at the end of the cycle. Typical symptoms are a feeling of heaviness in the chest, swelling of the nipples, pain with pressure. In the first days of the onset of menstruation, the discomfort completely disappears.

For a number of reasons, the initial form of mastopathy progresses, over time, the nodules do not resolve during menstruation.Pain and heaviness in the chest accompanies the woman constantly, with periods of calming down and exacerbation of symptoms. Often, fibrocystic mastopathy is accompanied by discharge from the nipples.

The danger of the disease is an increased risk of oncology. Despite the benign nature of the seals in the mammary glands, cystic fibrous changes in the tissue require examination by a doctor.

The principle of treatment of mastopathy at home

Treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy should begin with a change in diet.

The following products should be excluded from the menu:

  • coffee and any caffeinated drinks;
  • fatty foods;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • salty dishes.

It is necessary to reduce salt intake and introduce seafood into the diet. Especially useful for mastopathy is seaweed.

Treatment of mastopathy at home with folk remedies is effective at the initial stage of the disease.

With a large number of solid nodes in the glandular tissue, folk remedies can supplement, but not replace, drug therapy.

At home, compresses and decoctions of herbs are successfully used. This helps reduce chest heaviness and relieve pain.

Cabbage leaf with mastopathy

Leaves of white cabbage are widely used for edema and hematomas. When engorgement of the mammary glands against the background of mastopathy, treatment with cabbage leaf is one of the simple and effective ways to improve well-being.

The effectiveness of cabbage in the treatment of mastopathy is due to the high content of selenium and zinc. These trace elements enhance the production of thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. It is also worth noting the decongestant effect of white cabbage, due to which the metabolism in the mammary glands improves and discomfort decreases.

Treatment with cabbage involves the use of compresses from the leaves.

To prepare the medicine, you can use one of the following recipes

  1. Sprinkle the washed cabbage leaf with salt and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the leaf will start juice. Then the salt must be peeled off (no cabbage needs to be washed), and the sheet should be greased liberally with melted butter. The compress from the sheet is applied to the sore chest, is fixed on top with a bandage or loose linen. It should be left all night. Frequency of use - daily for a week.
  2. Apply liquid honey to the cabbage leaf, apply to the chest overnight. Repeat for 5 days.
  3. Vitamin cocktail for the mammary glands: mix 3 large tablespoons of grated fresh beets with a large spoon of honey, apply on the chest, and cover with a cabbage leaf on top. The compress is fixed with a bandage, you need to keep it all night. Frequency of use - daily for 7-10 days.

Cabbage juice will help supplement the treatment. It is recommended to drink daily half a glass before breakfast. There are many recipes for making juice. Cabbage can be mixed with beets, celery or kefir - all these drinks will bring undoubted benefit in mastopathy.

Honey and Propolis Recipes

Propolis is widely known as a means of preventing cancer. With mastopathy, bee glue should be taken both to prevent changes in the cells of the mammary glands, and to relieve pain. For this purpose, the reception of alcohol tincture of propolis is shown. It can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy. Tincture is taken three times a day for 1 large spoon. The course of treatment is 15 days.

For home treatment, you can independently prepare an ointment based on propolis. To do this, take 2 parts of any oily base and one part of propolis. It is recommended to give preference to petroleum jelly, fatty butter or melted animal fat (nutria, badger). The ointment is gently applied to the affected breast twice a day at regular intervals. The course of treatment is two weeks.

It is recommended to take honey with food, prepare a herbal decoction with this product, or use it as a compress.

A good combination of herbs for mastopathy: motherwort, succession and yarrow. To prepare the infusion, you should take a large spoon of each plant and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After cooling, the product is filtered and 3 large tablespoons of honey are added. You need to take the medicine for a quarter glass before eating.

It is interesting: succession - medicinal properties and contraindications

You can’t pour honey with boiling water. High temperatures reduce the healing properties of the product.

Applying recipes with honey is not possible with individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Before starting treatment, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction should be excluded.

Walnut Partitions

For normal operation of the thyroid gland, a sufficient amount of iodine is necessary. Since thyroid dysfunction often causes mastopathy, the following recipe will help ease the course of the disease.

Peel 30 nuts by folding partitions in a convenient container. Then pour 100 g of medical alcohol and cover. The tool is insisted for 10 days, and then taken daily 25 drops in the morning and evening. The course of treatment takes two weeks.

In addition to iodine, septa contain selenium and many other minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. Tincture can also be recommended as a tonic.

How to cure mastopathy with herbs?

Herbal medicine has been successfully used to treat mastopathy.

Treatment is carried out using:

  • wormwood;
  • sage;
  • boron uterus (red brush).

These plants affect the hormonal background, so you need to take them in a special way. In the first three days of the new menstrual cycle, a decoction of wormwood is taken. Then, before the onset of ovulation, you should drink only a sage broth, a quarter cup three times a day. After ovulation and, before the start of the next menstruation, a decoction of the pine uterus should be taken.

All decoctions are prepared at the rate of one small spoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. The product must be cooked on low heat for 10 minutes.

Leech Treatment

Hirudotherapy or treatment with leeches is an effective method of getting rid of mastopathy. It is based on the normalization of metabolic processes in the mammary glands due to the elimination of stagnation of blood in the chest. Treatment is carried out only by qualified specialists in hirudotherapy centers. The doctor draws up an individual therapy regimen for each patient, defines biologically active points for staging leeches. The duration of the course depends on the severity of the symptoms and ranges from 7 to 15 sessions.

Essential oils

The following oil-based recipes can be used in the treatment of mastopathy.

  1. Mix equal amounts of medical alcohol and camphor oil. Apply the product to the compress, put it on the mammary gland all night.
  2. Take any vegetable base (olive, flax, burdock, sunflower oil), add 3 drops of lavender and primrose oil to it. The tool is used for a compress at night.
  3. Mix in equal proportions flax oil, castor oil, add a drop of fennel extract and apply under compress.

The listed recipes should be used daily for one week.

Poultices and compresses

Herbal poultices are widely used to treat mastopathy. For treatment, you should prepare a decoction, cool it, then moisten a cotton swab or gauze compress in the medicine. The poultice is applied to the chest for 6-9 hours, it is best to use such a tool before bedtime.

To prepare a decoction, you can use:

  • sagebrush;
  • sage;
  • burdock;
  • aloe;
  • birch leaves.

The broth is prepared from one tablespoon of raw materials and a glass of water. The dried plant should be poured with boiling water and insisted under a lid until it cools.

Treatment features

Mastopathy, regardless of the form of the disease, is a consequence of hormonal disorders or malfunctions in the work of internal organs. It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease using folk methods.

Folk remedies do not treat mastopathy, but only smooth out the symptoms of the disease.

They cannot completely replace drug treatment. Moreover, the refusal of therapy selected by the attending physician can lead to dangerous consequences. Abuse of folk remedies can cause worsening symptoms and the progression of the disease if the patient refuses medication.