Almost all men with age begin to suffer from prostatitis. To avoid this inevitable ailment, some men turn to the doctor for preventive prostate massage. But it is much more pleasant for a man when such a massage is not done by a doctor in rubber gloves, but by a loving wife. It is not difficult to learn how to properly massage the prostate so that it brings both pleasure and benefit.
Material Content:
- 1 The benefits of prostate massage in men
- 2 How to prepare for the procedure
- 3 How to do prostate massage on your own?
- 4 Prostate massage at home for a husband to kick with a finger: technique
- 5 The most comfortable postures for the procedure
- 6 Contraindications and harm from prostate massage
- 7 What beginners need to know
The benefits of prostate massage in men
First you need to figure out what the prostate is. This is such a gland that produces a specific enzyme that is part of sperm. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Due to this pathology, urination, erection is disturbed. The ailment is accompanied by pain during ejaculation.
Prostate massage helps:
- improve sexual activity;
- reduce or completely remove pain;
- improve blood circulation to the prostate;
- relieve swelling and inflammation.
The effectiveness of prostate massage has been proven by many years of practice. If done professionally, it increases muscle tone in men, reduces inflammation, and helps to avoid complications with existing prostatitis. Massage is used both for prophylaxis and for therapeutic purposes.
How to prepare for the procedure
Preparation for massage is of great importance in order for the procedure to be more effective. This training does not require any medical education or special knowledge. The patient can do everything on his own without outside help.
And here's what you need to do:
- Cleansing enema. About 200 grams of chilled water is used. It is inserted using a rubber bulb into the anus, and the tip must first be greased with petroleum jelly.
- Drink enough fluid (still water about a liter) about 40 minutes before the session, so that the bladder is full before massage. When the bladder is full, it presses the prostate well to the rectum, which makes it easier
- One hour before the procedure don't eat anything.
It is also worth washing the area of the perineum with soap. And use clean latex gloves to prevent infection.
How to do prostate massage on your own?
If diagnosed with prostatitis, then massage is included in the treatment plan. That massage helps to get rid of congestion in the prostate. Urologists are confident that self-massage improves blood circulation in the body and helps to recover much faster. But everything must be done correctly.
It is believed that a man cannot make a prostate massage on his own due to anatomical features. However, this is not so, you can fully master the technique of self-massage. But you need some plastic.
Self-massage is done like this:
- first, a cleansing enema with water or a decoction of chamomile;
- then wash the area of the perineum with soap;
- take a comfortable posture (standing, legs crossed, lying on its side, knees drawn up to the stomach, kneeling, etc.);
- put on a glove and feel the organ with your finger, then begin to gently massage it.
Usually 10 massage sessions are prescribed with a break of one day. Sensations can be both pleasant and not very.
If you do everything right, then there should not be any unpleasant sensations from the massage. Moreover - no acute pain!
Prostate massage at home for a husband to kick with a finger: technique
Prostate massage can be not just a therapeutic event, but deliver real pleasure to a man, improve his erection and sexual activity. If the wife learns the technique of such massage, the husband will be delighted.
The technique of such a massage is simple:
- it is necessary to apply a lubricant to the area of the anus and to the inserted finger;
- carefully insert the finger (nails should be short-cropped) to a depth of 4-5 cm, until a small tubercle is felt;
- during careful and rhythmic pressure on the prostate, it is worth doing a massage of the penis to increase pleasure.
You can combine massage with oral caresses, hand stimulation. You must carefully grasp the sensations of a man during prostate stimulation, monitor his facial expressions.
An indicator of the correct massage is an erection in men. He should only experience good feelings. Massage lasts no more than 2 minutes. But it is advisable to do it every day without a break for two weeks. However, with an interval of one day is also acceptable.
The most comfortable postures for the procedure
The pose should be comfortable, for this you have to work out to choose the best option. The main thing is that it is convenient for a man, as well as a woman, to correctly determine the location of the prostate gland.
Usually this:
- “doggy” pose on knees and elbows;
- lying on his stomach and legs apart;
- leaning on the table and arched a little back.
In order for a man to relax and not strain, it is better to start with a massage of the shoulders, back, buttocks. And gradually move into the anus, not forgetting to lubricate this sensitive area with grease.
When choosing an intimate lubricant, you should pay attention to the fact that it was specifically designed for the anus. And it is better if there are no different fragrances and other extraneous additives.
Contraindications and harm from prostate massage
Massage helps prevent prostatitis, or quickly cure an existing ailment. And it can be just an element of pleasure, part of the intimate game of the spouses. However, do not forget that there is the benefit and harm of prostate massage, like any other massage in principle.
When is it better not to resort to such manipulation:
- acute cystitis;
- difficulty urinating
- hemorrhoids;
- adenoma;
- acute stage of prostatitis.
In general, before starting an independent session at home, you should consult a doctor. He will not only determine the possibility of such a procedure, but also tell you how to do this massage correctly. Because, improper actions during this manipulation can also do harm instead of good. Or be of little effect.
What beginners need to know
If you have never done such a massage before, then you should look at special literature or videos on how to do it all right.
It is also worth knowing some anatomical features. For example, the prostate has a rounded shape, the size of a walnut. It is located about 4-5 centimeters from the anus. This gland is very sensitive, so it must be massaged very gently and carefully.
When a man is stressed, massage can cause pain. So, first of all, you need to relax. Then there will be benefits and pleasure from such a massage.
With a very active massage, an undesirable reaction such as the appearance of antigens in the blood can occur. This happens after severe pain caused by improper massage.
Perhaps you should entrust the procedure to an experienced specialist, and not risk it yourself.
If a man has pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum, perineum, if there is a frequent violation of erection and urination, it may be prostatitis. In the acute course of the disease, massage only hurts. Therefore, you should definitely go to the doctor. And only he has the right to prescribe prostate massage.