The three most important areas of use of fruits and seeds of grapes: food, medical and cosmetic. The properties and application of grape seed oil are best known in cosmetology and cooking. The seeds contain omega (ω) –3,6,9 unsaturated fatty acids, flavonoids, vitamins necessary for the skin and the whole body.
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Benefits for facial skin - methods and recipes for use
Due to its characteristic color, natural grape seed oil has received the unofficial name of “green gold”. Viscous emerald liquid contains physiologically active substances, has cosmetological and medicinal properties. The tool is quickly absorbed, after its application there is no unpleasant sensation of oily epidermis.
The main advantages of using grape seed oil for the face:
- contribute to exfoliation of dead cells, renewal of the epidermis;
- dissolves sebum-keratin plugs in the pores (open comedones);
- prevents the formation of wrinkles, age spots;
- stimulates blood circulation in small vessels;
- intensively moisturizes and softens the skin;
- normalizes the secretion of sebum;
- soothes inflammation.
Useful properties are manifested when using oil in its pure form, as well as when introduced into creams, gels for the face and body, including anti-aging effect.
Antioxidants in the composition of the product, such as tocopherols and provitamin A, prevent the destruction of cell membranes under the action of free radicals. The elasticity of the skin increases, the spots brighten, the scars that remain after the healing of acne and other injuries are smoothed out.
The product in its pure form is used for a cosmetic mask 2-3 times a week. The best result is obtained after a thorough cleansing of the face with a scrub. Then apply the product on warm, moist skin for 15-25 minutes. To better moisturize the dry epidermis, soak a cotton pad with warm water and oil, and then wipe the skin.
Green Gold mixes well with various cosmetic products in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture for problematic skin is prepared from two oils - grape seed and avocado (1: 1). Add a few drops of one of the essential oils (chamomile, lemon, rosemary) to 1 tbsp. l base composition. Apply to face, remove after 30 minutes with a soft cloth.
To combat facial wrinkles and restore collagen threads, a mixture of grape oil and jojoba is used. Apply the product with your fingertips on clean skin, leave for 10 minutes, and then remove the residues with a napkin. The tool can be enriched with 1-2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.
Natural product obtained from grape seed, supports local immunity, accelerates regeneration. Used to heal damage after shaving, sunburn. You can soak a bandage or a strip of cloth, apply to the affected area under a bandage.
How to use for hair?
The tool smoothes the strands along the entire length and gives a lively shine, moisturizes dry tips, and prevents the destruction of roots. With proper use, the structure is restored, hair growth is accelerated. Regular use of grape seed oil helps with dry and oily seborrhea, dandruff, baldness.
The effect manifests itself after the first application of the product. If necessary, take a break for several weeks, then perform the procedure again.
Grape seed oil for hair is applied to the roots, rubbed with the fingertips, left for several hours (or all night). Then wash your hair with warm water with shampoo. Or carefully lubricate the roots and evenly distribute along the entire length of the strands. Regular execution of the procedure will allow you to enjoy life without itching of the scalp, excessive hair loss and splitting of the ends.
A liquid remedy is better if applied to previously washed and dried hair. The oil should be heated to 40 ° C, but not more. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to cover the head with a plastic cap and a towel. After an hour, you need to wash your hair again. The procedure is performed once a week.
Hair conditioner can be prepared from a mixture of grape and olive oils (can be replaced with almond, burdock, castor) in a ratio of 3: 1. The resulting liquid is slightly heated in the microwave, then applied along the entire length of the strands. Leave the product for 3 hours, then wash your hair thoroughly.
How to take orally?
Grapes - a fruit as ancient as the whole history of man. One berry of golden, red or purple color contains from 1 to 5 seeds. In each of them, up to 20% are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not synthesized by the human body. In addition, there are tocopherols, beta-carotene, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins - strong antioxidants.
The ingestion of grape seed oil contributes to the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases:
- cholecystitis, hepatitis, fatty liver;
- gastritis, gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis;
- heart failure;
- atherosclerosis;
- dermatitis;
- hemorrhoids;
- varicose veins;
- thrombosis
- arthritis.
The composition of the peel of red grapes contains polyphenol resveratrol. Its many positive qualities are “inherited” by juice and wine, but not oil.
Daily ingestion of 1 tsp. natural "green gold" reduces the risk of vascular disease. The ingredients of the drug reduce the fragility of the walls of blood vessels, prevent the development of phlebitis and thrombophlebitis.Manufacturers recommend taking oil 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals: 2 tsp. adults, 1 tsp to children. The daily dose should not exceed 30 ml.
Vitamin E improves the female reproductive system and helps reduce discomfort during PMS and menopause. Favorable effect of grape oil on the male body: contributes to the process of spermatogenesis, improves the functioning of the prostate gland, erectile function.
Grape seed oil normalizes stool and helps restore intestinal microflora. You can add the product to salads, first and second courses, dress boiled vegetables.
Making grape seed oil at home
Grape seeds at the plants are extracted from squeezed, processed by cold pressing and chemical extraction. At home, these methods cannot be applied without special equipment.
Self-receiving tinctures of grape seed in sunflower oil:
- The seeds are extracted from the berries in any convenient way, quickly dried in the oven at 60 ° C, grind in a coffee grinder.
- Pour the seeds in a glass bowl with refined sunflower or olive oil.
- The ratio of the components is 1:10 or 1: 5.
- Insist in a dark place for 1 month.
- Shake the mixture daily.
- Or a jar of seeds and oil is heated in a saucepan with water like a water bath for 2 hours, mixed with a wooden spatula.
- Filter the mixture, squeeze the bones and combine with the liquid.
- Leave for a day, then pour a clear, yellowish-green liquid on top.
- Once again, fill the bottom sediment with vegetable oil, and repeat steps 4–8.
Oil tincture of grape seed has a pleasant, slightly sour taste, "nutty" smell. You can take the drug inside, use externally for skin care.
Which oil to choose - food or cosmetic?
The largest percentage of fatty acids is found in the seeds of grapes grown in the south. If the raw materials are processed industrially, then 50 kg of seeds are obtained from 500 kg of berries. The oil yield is 1 liter with 12% fat in the seeds.
The cheapest is a dark technical oil with high acidity, unsuitable for food and cosmetic use. This variety is made from squeezed (waste juice and wine production). For culinary and cosmetic purposes, oil obtained by cold pressing dried grape seeds is used. The method is expensive, and the price of the finished product is relatively high.
The chemical extraction method provides a good oil yield. The final product can be used in food and for cosmetic purposes. However, this oil is contaminated with foreign substances. This is a cheap product that is not recommended for use as a therapeutic agent.
The problem is that not all manufacturers indicate the method of receipt. If it is not written on the packaging how the raw materials are processed, then it can be assumed that the extraction was carried out using chemicals.
When choosing, you can focus on prices, manufacturers. Cold pressed product is a relatively expensive product.
In Europe, 250 ml of natural oil will cost about 15 euros. The American manufacturer Life Flo Health produces 473 ml bottles for food and cosmetic purposes ($ 15.97). On the packaging of the product for universal use should be indicated "Cold extraction". The price of a bottle of 500 ml of food fluid from grape seed of the Italian company Biologicoils, in terms of Russian rubles is 340 rubles.
The price of 100% cosmetic oil produced in Russia varies from 40 rubles per 30 ml to 185 rubles per 50 ml. On the package it may be indicated that this is an “Emulsion of Vegetable Oils”, that is, it was not cold pressed, but another method.
Problems with the skin and hair, in which the product is applied externally:
- early wrinkles;
- hair loss;
- scars and scars;
- dry skin;
- cracked lips;
- acne;
- dandruff.
Most reviews of the cosmetic use of grape oil for different skin types are positive. Before using the product for therapeutic purposes, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
- Yulia