Many people perceive bright burgundy inflorescences of amaranth only as an element of decorative design of flower beds and garden plots. And they don’t even realize that amaranth oil has great healing potential.
It is no exaggeration to say that this product is one of the most valuable among plant analogues, since its composition can improve well-being in almost any human disease.
Material Content:
Chemical composition
The history of the study and application of amaranth by people is replete with conflicting facts. In the historical homeland of the plant, in South America, amaranth flour, obtained from ground seeds, for many centuries was the main source of protein and was used for baking bread and cooking all kinds of dishes.
But when amaranth seeds came to Europe, its nutritional value was ignored. And if in Mexico and Peru the plant was called the “golden grain of God”, then in Spain amaranth was planted in flower beds for many years as an ornamental culture.
Our compatriots were able to evaluate the beneficial properties of amaranth oil in the last century. Today, a valuable product is successfully used in medicine - for the treatment of diseases, and in cosmetology - as one of the most effective herbal remedies with healing and anti-aging potential.
Useful material
The healing power and benefits of amaranth oil is due to its chemical composition:
- linolenic acid is a substance from the group of essential omega-3 fatty compounds. It supports metabolism, prevents the occurrence of oxidative processes in cell membranes, improves vision, stimulates brain activity;
- linoleic acid - complex lipids from the Omega-6 compound group. Restores the functionality of cells, provides fat burning, suppresses malignant processes;
- palmitic acid - helps restore epidermal cells. Recommended for external use;
- oleic acid is a monounsaturated compound from the Omega-9 group. Lowers blood cholesterol, provides the body with energy;
- stearic acid is a fatty lipid compound that provides hydration and protection of the epidermis. It is applied externally;
- carotenoids, vitamins of groups B, E, PP, C and D, necessary for the full functioning of cells;
- amino acids that are not produced by the human body are a source of protein, with the help of it the body synthesizes cells, supports metabolic processes and preserves the structure of muscle tissue;
- phytosterols are compounds that destroy bad cholesterol. Slow down the growth of tumors, and prevent the appearance of new formations. Contribute to the synthesis of collagen;
- trace elements that have a healing effect on all body systems - calcium, copper, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, sodium;
- flavonoids, pectins, biogenic amines - substances with a high level of biological activity. The most pronounced healing effect is provided by squalene, an antioxidant with unique healing characteristics.
The entire medicinal potential of the plant is accumulated in the amaranth oil extract, so its use brings maximum benefits to the health of the body.
Useful properties of amaranth oil
The healing properties of amaranth oil are relevant in the treatment of most known diseases.
Plant oil extract:
- It has an antioxidant effect, protects the body about the influence of free radicals, as well as the effects of radiation and radiation damage, and prevents the formation of oncological processes;
- strengthens the immune forces, strengthens the body, rejuvenates;
- supports the structure of bone and cartilage tissues, helps restore mobility in the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
- normalizes the functionality of the nervous system, helps withstand psychoemotional stress. It is prescribed for neurosis, depression, dementia, dystonia;
- improves digestion, eliminates congestion in the intestines, stimulates peristalsis, removes toxins. Recommended for diet;
- cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol, restores the qualitative composition of blood, prevents the development of vascular and cardiac pathologies;
- improves vision, saturates the eyeball capillaries with active oxygen. It is used in the treatment of cataracts, conjunctivitis, retinopathy, blepharitis;
- destroys microbes, stops inflammatory processes. It is recommended for use in infectious and viral diseases, as well as lesions of the oral cavity and nasopharynx;
- accelerates the healing of any skin lesions, regardless of their etiology.
Besides, amaranth oil is successfully used to restore the health of postoperative patients.
For women
The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of amaranth oil can reduce the time of recovery in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Amaranth seed oil is successfully used for infertility, and also provides a pronounced therapeutic result in the treatment of cystitis, vaginitis, ovarian cysts, cervical erosion and fibroids.
In addition, the use of the product allows you to normalize the level of hormones and make you feel better on the days preceding your period, during pregnancy, during the menopause.
For men
The healing possibilities of amaranth oil are also applicable to improving men's health. Due to the ability to normalize the functions of the genitourinary system, the product has a powerful effect in the treatment of pathologies of the prostate gland, infertility, prostatitis and sexual impotence.
It is characteristic that long-term use of amaranth oil not only restores the functioning of the genitourinary organs, but also normalizes urine analysis.
Use in medicine, how to take in the treatment of diseases
To take full advantage of the healing potential of the plant, you need to understand how to take amaranth oil for various diseases.
For the purpose of prevention or for the treatment of pathologies, amaranth oil can be used:
- as an internal remedy - up to three tablespoons on an empty stomach, thirty minutes before breakfast or during meals. The minimum recommended volume during the course of treatment is a liter. The total annual volume is four liters;
- outwardly. Swabs with oil at night - vaginally, in the treatment of female gynecological diseases, or rectally in the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The course of treatment is a month;
- to heal damage to the epidermis and with dermatological lesions applied to the skin twice a day, rubbing with light movements.
When choosing amaranth oil, it is necessary to take into account that a high-quality product is obtained using the cold-pressed method - this is the only way to preserve its medicinal characteristics. The squalene content in this oil should not exceed 8%.
When losing weight
Due to the presence of monounsaturated fats in the composition, amaranth oil is recommended as a product for weight loss and diet food.
Oil exposure is expressed in:
- acceleration of metabolism;
- stimulation of muscle growth with a decrease in the density of the fat layer;
- improving digestive processes and removing substances that clog the intestines;
- burning excess calories;
- a long feeling of satiety, by providing the body with a large amount of nutrients.
Putting amaranth oil in the diet allows you to not only lose kilograms, but also fills the body with strength and energy.
The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology
The use of amaranth oil for cosmetic purposes provides healing and rejuvenation of the skin and hair, restores damaged cells.
Amaranth oil for face
The unique composition of the oil extract allows you to provide the necessary care for all types of facial skin. In this case, the product can be added to finished cosmetics, to prepare masks or compresses based on it.
A mask of amaranth oil, honey and egg yolk will help restore the freshness and tone of dry aging skin. Mix all components in the same volume, apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse and moisturize with cream.
To soften the epidermis, the oil extract is applied directly to the skin, and then coated with a layer of nourishing cream.
To normalize oily skin, the following mask composition is recommended - two tablespoons of amaranth oil, two tablespoons of orange juice, a few drops of lemon juice.
What is good for hair
The use of masks with amaranth oil allows you to quickly restore tired hair strength, shine and silkiness. Such procedures are especially useful for dull, brittle and dry hair after dyeing or perming.
To strengthen the hair bulb - make a mixture of two tablespoons of amaranth oil, one avocado and a spoon of honey. The mask is kept on the hair for twenty minutes and washed off in the usual way.
To restore shine - several liters of live beer are mixed with one spoon of amaranth oil, a spoon of lemon juice and one yolk. The mixture is used to rinse hair. And in order to neutralize the beer smell, after the procedure, the ringlets are rinsed with clean water.
For dry and damaged hair - two tablespoons of honey and a spoonful of oil are heated in a water bath, applied to the hair and wrapped.After half an hour, the mask is washed off with a pH neutral shampoo.
An additional healing effect to the hair will be ensured by regular intake of amaranth oil extract with food.
Useful properties for the body
Amaranth extract has a restorative, healing and restorative effect on the body.
Beauticians recommend:
- apply oil to the skin before visiting a tanning bed, a beach or a walk to protect against ultraviolet radiation. It is characteristic that in contact with sunlight, squalene turns into vitamin D;
- make applications of oil and a few drops of lemon juice for weakened and brittle nails;
- use when performing massage procedures to stimulate metabolic processes;
- apply to nourish the skin of the hands and prevent its chapping;
- lubricate the soles of the feet to eliminate corns and roughened skin areas.
Also, the product removes irritations and rashes, heals wounds and scratches, stimulates the renewal of epidermal cells.
The use of amaranth oil for medicinal purposes is allowed from the age of 18 and can be limited in the presence of acute forms of gallstone and urolithiasis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.
With caution, take oil during pregnancy and lactation.
The development of adverse reactions with internal administration of the drug is extremely rare and, as a rule, is a consequence of individual sensitivity to the product.
For other categories of the population, the use of amaranth oil is a unique opportunity to restore health, youth and beauty.