A home mask from black dots is a simple method to eliminate cosmetic defects. In terms of effectiveness, folk remedies are not inferior to salon procedures. There are significant advantages to using home masks: they act less aggressively, do not leave visible marks and redness, are accessible to everyone and can be used as often as required.
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Mask from black dots at home
Home remedies are good in that most of them are universal and suitable for almost any type of skin. However, when choosing recipes, you should not close your eyes to individual characteristics.
For oily skin
Sebum or sebum is secreted due to the reduction of the finest smooth muscle fibers. Getting on the skin, it attracts a huge number of microorganisms, which, processing the secret, change its structure. Liquid flowing fat easily penetrates the pores. As a result of the addition of dirt and dust to it, ugly dark points are formed.
A mask for oily prone skin should contain an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial component. As well as a substance that will tone the pores, and prevent the accumulation of fat in them.
- Soda with shaving foam. Both components must be taken in equal proportions. Apply the paste on the face for 10-15 minutes. The skin can be nipped a little. Massage it with your fingertips 2-3 times during the entire procedure. Rinse off with warm water. Apply a moisturizer if necessary. Cleansing should be done once a week.
- Aloe and orange. It is necessary to break off the middle branch of the plant. Grind it with a meat grinder. Add 50 g of orange juice and two drops of tea tree essential oil to the gruel. Apply mass on face. Leave for half an hour. Wash off as usual with water. This procedure should be repeated no more than once every 3-4 days.
For dry skin
Comedones are formed from excess sebum. Therefore, black spots rarely appear on dry skin. The cause of their occurrence is not the amount of sebum, but the changes occurring in its structure.
Under the influence of hormonal factors, due to the characteristics of nutrition and for other reasons, the viscosity of the secretion increases. It is deposited in the pores and forms open comedones.
Dry skin is very fragile and requires delicate handling. It cannot be injured so as not to cause inflammation. Caring for it consists of three fundamentals: exfoliation, cleansing and moisturizing.
Mask of potato starch. To prepare the product, you need to take in equal proportions (for example, a teaspoon) starch, glycerin and lemon juice. Apply a cleansing mixture to the skin for 20 minutes. Wash, if necessary, moisturize your face with a nourishing cream.
For combination skin
Combination skin is characterized by the presence on the face of areas with a more intense release of fat. The reason for the appearance of comedones is still the same excess of fat.
When making masks, we adhere to the principles of oily skin care:
- cleansing;
- removal of inflammation;
- narrowing of pores;
- moisturizing.
Grapefruit and oatmeal. Measure out a quarter cup of grapefruit juice. It should be fresh and just wrung out. Add to it a tablespoon of small oatmeal. Let the mass stand for five minutes and apply on the face.
After 20 minutes, wash alternately first with warm, then cool water. After cleansing, moisturize the skin with cream.
We invite you to get acquainted with other recipes for popular home remedies. Most of them are suitable for all types of skin, but for some there are exceptions. Mask films should not be applied to the skin with capillaries closely adjacent to the surface.
Most funds should be used twice a week. Some are more aggressive, less often.
Black mask at home
Purchased black mask is not a cheap pleasure. But it can easily be replaced with a home remedy, with which you can achieve a similar result.
More materials:black mask from black dots at home
The mask is prepared on the basis of black cosmetic clay. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and is suitable as a means of combating acne on oily and mixed skin.
First you need to boil and cool to room temperature. Measure out a tablespoon of clay. Add 2 drops of tea tree oil to it. Stir in a teaspoon of natural vinegar. In the end, you need to add such an amount of water so that the mass acquires a creamy consistency.
The product is generously applied to the face. After 10 minutes, it is washed off with warm water. Soothe the skin with tonic and cream. The therapeutic effect is achieved in a month of regular procedures. The mask is made no more than twice every 10 days.
Activated Carbon Gel Mask
The mask from black dots with activated carbon is highly trusted. Its effect is comparable to the effect of an expensive cosmetic product, only it costs several times cheaper.
You will need:
- a tablespoon of gelatin;
- 3 crushed tablets of activated carbon;
- 2 tablespoons of milk.
Put everything in a bowl and heat in a water bath. When the gelatin dissolves, quickly apply the mask to the face until it has time to harden.
Smear from bottom to top. The layer should not be too dense, otherwise the effect will not work.
After 15-20 minutes, the film will dry out and it can be removed. Remove with light movements from the bottom up.
A mask with gelatin is carefully applied only to areas with black dots. Avoid contact with delicate skin under the eyes or around the mouth.Care is recommended to be repeated 1-2 times a week.
From soda to the face
For two tablespoons of baking soda, take a teaspoon of chopped oatmeal. The substance is slightly diluted with water to a mushy state. Apply liberally to the face, massaging the skin with your fingertips. Stand for 10 minutes. Wash off alternately with warm and cool water.
After cleansing, apply the cream. Do not try this product on dry skin, as soda is very dehydrating. In other cases, the procedure can be repeated no more than once every ten days.
Clay recipe
A universal remedy is prepared on the basis of white cosmetic clay. Take two tablespoons of the main ingredient. Add to it a tablespoon of pineapple freshly squeezed juice. Bring everything into a homogeneous mass. Add another spoonful of juice and mix thoroughly.
Refrigerate for five minutes. Prepare your skin. Dampen it with cool water. Apply the mask with gentle movements from bottom to top.
Hold on your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water. Finally, apply a tonic and moisturizer.
With egg
The mask film dries on the skin and is removed along with ugly comedones. She's just getting ready. It is necessary to split the egg. Beat the protein separately. Add a tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of lemon juice to the foam.
Set aside a bowl of contents for 5 minutes. After everything mixes and dissolves, apply the product for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water and proceed to hydration.
Kefir mask
The mask on kefir not only cleanses, but also deeply nourishes the skin, and also gives a whitening effect. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of kefir, where you need to add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and simple table salt (rock). If the mixture is thick, you can pour a little more kefir into it.
The mask is applied to the face in a circular motion. Leave no more than 15 minutes. We wash ourselves with warm water.
With honey and lemon
Honey well cleanses pores and relieves inflammation. Before applying to the face it must be melted in a water bath. In a warm product, add a teaspoon of lemon juice.
Apply to skin for 10 minutes. We wash ourselves with warm water. The mask tones and closes the pores.
From oatmeal and ground peas
Oatmeal masks rejuvenate the skin. Eliminate peeling. Remove excess fat. Together with peas, they saturate cells with minerals, fight the causes of acne.
To create a universal remedy, mix a spoonful of ground oatmeal and peas. The contents of the vitamin B2 ampoule are added to the bulk components. Bring the mixture to the desired consistency with water.
On the face they stand a quarter of an hour. You can wash your skin with a warm herbal decoction.
With aspirin
Aspirin is one of the most effective means of combating cosmetic imperfections. But it is not recommended to be applied on dry skin.
Grease can be cleaned every three days. After the mask, the face must be nourished with cream.
You will need three tablets of a known remedy. Add clean water to them drop by drop. After a while, the tablets will turn into a thick mass. Apply it with your fingertips to problem areas.
The mass freezes quickly. Face should be slightly sprayed with water. After 10 minutes, massage the skin and, making similar movements, completely wash off the mask.
The product leaves a scrub effect. Aspirin removes dead cells and gives the skin incredible smoothness.
Coffee face mask
The antioxidants contained in coffee keep the skin youthful. The tool removes swelling and has a slightly tightening effect. Small particles densely uncork pores, remove impurities.
You need to take a tablespoon of ground sleeping coffee. Melt a teaspoon of honey and add it to the base. To stir thoroughly. Treat problem areas with massaging movements. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. To wash.
Hydrogen peroxide
Peroxide is a well-known antiseptic. Dissolves fat. Use it carefully so as not to get a chemical burn.
Before use, test the product on a small area of the skin at the bend of the elbow. If redness does not appear within half an hour, you can proceed to face care.
The basis is taken a tablespoon of pea flour. Add 4 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 9 drops of ammonia to it. Wet the product with peppermint infusion (a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water) until a thick consistency is obtained.
The mask is applied in a circular motion like a scrub. The skin should be massaged for 3 minutes. Leave the face alone for another 5 minutes. We wash our face and be sure to treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory cream or ointment.
More than once a week, the procedure should not be repeated. Cleansing can only be done on oily and combination skin.
Bodybuilder Recipe
Body peeling should be done in the cold season, when the skin is less susceptible to ultraviolet rays. The tool causes temporary redness, so it is better to use it at night.
Bodyagi in combination with peroxide (in a ratio of 1: 2) removes the stratum corneum. After the mask, the skin will renew and peel off a little.
Dilute the powder with peroxide. Let him hiss. Spread the skin over the entire face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Use your fingertips to massage problem areas for 5 minutes. Wait another 10 minutes. The mask will pinch. Focusing on your feelings, add or decrease the waiting time.
Rinse off with cold water in a circular motion. Moisturize your face with cream. Do 6-8 procedures with a break per week. Be sure to notice the anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effect.
Black dots scrub mask
The scrub mask has a drying effect. Not recommended for skin prone to peeling. It can be repeated twice a week. It opens the pores, removes impurities and slightly whitens age spots.
Whisk protein with a teaspoon of lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of thick crystallized honey to the mixture. Rub the face with the product, avoiding the area around the eyes. Remove the mask after 15 minutes and douse your face with contrasting water.
Home treatments replace trips to the salon. You can resort to them at a convenient time. Funds prepared from simple ingredients do not lose in effectiveness to expensive cosmetic preparations. They are not always convenient to prepare and apply. But, using improvised products, you can save a lot of money.