Home recipes sometimes work much more efficiently than advertised cosmetics purchased. It is enough to open the refrigerator, in which, as a rule, there are always useful components for preparing the future remedy. For those who are in search of effective care, we suggest making a hair mask from mayonnaise, using the popular beauty recipes presented in this article.
Material Content:
- 1 The benefits of hair masks
- 2 Which is better to use mayonnaise
- 3 Options for mayonnaise masks at home
- 4 With olive oil to accelerate hair growth
- 5 With yeast to nourish the scalp
- 6 Mayonnaise mask for strengthening and hair growth
- 7 For oily and weakened hair with an egg
- 8 Mask for activating hair growth from mayonnaise and honey
The benefits of hair masks
We are used to seeing such a product as mayonnaise on the festive table, in the recipe for high-calorie dishes, but not in the makeup of hair cosmetics. But in vain, because home masks based on it can boast incredible nutritional and regenerative properties. This is because mayonnaise contains chicken yolks and vegetable oil, which have a beneficial effect on the structure of damaged hair.
Regular use of mayonnaise mask will provide your curls with the following care:
- the natural nutrients included in the base will prevent dryness and peeling of the scalp, thereby eliminating the frequent problem of dandruff;
- the active substances of the agent penetrate deep into the hair follicles, due to which the bulbs are strengthened;
- Despite the oily texture, the mask normalizes the production of sebaceous glands and reduces the amount of skin sebum.
In addition, the product is ideal for those girls who often expose their hair to harmful thermal effects.The constant use of a hair dryer and ironing leads to a subsequent violation of the integrity of the hair shaft. A mask of mayonnaise, due to its restoring effect, returns damaged curls and lost gloss to its curls.
Which is better to use mayonnaise
Of course, high-quality home hair care involves the use of products based on natural ingredients.
Note: in the store mayonnaise, in addition to the main ingredients, there are also preservatives hazardous to human health, food emulsifiers and other synthetic additives. Such a product is harmful both for ingestion and for use as a cosmetic product.
The best alternative is home-made mayonnaise. However, there is not always enough time left to engage in similar culinary exercises. If you still decide to prepare a mask based on a store-bought product, then when choosing mayonnaise, do not forget to pay attention to its shelf life and the ingredients that make up it. Try to avoid harmful fragrances and preservatives that adversely affect the condition of already damaged hair.
Options for mayonnaise masks at home
Here are some of the most effective ways to make homemade mayonnaise masks. The effect of the finished product will depend on the additional components included in the formulation, selected taking into account the characteristics of various types of hair.
With olive oil to accelerate hair growth
Ideal for dry, weakened curl structure. The mask has a nourishing and moisturizing effect, and also eliminates the static effect, making the strands smoother and more manageable. For cooking, you need to prepare 50 g of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of olive oil in advance. The components are thoroughly mixed in any convenient bowl, after which the resulting mixture is applied to the scalp, distributing the mask along the entire length of the hair. The exposure time of the mixture is 30-40 minutes. After this period, the head is thoroughly washed with a cleansing shampoo.
Note: the active components of the mask penetrate as deep as possible into the structure of the hair shaft, if you put a plastic hat on your head and wrap your head with a bath towel on top. This creates an additional greenhouse effect, due to which the effect of the mixture will increase several times.
With yeast to nourish the scalp
Each of us has faced the problem of dandruff at least once in a lifetime. The main reason is not always lies in the excessive dryness of the scalp. As a rule, seborrheic dermatitis develops against the background of impaired functioning of the sebaceous hair follicles.
A mayonnaise mask with yeast normalizes the production of glands, thereby preventing the further formation of dandruff. To begin with, ordinary dry yeast (2 tsp) is dissolved in warm water. Then, when the mixture rises “cap” well, add a tablespoon of mayonnaise and one egg yolk to it. The mixed mixture is used before washing the hair, leaving the applied composition for one hour.
Mayonnaise mask for strengthening and hair growth
For girls who want to grow a long braid to the waist, a homemade mask for hair growth on mayonnaise with mustard is useful. It should immediately be warned that funds based on mustard can cause a fairly strong burning sensation. However, it is thanks to this effect that blood flow is ensured, due to which the work of the bulbs is stimulated.
Mustard and mayonnaise are mixed in proportions of 1: 2. Pre-mustard powder is poured with warm water until a creamy consistency is formed, after which mayonnaise is added to the mixture. The resulting mass is applied exclusively to the scalp, without affecting the main hair length. At first use, the duration of the mask is no more than 5 minutes. If the sensations are tolerable, you can increase the exposure time to 10-15 minutes.
For oily and weakened hair with an egg
Eggs in homemade hair care products have been used since ancient times. Valuable substances in the composition have high biological activity. Vitamin E is especially beneficial for the condition of the hair, which, in addition to its moisturizing properties, has a powerful antioxidant effect. Do not forget that under the influence of hot water, protein coagulates, so masks with eggs and mayonnaise must be washed off with exceptionally cool water.
At the initial stage, one chicken egg is mixed with a tablespoon of mayonnaise. You can give the resulting composition a pleasant aroma by adding a few drops of essential oil. Owners of oily hair are advised to use lemon or grapefruit essential oil. The finished mask is applied to dry unwashed hair. After 40 minutes, the composition is washed off with cool water and rinsed with shampoo.
Read also:mustard hair mask - recipe
Mask for activating hair growth from mayonnaise and honey
The presented recipe will not only accelerate hair growth, but also help you get rid of hated dandruff. Mayonnaise is combined with aloe juice in equal amounts, after which a teaspoon of honey is added. Mix the components and gently massage the rubbed mixture into the scalp. If desired, you can process the entire length of the hair.
Strengthen the effect of a home mask by adding bay oil to the composition. Many have heard about the benefits of this miracle cure. Only two drops of oil are able to activate the rapid growth of new hair and prevent the loss of existing head. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes.
In conclusion, I would like to recall that the visible recovery effect is noticeable only with the systematic use of home recipes. Owners of dry brittle strands are advised to carry out the procedure at least 2 times a week. If you are not lazy and regularly pamper your hair with nutritious mayonnaise masks, after a few applications you will notice the incredible smoothness of healthy curls.