Ginger is a herbaceous plant with about 140 varieties. Asia is homeland, but it is grown in different regions of the world. The root of the plant, which has interesting, bizarre forms, is used in food. In this regard, it is also called the "horned root", the plant benefits just the same in it. They are used fresh, but pickled ginger with a peculiar flavor, in harmony with sushi and other dishes, is the best.
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Useful properties of pickled ginger
The plant has a large number of minerals. Frequent use helps to reduce stress, prevent nervous shock, fear. In addition, pickled ginger increases sexual desire and prolongs youth.
Useful properties of the root are:
- decrease in blood cholesterol;
- inhibition of aging processes;
- digestion recovery;
- prevention of malignant tumors;
- treatment of headaches (has analgesic properties);
- therapy of dermatological disorders (acne, acne);
- inhibition of the gag reflex;
- helps with pathologies of the respiratory tract, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza (has anti-inflammatory effect);
- boosts immunity;
- removes harmful substances from the body;
- strengthens hair;
- used for the preventive purposes of rheumatism, arthritis;
- eliminates bacteria from the oral cavity;
- improves potency.
What is pickled ginger good for? The active components of the pickled root improve blood circulation and remove oxygen deprivation of the brain, and this favorably manifests itself in working capacity.
Benefits for women
During menstrual pain, or with menopause, the spice has an analgesic and calming effect. Helps restore hormonal balance. Rejuvenates and increases skin elasticity. Effective in chronic inflammatory processes of the genital organs, against adhesions.
The plant has vitamins, lipids, essential oils. It has an antiseptic effect, helps to cope with pathogenic intestinal microflora.
Benefit for men
In the East, ginger is a male herb, spice. Able to normalize blood circulation in the pelvis, provoking a rush to the penis, stimulates potency, renews energy and helps to treat prostatitis.
Pickled Ginger during Pregnancy
Ginger when carrying a child is a good tool that helps strengthen the immune system, protects the female body from possible infections, viruses. Used to eliminate toxicosis. The plant helps to normalize digestion, improve appetite.
However, it is necessary to include it in the diet with caution, in a small amount and not every day. Since pickled ginger has a milder taste than fresh, and it can be eaten more than is permitted, and this will adversely affect the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.
In the fight against heartburn, nausea during toxicosis, you can prepare a decoction. It will take a little grated root, which is placed in a thermos and pour boiling water (preferably in the evening), insist. In the morning, they drink on an empty stomach in small sips, previously diluted with boiled water. You can add a little honey.
The benefits of losing weight
A drink from ginger root tones well, cleanses the body of harmful toxins, improves immunity. Its constant use helps to eliminate excess weight in the area of problem areas, normalizes the general condition.
The recipe is quite simple:
- 1 tsp put the crushed fresh root in a thermos, add boiling water;
- insist, eat before meals throughout the day;
- 2 cloves of garlic can be placed in the drink - this will increase its effect;
- in order to lose weight, you need to take at least 2 liters of such fluid per day.
To achieve the desired result in combination with spice, it is good to use low-calorie foods. For example, red fish replenishes the body with essential fatty acids for proper functioning, and also increases metabolic processes, which leads to the burning of fats.
Pickled Ginger Cooking
The root crop is one of the main components of the spices of many culinary specialists. Unsurpassed aroma, ardent taste can be felt in sweet desserts, fragrant teas. In addition, they began to put it in soups, various snacks, salads, vegetable, meat food.
In cooking, it is used as a fresh product or in powder form. Fresh root is best used for teas, desserts, and powder can be used for other dishes.
Taste qualities of raw root are the most burning, pronounced than the powder form.
Ginger is added to such dishes:
- fish, meat dishes;
- stewed fruit, jelly, marmalade;
- different cereals;
- sauces, preservation;
- baked game;
- candied fruit, etc.
Ginger perfectly emphasizes the smack of cheese, vegetables, pumpkin, mushrooms. It is an integral component of curry spice, can be supplemented in kvass, sbitni.
How to pickle ginger at home?
The easiest and most common is the recipe for pickled ginger at home.
The first recipe:
- 300 g of ginger root must be cleaned of the upper skin, rinse well.
- Separately, pour half a glass of dry wine (preferably pink) into the pan, 1 tbsp. l with a hill of sugar, wine vinegar 100 ml, mix everything thoroughly.If desired, 30 g of vodka can be added to the marinade (this will speed up the pickling process).
- Bring the composition to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Place the root of the plant, chopped in pieces, previously dried on a towel, into the pan.
- Insist for 4-7 days and the marinade is ready.
- Put in the refrigerator, you can use it every day.
The second recipe:
- It will take 160 g of root, which is cut into small slices.
- It is placed in a ceramic bowl.
- Added 3 tbsp. l sugar, ¼ stack. rice vinegar, 2 tsp. salt.
- The brine should be brought to a boil, removed from the stove and cover with ginger.
- After cooling, the container is placed in the refrigerator. The recipe will be ready in 7 hours.
Japanese cooking recipe
In Japan, ginger is a ubiquitous plant, added to many dishes. They have a method of pickling somewhat similar to the above.
- It will take 250-300 g of ginger, the upper skin is removed, washed.
- In another dish, 0.5 cups of rose or plum wine, a spoonful of sugar, 100 ml su (rice vinegar) and about 30 g sake (weak Japanese vodka) are added, mixed.
- Put on fire, heated to a boil, removed. The composition combines with slightly chopped ginger.
- After a week, you can use it. Keep refrigerated.
Pink Pickled Ginger
For cooking, it is better to use last year's root crops. They have the greatest rigidity and a rich shade.
- First you need to prepare root crops: wash and clean 600 g of roots. Cut into thin slices and boil in salted water for a couple of minutes.
- For the marinade, combine 100 ml of red wine, 60 g of vodka, 6 tbsp. l Sahara. Heat until liquefied. Then add 300 ml of rice vinegar, boil and remove.
- Put slices of ginger in a jar, add with marinade, close the container well.
- Cool, refrigerate. After 5 days, the pickled root crop will be ready.
Red wine will give the root vegetable a pink color. The prepared recipe can be added to sushi, fish dishes.
Contraindications and possible harm
Despite the fact that dishes with fresh or pickled ginger are very useful, there are still some contraindications that can harm the human body.
The product should not be used for:
- high pressure;
- an allergic reaction to ginger or the components of the marinade;
- lactation, the last trimester of pregnancy (spicy seasonings can negatively manifest on health);
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- experienced stroke, heart attack;
- gastrointestinal pathologies;
- viral hepatitis;
- diabetes (due to the presence of sugar) is allowed in very small quantities.
Ginger, even for a healthy person, should be used in moderation. When eating a large number of pickled plants, vomiting, nausea, allergies, heartburn, diarrhea can form.
Regular use of ginger root helps save a person from diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory system. It copes with excess weight perfectly, during seasonal colds it is good to use as a prophylaxis.