Even the most sophisticated gourmet will not resist the appetizing smell of barbecue, especially if it is made from the most tender rabbit meat, and the marinade for the rabbit in the oven is prepared according to one of the recipes below. And it doesn’t matter if you have a barbecue in the country at your disposal or a home oven - success is guaranteed if you have correctly marinated the meat.
The basis of the marinade, which can make diet rabbit meat surprisingly aromatic and tasty, is most often chosen whey, olive oil, wine, soy sauce, sour cream. A set of spices is determined by personal addictions, but a rare marinade will do without bay leaves, onions and black pepper.
Material Content:
Oven marinade with sour cream for a rabbit
A rabbit cooked in dishes, foil, a baking sleeve, with vegetables or mushrooms, in sour cream or cream, is always an exquisite dish worthy to take the main place in the holiday menu. Marinade always gives special tenderness and sophisticated taste.
Recipe with Wine Vinegar or Citric Acid
The rabbit baked in the oven is a delicacy for all time. But before you coat the carcass with sour cream, cover with vegetables or mushrooms, and send to the oven, the meat is pickled.
To pickle one rabbit weighing up to 2 kg, you will need:
- liter of cold water;
- wine vinegar (citric acid) - 1 teaspoon;
- 1 large onion head;
- of spices necessarily salt, black pepper, and others to taste;
- from greens to choose a little thyme or basil, parsley and dill.
How to cook:
- Vinegar (citric acid) is added to the water.
- With a mixture of finely chopped herbs and spices, grate the meat (whole carcass or sliced pieces).
- Onion rings over meat.
- To fill with water.
The meat is pickled from 3 hours to 6, and then put in the oven.
Sour cream and garlic recipe
This recipe is preferred by those who like to bake a rabbit in foil.
Ingredients (based on one carcass):
- sour cream (fat content is not important) - 200 ml;
- garlic - 2-3 cloves .;
- salt pepper.
How to cook:
It is advisable to pre-soak the meat for 2-3 hours, periodically changing the water.
- Cut the carcass into pieces.
- Grate gruel from finely chopped or crushed garlic with spices.
- Dip the pieces of meat in sour cream. The higher the percentage of fat content of sour cream, the more tender the taste. But those who does not eat fatty foods, you can replace sour cream with yogurt.
Close the dish tightly and keep it in the cold for three to four hours.
Tasty recipe:rabbit in the oven
Soy Sauce Marinade
Ingredients (per carcass):
- soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
- it is important to remember that the sauce is quite salty, so there is very little salt, or you can completely refuse it;
- black pepper;
- other spices based on personal preferences.
- Combine all the marinade components, mix thoroughly, generously coat rabbit meat, cover the container.
- Put all night in a cold place.
- In the morning, everything is ready for baking with sour cream in the oven. This marinade is especially good for baking a rabbit in a sleeve.
For cooking smoked rabbit
For lovers of smoked meats, there is an interesting marinade recipe that gives a surprisingly bright taste to tender rabbit meat.
Ingredients (per carcass):
- water - 3 l;
- salt - 7 tablespoons;
- sugar - 1.5-2 tsp;
- garlic - 7 cloves;
- spices (pepper, bay leaf, for an amateur - coriander)
- Pour sugar, salt, finely chopped garlic, spices into water at room temperature.
- Stir until the salt and sugar dissolve.
- Rub the carcass with marinade and put on the shelf of the refrigerator for two days.
- After marinating the rabbit, we air it for at least 6 hours by hanging the carcass in the open air.
Now the rabbit is ready for smoking.
Delicious rabbit barbecue marinade
What a picnic without barbecue! If you are not comfortable with fatty pork or lamb, diet rabbit meat is an excellent option for a delicious analogue. Barbecue marinade recipe for rabbit meat.
Tasty recipe:how to cook a rabbit
- sour cream - 500 ml;
- onion - 4 pcs.;
- garlic - half a head;
- tomato - one large or a couple of small;
- salt - 1 tsp;
- pepper;
- favorite spices.
How to cook:
- Cut or squeeze the garlic through a press. Add spices with garlic and spices to sour cream and mix.
- Cut the tomato and peeled onions into rings.
- Coat the pieces of meat thoroughly with sour cream marinade, add the rings of vegetables to the same container, mix.
- Keep at least 4 hours in the refrigerator.
- When stringing pieces of meat, do not forget to mix them with onions and tomato rings.
Marinate in olive oil with garlic
Time-tested and already become a classic recipe for which the following ingredients are needed:
- oil - 50 ml;
- garlic - two strong heads;
- greens (thyme, tarragon, parsley, basil);
- salt and black pepper.
How to cook:
- Generously coat rabbit meat with salt and pepper.
- Crush greens, and squeeze garlic cloves through a press.
- Add garlic and greens to the oil, grate the meat with this mixture.
- Keep cool for about four hours.
A variant of this recipe allows you to squeeze the juice of one lemon into the marinade.
Wine marinade for diet meat
A magnificent marinade is obtained on the basis of dry wine, red or white.
White wine and garlic in a rabbit meat marinade
The following components will be required:
- one head of onion and garlic;
- dry white wine - 500 ml;
- salt;
- spicy herbs (coriander, thyme, tarragon - to taste).
To cook, you need:
- Finely chop the garlic, or crush it, cut the onion into rings.
- Crush the herbs.
- Put all the ingredients in a bowl, pour the wine into the mixture, add salt and pepper. With insufficient volume, you can add 1 tbsp. warm water.
- The rabbit meat, poured with marinade, soak in the cold for a day, after which you can start cooking.
Meat pickled according to this recipe is not fried. For frying, instead of wine, it is recommended to use lemon juice (1 pc.).
Red wine in a rabbit meat marinade
- about 10 cloves of garlic;
- 1 red onion;
- dry red wine - 1 liter;
- parsley is required from greens, 1 bunch is enough;
- salt, black pepper.
- Finely chop the greens and garlic, peel and chop the onions in half rings.
- Add salt and pepper, pour wine into a container. Mix everything until the salt dissolves.
- Pour the meat and stand the night in the cold, after which you can start cooking.
Whatever culinary preferences you differ, but a rabbit cooked according to any of the proposed options will not leave you indifferent.