Delicious semolina cakes are an excellent breakfast even for children who do not like porridge, and an original treat for adults. The secret of this dish is in a delicious crust formed during frying.

Classic semolina little skirts, like in a kindergarten

Sweet semolina meatballs go well with any nuts, canned, dried, fresh fruits, berries.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 g semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 20 g flour;
  • 20 g of corn starch;
  • 2 g of salt;
  • 70 g of granulated sugar;
  • frying oil.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Milk is heated in a saucepan, salted, sugar.
  2. When the first bubbles appear on the surface of the milk, they send the groats into it with a thin stream, immediately stirring.
  3. Porridge is cooked on low heat until thickened (about 7 minutes), stirring regularly. Ready semolina cool.
  4. The eggs are stirred in a bowl with a fork and poured into a cold porridge.
  5. A little starch is introduced, stirred.
  6. After wetting the palms with cold water, medium sized meatballs are formed from the resulting mass.
  7. Semi-finished products roll in flour on all sides.
  8. The semolina porridge is fried on a minimal layer of oil in a pan without a lid.

If the semolina is cooked with lumps, you need to beat it with a blender: this will solve the problem and make the delicacy more tender.

How to cook with raisins in the oven?

The dessert is even more appetizing if you put raisins in the semolina base. If desired, you can replace it with other dried fruits.

Required Products:

  • 120 g semolina;
  • 1 egg
  • 1 g of vanillin;
  • 2 g of salt;
  • 60 g of wheat flour;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 100 g of raisins.

Cooking technology.

  1. The milk is brought to a boil, sugar, vanilla, salt, semolina are poured, continuously stirring.
  2. Porridge is cooked over low heat for 7–8 minutes.
  3. An egg is driven into the chilled porridge, sifted flour and raisins are poured.
  4. The basis for the meatballs is laid out in molds (preferably silicone).
  5. The dish is cooked in the oven at a temperature of 190 ° C for about 15 minutes (until the top is browned).
  6. The meatballs are removed from the molds only after complete cooling.

With curd filling

For breakfast or afternoon snack, you can mold delicious semolina meatballs, as in kindergarten, according to this recipe.

Necessary components:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 250 g of fat not grained cottage cheese;
  • 40 g of sugar;
  • 120 g semolina;
  • 30 g of sweet cream butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 g of vanillin;
  • cooking oil for frying.


  1. Cottage cheese is combined with half sugar and vanilla. If the mass is not completely homogeneous, beat it with a blender or grind it through a sieve.
  2. Semolina is gradually poured into boiling milk, the remaining sugar is added and boiled over moderate heat for 3 minutes.
  3. Semolina dough is mixed with butter and left to cool.
  4. Shake the egg separately and introduce it into the chilled porridge.
  5. Beat the second egg in another cup.
  6. Round beads are formed from the semolina base and lightly crushed to make bulky cakes.
  7. In the center of the workpiece put a little curd mass and connect the edges of the cake, as in the preparation of pies.
  8. Semi-finished products are coated with a beaten egg and fried in heated oil until a beautiful crust is obtained on each side.

Semolina with jelly

The dessert according to this recipe turns out to be so appetizing and tasty that even the choosiest in food kids ask for supplements.

Would need:

  • 200 g semolina;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 80 g of starch;
  • 2 fresh testicles;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 3 g of salt;
  • 300 g of any berries (fresh or frozen);
  • 1.5 liters of pure water;
  • cooking oil.

Step by step recipe.

  1. In salted and sugared milk, semolina is boiled for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Mix semolina with oil and leave in an open pan for cooling.
  3. The berries in the second pan are poured with water, covered with sugar and heated until boiling. Reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes, then with the help of a sieve remove the berries, and the acid base is again brought to a boil.
  4. Starch is diluted in 70 ml of water. The mixture without lumps is poured into a boiled berry broth. The liquid is quickly stirred and after 20 seconds removed from the stove.
  5. The cooled semolina is mixed with eggs.
  6. Bulk flat cakes are made of porridge, roll them in flour and fry on each side.
  7. The meatballs are laid out on plates and generously watered with warm jelly.

In a slow cooker

Such meatballs turn out to be not only tasty, but also useful, since in the process of steaming they preserve a beautiful color, shape and all the valuable elements.

Required Products:

  • 0.7 l of milk;
  • 250 g semolina;
  • 200 g breadcrumbs;
  • 3 g of salt;
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking steps.

  1. Milk is poured into the multicooker bowl, and the Multi-Cook mode (100 ° C) is set for 15 minutes.
  2. Before the milk boils, cereal, a third of the oil, and salt are added to it.
  3. The porridge is cooked for 3 minutes, then left in a closed multicooker for 20 minutes.
  4. An egg is driven into the porridge.
  5. Cakes are made from semolina and breaded in breadcrumbs.
  6. 500 ml of water is poured into the multicooker bowl.
  7. Bitochki spread in a steam container. They are cooked on the "Steaming" for 15 minutes.

On the water with cheese in the oven

When serving, this dish can be successfully supplemented with slices of boiled vegetables, slices of ham or boiled meat, greens.

Would need:

  • 150 g semolina;
  • 500 ml of purified water;
  • 150 hard cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 5 g of salt;
  • 2 g ground pepper;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g of white breadcrumbs.

Cooking technology.

  1. Thick semolina is boiled in salted water.
  2. Oil is added to the hot porridge, then the dish is cooled.
  3. Eggs are broken into semolina, grated cheese is poured, salted, and pepper.
  4. Semolina is placed in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.
  5. Beets are molded from the cold composition, rolled in a breading and baked for 20 minutes in a oven warmed to 180 ° C.

Bitters from semolina served immediately after cooking. A sweet dish is watered with condensed milk, a portion of sugared sour cream, honey or jam.Unsweetened meatballs go well with heavy cream, butter, sour cream sauces.