When a woman is expecting a baby, proper and nutritious nutrition becomes especially important for her. Sometimes you want to try tasty and juicy tangerines during pregnancy, but the question arises, is it possible to eat them?
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Is it possible to eat tangerines during pregnancy
Most often, gynecologists are allowed to eat citrus fruits. But the choice of fruits should be treated more carefully, buying only high-quality fruits brought from the southern regions of the country.
The use of tangerines within reasonable limits is useful, since a growing baby needs to receive a variety of nutrients for normal growth.
The tangerine pulp contains the following substances:
- Sahara;
- B vitamins, choline, carotenoids, vitamin C;
- mineral elements (Fe, P, Na, Ca, Mg, K);
- organic acids.
Essential oils give a special, pleasant aroma and taste to the fruit. The value of mandarins is a beneficial effect on appetite and metabolism. The pulp also contains volatile, destructive for microbes, so the desire to eat citrus during pregnancy is not a whim, but the need of the body.
Vitamin C in tangerines contains about 30 mg per 100 g, this is 1/3 of the daily intake. It is not surprising that pregnant women are so drawn to mouth-watering orange fruits. Ascorbic acid helps to overcome toxicosis in the early stages, prevents the development of anemia, gastrointestinal upset, allergies, depression.
The beneficial properties of citrus in the early stages
Doctors advise eating more tangerines in the first months of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the baby is formed.If the fruit is not allergic, they will be useful for the proper formation of the fetus.
Vitamins contained in tangerines will reduce the manifestations of early toxicosis and increase the resistance of a pregnant woman to various infections and viruses. Citrus essential oils will help maintain a good mood and overcome the anxieties characteristic of this period.
What fruit is useful in the second and third trimester
In the third trimester of pregnancy, tangerines are also useful.
Orange fruits contain substances necessary for the woman’s body:
- Folic acid (16 mcg per 100 g). This vitamin is necessary for the growth and development of the baby’s immune system. Without folic acid, proper cell division does not occur. It protects newly formed cells from damage within the nucleus.
- Pyridoxine (0, 078 mg per 100 g) is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system and the synthesis of serotonin - the hormone of joy.
- Calcium (37 mg per 100 g) protects bones and teeth from a decrease in density during pregnancy.
- Iron (0.15 mg per 100 g) is part of hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the whole body, including the baby. Therefore, it is important to maintain normal iron levels during pregnancy.
It is advisable to include fruits in the daily diet in moderation, so that the benefits of mandarins are fully manifested. As with the consumption of other fruits, you must follow the rules of separate nutrition - eat tangerines 1.5–2 hours after the main meal or 30 minutes before it.
Allergy Symptoms
Allergies to tangerines can occur in different ways. Its symptoms do not differ during pregnancy and in normal condition. It can be a stuffy nose, hives, itching and peeling, red spots on the skin.
During pregnancy, you need to pay special attention to this condition. It does not matter how the allergy manifests itself - if you want to sneeze or have red spots on the body, a woman needs to see a doctor.
Rhinitis during pregnancy can be associated with edema. This, in turn, leads to increased pressure, the development of preeclampsia.
The appearance of red spots on the skin during pregnancy can be associated not only with allergies, but also with the manifestation of hepatosis. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe special drugs that will help the liver work more properly.
Allergy treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. The gynecologist should be told about the ailment so that he advises a drug that can be taken during pregnancy.
The use of all antihistamines and vasoconstrictor drops is prohibited for up to 12 weeks. In the future, they can be used with great care, and only under the supervision of a doctor.
Possible harm from use
A contraindication to the use of mandarins is gastritis with high acidity and a stomach ulcer. Do not get carried away with fruits for problems with the liver, gall bladder and kidneys. Fasting citruses leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar, and can also cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Especially careful should be those women who were allergic to citrus before pregnancy. In this case, if you really want to eat a slice of fragrant orange mandarin, it is better to abstain, replacing citrus with a green apple, which is no less useful.
When choosing fruits in the store, you need to pay special attention to their quality. You can not buy unripe fruits with a green peel, with traces of spoilage or mold, dehydrated from long storage or too soft. Before you eat, citruses must be washed, they can be treated with chemicals before transportation or storage.
Drawn to tangerines? Signs
Trying to guess who will be born before the results of ultrasound diagnostics, expectant mothers and their relatives make assumptions about the sex of the unborn child.
There is such an omen when one wants to eat tangerines during pregnancy, pulls on fruits and sweets, there will be a girl, and if for meat, then a boy. However, this sign is not confirmed by the experience of many mothers.
Taste preferences during pregnancy are in no way related to the gender of the unborn child. The body of a woman requires products that contain substances necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, if you are very drawn to tangerines, you need to eat them, observing the measure and caution.