The pride of the progressive gardener is the cultivated modern types of raspberries, along with decorative bushes that create landscape compositions. This is not that wild raspberry whose overgrowth drowns out garden plantings, but a special, “diverse” one - red, yellow, orange and even black, bush and stump, with tassels of berries that are as fragrant and tasty as forest, combining utility and aesthetics.

The key to success is the right choice, suitable for the climate of the region and skillful caring care.

Varieties and types of berries

Thanks to the great work of breeders, more than 300 species (20 of which are grown in Russia) represent raspberry diversity, which differ in endurance, ripening, yield, with their drawbacks and advantages. To choose the right planting material for yourself, you need to familiarize yourself with the classification of raspberries.

Variety make up:

  • ordinary raspberries (traditional) - characterized by low soil and climatic conditions, giving numerous annual shoots that bear 2 years of life in the summer, but are low-yielding. Popular varieties: Sunny, Abundant, Early sweet, Meteor, Cumberland;
  • remontant raspberries - rapid ripening of fruitful buds, which contributes to flowering and fruiting in the first year of life even in the conditions of a short and cool autumn, the fruits of the second crop are larger and more fragrant than the first, ripen in August-September. Needs a warmer, sunny, protected from drafts location: Penguin, Hercules, Diamond, Golden Autumn;
  • raspberry-blackberry hybrids - combine the characteristics of both raspberries and blackberries, are characterized by cold resistance, non-raspberry (from raspberries), unpretentiousness, increased productivity (from blackberries), many varieties do not give root shoots, grown on trellises (Loganbury - fruit weight 5- 10 g, from one bush yield 5-7 kg; drought-resistant variety of Teyberry - fruit 5-7 g, productivity up to 9 kg);
  • decorative species with sourish few berries but fragrant flowers: raspberry (fragrant raspberry) - a shrub (1.5-2 m) with large maple-like leaves, fragrant flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, pink or purple, blooms from July to September; excellent raspberries - the Olympic Double variety begins to bloom in late May, the flowers are single, drooping, double (3 cm), the fruits are large, orange.

These varieties of raspberries are also distributed into numerous groups:

  • large-fruited and medium-fruited;
  • sweet and sweet and sour;
  • early ripening, mid-ripening, late;
  • frost-resistant or not winter-hardy.

On a branching bush with curved shoots or on a standard tree with different leaf shapes, there are single, gathered in a brush fruit-berries red, yellow, orange and other numerous shades.

Here, for example, the Ugolek variety of black raspberries has small berries weighing 2 g, a sweet and sour taste, ripen early and do not crumble, are stored for a long time, yield up to 6 kg. “Yellow giant” (the name characterizes color and size) - yellow berries weighing up to 10 g are very sweet, juicy, the bush bears fruit to frost, tolerates cold winters.

The original standard form of the bush, which does not require support. Compact raspberry trees of the Krepysh variety will not only please with a rich (up to 4 kg per bush) crop, but will also bring a “twist” to the landscape. This is a medium-ripening variety, large-fruited 8-10 g with red berries fruits stably and gives a rich harvest only in a warm climate, it does not tolerate temperature extremes.

For landing in the northern regions of Russia (Altai Territory), gardeners recommend repairing high cold tolerance varieties: Diamond, Ruby, Zorenka Altai, Gift of Siberia.

Breeders bred plants and for northwest, for example, the Leningrad region: August miracle, Elegant, Eurasia.

Offered for growing in the middle lane (Moscow Region): Indian Summer 2, Inaccessible.

For all regions of Russia - Linda, Scarlet Sails.

Modern cultivars are well adapted to weather conditions, even the lack of sun has little effect on productivity and taste, but there are some subtleties of agricultural technology, which become the main condition for abundant fruiting.

Raspberry berry - cultivation features

Raspberry, although it is considered an unpretentious shrub, but even in the wild grows far, not everywhere, preferring sunny, sheltered from the wind, edges, spills, places where fertile loose soil, and in winter there is a lot of snow, so the quality of the soil is correct watering, and on time perfect top dressing, garden raspberries will respond with aromatic, delicious, juicy berries.

Landing place: sunny, but in the midday heat the roots should be shaded, does not like drafts. In the northern regions with rapid heating of the soil, in the southern (with a hot climate) - slightly darkened, cool. With a deep occurrence of groundwater (the plant loves moisture, but does not tolerate stagnation of water).

Bed. At the landing site, it is recommended to build a kind of “puff pie”, where the bottom layer consists of coarse, long decaying organics, which acts as drainage and additional nutrition, making a solid fence 50 cm deep into the ground, preventing the shoots from spreading around the site.

The soil - containing a lot of organic matter, rich in minerals, neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5), breathable.

Landing methods. Usually they use a nest (in the center of the hole, a support is installed, seedlings are planted around it, which are tied to it) or tape, when the seedlings are planted in a trench at a distance of 50-70 cm, later tied to a common trellis.

Soil mulching after planting, a prerequisite for agricultural technology: it preserves soil moisture, temperature microclimate, air exchange, and prevents weed growth. They use humus, peat, sluggish grass, straw, sawdust and other materials.

Watering. Regular watering 2-3 times a week throughout the growing season, taking into account weather conditions, avoiding drought and waterlogging of the soil. Watered directly under the root in the early morning or evening hours.

Top dressing. Use complex fertilizers without chlorine content. Organics or top dressing with a predominance of nitrogen is used only in the spring. Underfed plants can be identified by the appearance of shoots not inside the bush, but outside 30 cm or more (they must be removed immediately).

The mother raspberry plant lives up to 15 years, but it is not necessary to grow bushes for such a long time in one place - raspberries very deplete the land, yield decreases, the taste of berries spoils, 5-7 years is enough, and then it is better to transplant the bushes.

Planting raspberries in the fall in the ground

Raspberry is a deciduous shrub with a perennial root system and two-year-old replanting shoots that die after fruiting, growing from the roots of the root neck, which are laid in the summer, in order to give a new shoot in the spring.

A feature of raspberries is the ability to give lateral offspring that also appear from rhizome buds, spreading in the ground up to 2 m, creating new shoots with their root system and aerial parts, preserving varietal characteristics of the mother plant. Usually this is 1 shoot in the first year of life, the next years - 2 or 3. These shoots subsequently serve as new planting material.

Planting raspberries can occur at any time suitable for the seedling. The determining period is its maturity - slow sap flow, the presence of already formed buds of future shoots, developed root system and climatic conditions corresponding to the biological characteristics of the planted variety.

Berry planting dates

Autumn is the most favorable period, since the plant, after planting, manages to adapt in a new place, successfully transfer the winter season and with the onset of spring heat, it has become stronger and stronger to begin active vegetation.

Repairing early ripe varieties give ripe shoots by the beginning of September, traditional species are ready for planting in late September or early October. Autumn coolness and high humidity contribute to rapid growth.

Landing in different regions

In the south, in the mild warm climate of the Kuban and Ukraine, autumn planting is possible in any period, but at least 20 days before freezing, in warm weather is possible until mid-November.

In the harsh climate of Siberia and other northern regions, you need to plant as early as possible, the beginning of September is the most favorable time, the seedling must have time to take root in order to survive the frosty winter. Be sure to provide a reliable shelter for plantings, but timely removed in the spring so that the seedlings do not soprel.

The moderate climate of the middle strip allows you to extend the planting period until the end of September, but the variability of weather conditions in these regions is alarming, so it’s better not to delay if the seedling has matured, it is worth planting as early as possible, giving it a guaranteed opportunity to take root and adapt to a new place.

Preparation of soil and planting material

Soil for raspberries should be nutritious, neutral, pass air and water well. Preparation begins in advance. Dig the site to a depth of at least 30-40 cm, removing weeds. Clay and sandy soil is fertilized with humus or rotted manure, peat is mixed with sand. Lime is added to acidic soils.You can build drained beds.

Nutrients are added to the garden soil per 1 seedling:

  • humus –4 kg;
  • ash –200 g;
  • ammonium nitrate –15 g;
  • superphosphate - 40 g.

The dug out site or bed is leveled with a rake, removing the remaining weeds. Wells 30X40 are made in accordance with the selected landing pattern. Stakes are driven into holes, or trellises are built. Harvesting material.

For autumn planting, a seedling with already lignified shoots of at least 3-4, with a stem diameter of 8-10 mm, with well-developed roots 15-20 cm long is suitable. Stems are immediately cut off from a dug from the ground, leaving 30-40 cm, very long the roots are trimmed to the desired size, remove damaged. Raspberry seedlings are immersed in a soil "talker" (diluted clay and manure to a creamy state) so that they do not dry out and are better pressed by the ground. It is undesirable to allow the roots to dry out or stay in a humid environment for a long time.

How to plant raspberries in the fall.

Planting raspberries in the fall has some subtleties. A seedling is lowered into the prepared landing pits so that the root neck with buds is slightly above ground level. The roots straighten, fall asleep and squeeze the earth, trying to fill all the voids. How to water (10-15 liters per bush), preferably with potassium permanganate. Let water soak for 2 hours, during which time the roots will be drawn into the soil, shed with the remaining water. Add earth to the formed recesses, compact, mulch with humus or peat. Within a month, planted seedlings will adapt to a new place of residence and grow new roots. For winter planting, you need to reliably shelter.

Raspberry care in the fall

Newly planted seedlings do not need specific care this season, if only watered in a dry autumn, but the old plantings will not hinder attention. Autumn raspberry care begins after fruiting is completed.

The job is:

  • pruning of stems: carried out immediately after the collection of the last berries. The scheme is very simple - cut off the stems under the root, remove weak thin green shoots, leaving powerful, in the number of cut fruiting + 20% in case of frostbite in order to preserve the load of the bush. Left shoots are shortened by a quarter. The stems of the repairing varieties are cut completely, leaving 5 cm stumps. Cutting raspberries in the fall stimulates the growth of fruit shoots, increasing the productivity of the crop;
  • harvesting fallen leaves, weeds: weed out the weeds and remove the remaining leaves, loosen the soil;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers: plants consume a lot of minerals during the growing season, depleting the soil, the introduction of any complex fertilizer without nitrogen and chlorine will increase immunity, contribute to the internal strengthening of shoots, bark, roots;
  • fungicide treatment: carried out together with other inhabitants of the garden after leaf fall before wintering with 5% Bordeaux liquid;
  • bending branches to the ground: it is necessary to bend the stems gradually, so as not to twist the bush and not break the branch, carefully bending the crown to the ground with a trellis wire, after a few days untie the crown and bend even lower - this position of the shoots will protect against frostbite;
  • winter shelter: raspberries are a very hardy plant, so winter shelter is necessary only in severe, snowless winters. In the middle lane there is enough shelter with spruce branches covering shelter bent to the ground. In frosty areas with insufficient snow cover, additional shields are required.

In dry autumn, watering will not hurt - 2 times a month to pour 10 liters of water per 1 m2 of beds and pre-winter watering before freezing, 10-15 liters per bush.

Fulfilling the simple requirements of care, raspberry bushes will respond to the summer rich harvest of fragrant healthy berries.