A simple and hearty dish that can be prepared for dinner is pasta with stew. In a slow cooker, making it will be much easier than in the traditional way. Moreover, every housewife can show imagination, using various additional components and methods for their processing.

Navy pasta with stew in a slow cooker

Boiled pasta with meat is sometimes popularly called "navy". There is an explanation for this. Such a dish was the main food of the first Russian sailors, since the products that are necessary for its preparation are very convenient in transportation. To prevent meat from spoiling along the way, these days it is often replaced with stew. In addition, thanks to modern kitchen appliances, it has become much easier to cook a popular dish. For example, the famous navy pasta with stew can be made in a slow cooker.

To do this, you will definitely need:

• 250 grams of pasta (preferably hard varieties);
• 0.3 kilograms of stew;
• 100 grams of onions;
• 80 grams of fresh carrots;
• 200 milliliters of water;
• 10 grams of edible salt;
• 85 grams of vegetable refined oil.

The cooking method consists of several stages:

1. Peel and rinse the vegetables. Cut the onion into half rings, chop the carrots with cubes.
2. Put them in the multicooker bowl, add oil to it and set the “Frying” mode on the front panel. True, in some models it is absent. Then the “Baking” mode will do.
3. Pour dry pasta to the fried vegetables.
4. Put the stew there.
5. Pour the food with water and salt a little.
6. Set the "Rice" (or "Porridge") mode and the time is 15 minutes. The device will do the rest itself.
After this, only the finished dish will be left to mix gently. Making pasta with stew in a slow cooker is so easy that even someone who is far from the tricks of cooking can cope with such work.

With tomato paste

To make the dish more flavorful, you can use fresh tomatoes or ready-made tomato paste. The result will be excellent.

For the recipe, you should take:

• 2 glasses of pasta;
• 1 onion;
• 3 tablespoons of tomato paste;
• 1 can of stew;
• 1 carrot;
• any spices and spices.

Here the cooking process will be slightly different:

1. Peel the vegetables, and then randomly chop the onions and grind the carrots with large cells.
2. Turn on the slow cooker, set the “Baking” mode, add oil to the bowl and warm it a little.
3. Add chopped vegetables and pass them for 5 minutes.
4. Put the paste in the bowl with the selected spices and simmer everything together for 10 minutes.
5. Add the stew, and pour the pasta on top.
6. Pour everything with water and cook in Pilaf mode under the lid.
The result is excellent navy pasta with stew in tomato.

Cooking in Irish

Each dish has many different options, each of which is good in its own way. For example, pasta with stew in Irish looks quite original. For their preparation you will need an unusual set of products:
• 200 grams of any pasta;
• 1 jar of preferably chicken stew (350 grams);
• 0.5 pods of sweet pepper;
• 3 tablespoons of canned corn and red beans;
• onion head;
• lemon juice;
• salt;
• some greens.

How to cook pasta with stew according to the Irish recipe:

1. Pour pasta into the bowl, fill with water and cook in the "Pasta", "Pilaf" or "Soup" mode (it all depends on the specific model of the device). Do not add salt.
2. At this time, peel the onion and cut into cubes. Do the same with sweet pepper. In this case, it is advisable to pour onion with boiling water.
3. Rinse the boiled pasta and put it back in the bowl.
4. Add the stew simultaneously with canned beans and corn, and then mix.
5. Cook under the lid for 6 minutes in the "Extinguishing" mode.
6. Add remaining components and mix again.
If necessary, the finished dish can be slightly salted right away. And before serving, sprinkle with lemon juice.

Tasty recipe:Navy pasta

Sautéed pasta with stew in a slow cooker

Some people prefer the option where the pasta is first fried and then cooked in the usual way along with the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe. After this treatment, they acquire a particularly pleasant taste and aroma.

For work you will need:

• 200 grams of any pasta;
• salt;
• 100 grams of carrots and onions;
• 320 milliliters of boiling water;
• a can of any stew;
• 50 grams of sunflower refined oil;
• grated cheese.

How to cook pasta with stew in a slow cooker correctly from these products:

1. Cut the peeled onions into small cubes, chop the carrots on a medium grater.
2. Pour oil into the bowl. After that set the “Frying” mode.
3. Pour onion and pass it for 2 minutes.
4. Add carrots and continue frying for another 3 minutes with occasional stirring.
5. Fill in the pasta, and after a couple of minutes put the stew. Mix the products.
6. At this time, boil water separately.
7.Once the liquid has warmed up, pour it into the bowl and add (if necessary) a little salt.
8. Set the “Baking” mode and cook until almost all the liquid has evaporated.
So that the finished pasta does not boil too much, it is better to track the time yourself on the clock. In this case, it takes no more than 8 minutes.

With tomatoes and cheese

If desired, pasta with stew in a slow cooker can always be prepared in the form of a festive dish.

To do this, you must:

• 2 cans of stew;
• 200 grams of pasta;
• 3 eggs;
• salt;
• 100 grams of sausage and hard cheese;
• 2 onions;
• greenery;
• butter;
• 3 tomatoes;
• some breadcrumbs.

To make such a dish, in principle, is not difficult:

1. Pour pasta into a bowl, pour cold water, add salt and cook al dente in the Cooking mode. After that, strain them, transfer to a separate container and flavor with oil.
2. Open both cans of stew, remove all fat from them. Put it in the multicooker bowl.
3. In this fat, first pass the chopped onion in the "Frying" mode.
4. Add to it the tomatoes, diced, pepper, herbs, a little salt and stew for at least 10 minutes.
5. Grind hard and cut sausage cheese into thin slices. Add eggs, salt, beat.
6. Send into the bowl all the remaining ingredients, cook them together for 15 minutes in the "Stew" mode.
Laying out the dishes, decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

With mushrooms

To somehow diversify your diet, you can try to cook pasta in a navy style with stew and mushrooms. By the way, in a slow cooker it will be much more convenient to make them.

You will need the following products:

• 300 grams of pasta;
• 1 head of onion;
• salt;
• 200 grams of stew and the same amount of mushroom stuffing;
• pepper;
• 3 tablespoons of tomato paste and vegetable refined oil.

A dish is being prepared in an unusual way:

1. First, using the “Soup” or “Baking” mode, boil the pasta in salted water.
2. Onion cut into half rings and lightly fry in boiling oil. In this case, you can use the same "Baking" (or "Frying") mode.
3. Combine the stew with the mushroom stuffing, and then add all this to the bowl and simmer with onion until the moisture evaporates.
4. Add tomato, salt and continue in the same mode.
5. Put the pasta in a bowl, fry until tender crust is formed.
The dish turns juicy, unusually fragrant and very mouth-watering.

Spaghetti with stew in a slow cooker

To cook spaghetti with stew in a slow cooker, you need to use a special technique.

Yes, and the set of products will need a little different:

• 1 can of stew;
• 1 carrot;
• salt;
• 10 grams of butter;
• 400 milliliters of water;
• 1 onion;
• 50-55 grams of vegetable refined oil.

You need to cook the dish step by step:

1. Grind carrots on a grater with large cells, and chop the onion into cubes.
2. Fry them in a multicooker bowl with the addition of oil for 8-10 minutes in the "Baking" mode. True, here you need to adjust the time manually, since the program provides for such an operation as standard 20 minutes.
3. Add the stew and mix.
4. Pour spaghetti and put butter on top. Given the length of pasta, previously they can be broken in half.
5. Pour the food with water, salt (to taste) and cook in the "Pilaf" mode for about one hour.
After the timer signal, you can safely open the lid and enjoy a fragrant and delicious dish. Many fear that in 60 minutes spaghetti can be digested and sour. Pasta is moderately soft. And the bottom is even a little crispy.