Marjoram is an oriental spice that is widely cultivated in Asia and the Middle East. Spice came to Europe from India and already in the 17th century it was known in England and cultivated there as a home plant.
In the East, marjoram has always been appreciated not only for its exquisite aroma, but also for the ability to heal intestinal and pulmonary diseases. Nowadays, the plant is more used as a seasoning, although traditional medicine still has not forgotten the recipes for the preparation of medicines from it.
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Marjoram - what is it, description and composition
What is marjoram? It is a perennial aromatic herb, a relative of oregano. It forms shrubs with multiple straight stiff stems and small leaves with a fringe.
Marjoram grows throughout the Arabian Peninsula, in Central Asia, northern Africa, in Europe and the Mediterranean. Widely used as a spice. It has a burning, sweetish aroma, like thyme and cardamom.
The aerial part of the plant in fresh form contains up to 1.5% of essential oil, and in dried - up to 3.5%. The specific taste and aroma of the seasoning is determined by the content of camphor, terpinene, sabinene, pinene borneol and phenol in the oil. But the full composition of the aromatic component has not yet been disclosed.
Seasoning contains a lot of rutin, carotene and ascorbic acid. The aerial part of the plant is rich in tannins, pectin and pentosans.
- For culinary needs, the grass is often dried, but also used fresh. A dried plant is part of complex spices.
- Healing potions are prepared from fresh marjoram.
- The oil is obtained industrially through water distillation of the flowering tops of the plant.
Useful properties of marjoram for humans
Traditional medicine uses seasoning in the form of decoctions, infusions, teas and ointments. Marjoram oil is used in aromatherapy, it is added to bathtubs and cosmetics.
- The delicate aroma of spices stimulates appetite. It promotes digestion, cures flatulence and colic, stimulates intestinal motility.
- Grass has a weak diuretic effect. In traditional medicine, it is used for kidney diseases.
- The aroma calms her, because marjoram is useful for taking with insomnia. They even treat neurasthenia.
- Ointment based on fragrant grass is lubricated with dislocations, sprains, places affected by neuralgia and rheumatism. The tool has anti-inflammatory and warming effects, stimulates blood flow to the sore spot.
- Lotions with marjoram are applied to the stomach with painful periods.
- Marjoram herb helps with bronchial asthma and pulmonary diseases. Facilitates coughing, stops allergic and catarrhal colds.
Seasoning Applications
The main fields of application of the herb are cooking and cosmetology. For cooking, dry seasoning is often used. Its taste is more concentrated, as it contains an increased amount of essential oil. In cosmetology, the volatile component is most in demand.
Cooking use
- Marjoram is considered the best spice for making sausages.
- Vegetable stews with the addition of beans and peas are cooked with it.
- It is combined with hearty and fatty dishes, for example, with fried potatoes.
- Sauces for pasta are prepared with this spice.
- Marjoram seasoning is added to soups.
- Leaf powder is used in conservation.
- It is included in pepper mixtures.
- It is added to liquors, liquors, confectionery.
It is difficult to remember such a dish in which marjoram cannot be put, but this herb is rarely used alone. It goes well with basil, thyme, tarragon, rosemary and even sesame seeds.
Seasoning is part of mixtures called Provencal herbs. It is popular all over the world, but is more often used in Mediterranean cuisine and in the Caucasus.
It is necessary to add grass drop by drop under the curtain of cooking. With long languishing, she loses her delicate aroma and begins to bitter.
In perfumery and cosmetology
Marjoram is added to cosmetics in the form of an essential oil.
The following abilities were noticed behind him:
- acceleration of regeneration;
- stimulation of capillary blood supply;
- removal of edema;
- rejuvenation.
It has long been believed that the herb in question prolongs youth. The antioxidants in its composition really have this property. Therefore, marjoram essential oil can be added dropwise to home skin care products.
It is useful to make hair masks from cosmetic oils (olive, sea buckthorn, burdock, peach), enriching the nutrient mixture with a small amount of volatile marjoram extract. It stimulates blood circulation, accelerates growth and prevents hair loss.
Marjoram oil: application
Marjoram essential oil is used not only as a cosmetic additive, but also as an independent product.
- They take baths with him to relax the body and find peace of mind. Only 6 drops per procedure will not only help you relax, but also save you from an impending cold. Baths in combination with lavender are useful at bedtime to calm and treat insomnia.
- To cope with the consequences of the disease, you can use steam inhalation. Two drops of marjoram oil per liter of hot water will help overcome cough, ease breathing, and eliminate nasal congestion.
- Barking cough with whooping cough is treated with rubbing. A drop of oil is lubricated during the attack of the neck and chest.
- Oil has a vasodilating effect. It reduces pressure and relieves heart pain.
- Massage with marjoram oil stimulates blood circulation. The procedure helps to restore joint mobility, eliminate stiffness, cramping, muscle pain.
Herbal tea marjoram
Medicinal tea has a sedative effect. It is able to lower pressure, stimulate appetite, improve digestion, relieve colic and intestinal pain.
Tea is brewed to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder. I drink it as an expectorant and diaphoretic. The drink has hemostatic properties, quenches pain and relieves inflammation.
Marjoram tea is used to treat depression, neurasthenia, and anemia.
To get a drink, you need:
- pour 30 g of vegetable powder into a glass dish;
- pour raw materials with a liter of hot water;
- insist for 15 minutes;
- cool, strain.
The broth is drunk in small sips in a whole cup before meals 1 - 2 times a day. Dry grass for making a drink can be bought at the spice department in the deli.
Help with weight loss
Marjoram also helps in the fight against excess weight. It increases the digestibility of fatty and heavy foods. They can replace salt during the diet, which will reduce the accumulation of excess fluid.
Grass helps the intestines digest food, improves patency and treats constipation. And as you know, digestion debugging is the first step to gaining a slim figure.
What can replace marjoram
Spices are close in aroma to marjoram:
- oregano;
- cardamom;
- thyme;
- oregano.
These herbs are related by origin and are considered interchangeable.
Most spices have healing powers. Seasoned food tastes better and is better absorbed. Using spices, we not only add colors to our lives, but enrich the body with useful elements.