A lot of poems, poems and novels are written about a mysterious and contradictory feeling called love, not to mention a whole galaxy of romantic films. Most of them glorify the so-called love at first sight. But is there really a feeling?
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Love at first sight, is it real?
Does love happen at first sight? Is this feeling a myth or is such a state quite real? If so, how does such love arise?
Many people are confident that love exists at first sight. A person meets another person and clearly feels that his fate. After a very short period of time, the lovers at first glance mentally appoint a wedding day, hoping that the lightning-fast feeling that has arisen over the years will only strengthen and, of course, will not fade away.
But a different percentage of people - sober-minded skeptics (who are even slightly more than romantics and most of them are specialists in the human psyche) are sure that at first there is exclusively sympathy and a strong attraction of representatives of opposite sexes to each other. Love at first sight, therefore, becomes the destiny of exclusively fabulous heroes. True mutual love is a very deep feeling that can arise only after a certain period of time.
Signs of this feeling
But still, if we accept for axiom the fact that love exists at first sight, it, of course, should have certain signs.
These include:
- Butterflies “fluttering” in the stomach (in the stomach area).The attack of sudden love has always been marked by the adrenaline flow into the veins. This feeling is almost indescribable, but it makes a person very happy, sometimes a little worried.
- Nervousness. A man in love is by no means capable of just going to bed or eating properly. This condition can be compared with the upcoming exams - from the nervousness and emotions the stomach reduces. This sensation is a mixture of the euphoria of anxiety and fear of the unknown and the prospect of being rejected. If, when meeting with the object of sympathy, a person becomes covered with cold sweat, begins to be too nervous - this may indicate love at first sight.
- The feeling of a long acquaintance. Two people have just begun to communicate, and one of them, or even both, does not leave a persistent feeling that they have known each other for at least several years. This indicates an established strong emotional connection. But in fact, these people are only two strangers who still have a lot to learn about each other.
- Focus on the object of sympathy. A person in love is inclined to forget about what is happening around and other people around him. His eyes are glued to the object of passion.
- Need for communication. A person in love has a very strong desire to start a conversation with an object of sympathy. Such a manifestation of love at first sight is especially pronounced among people who are shy and calm in temperament, usually not seeking to initiate a dialogue with a representative of the opposite sex.
- The desire to know a person better. And often this is not at all connected with carnal desire. A man in love wants to get to know the potential chosen one as a person.
- Recognition of the attractiveness of the object of sympathy. Moreover, he may not be handsome at all, or be far from the type of people that a particular person usually likes. Nevertheless, the lover will always idealize the other's appearance, considering him the most intelligent, beautiful and sexy creature in the world.
- Visualization of a common future. If we talk about love at first sight, a person in love will begin to create in his thoughts rainbow-colored pictures of the upcoming wedding, buying an apartment or a house, and even having children. Resting confidence in his chosen one, a person regards such thoughts as an already accomplished fact.
- Feeling of love or love. Surfacing sudden feelings simply leave no doubt about their seriousness. This state resembles a magnetic field, which is simply impossible to leave.
How to understand that this is love at first sight
You can recognize love at first sight by the presence of the following symptoms:
- Rapid heartbeat at the sight of an object of passion.
- Blood pressure begins to jump, the liver, also in a state of love, begins to throw sugar into the blood. In this case, a person has a state of euphoria.
- Breathing becomes rapid.
- The limbs and other parts of the body are sweaty.
- The pupils dilate.
- Weakness in the knees.
- Pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body.
- It creates a feeling of electrification.
Additional signs are a lack of appetite and a need for sleep.
Points for and against
People who oppose the reality of the existence of love at first sight have three main arguments:
- Lack of knowledge of two unfamiliar people about each other. This is an obstacle to true love, because under such conditions only attraction and sympathy can form.
- Lack of the necessary amount of time spent together. This argument follows from the first. It’s good to get to know a person and truly love him only after spending a sufficient amount of time together.
- The idealization of another person. As practice shows, this approach often turns into disappointment.
The “advocates” of love at first sight also have arguments, but in favor of this feeling:
- Falling in love after the first meeting is quite real, and subsequently you can make every effort to further understand your loved one. Thus, love has every chance of developing into true mutual love.
- Love at first sight is a manifestation of intuition, and it, according to many people, fails very rarely.
- It is very difficult, almost impossible to fully recognize another person. Sometimes a partner, whom, as it seems, another loving person knows up and down, performs actions, after which one does not believe in the thoroughness of knowledge about a loved one. Such a position can completely cross out the first two arguments from the list of skeptics.
Whether this phenomenon exists, expert opinion
The question "Does love exist at first sight" is a lot of concern for specialists and psychologists. Is it possible in a few seconds to understand that a particular person is the love of a lifetime? And is it possible to determine that the object of passion will become a faithful life companion, helping to endure the difficulties of living together?
Most psychologists are sure that a person who met for the first time can be extremely liked, but nothing more. People tend to idealize certain qualities, most of which, according to experts in the human psyche, are based on impressions of appearance. It seems that a handsome looking person must certainly possess extremely positive qualities. Most often it is in these people who fall in love. However, expectation and reality may diverge. Very often, disappointment in the object of love at first sight is inevitable. Since such love arises from misconceptions about a person, it simply cannot be real. Of course, there are cases when people who once met and fell in love with each other built their long and happy life together, only reinforcing mutual feelings. But, according to psychologists, such a situation is nothing more than a coincidence.
A representative man or an attractive woman simply cannot leave a representative of the opposite sex indifferent. External data is usually enough to generate strong sympathy and a person defines his condition as falling in love. But in fact, according to experts, this attraction is exclusively physical.
Ideal people do not exist. This is an axiom. But a person in love at first sight simply does not want and cannot see the minuses of the object of sympathy. Trying not to notice all the negative aspects of another person, lovers form a certain ideal, to which they have feelings. Further inconsistency of reality with this ideal can destroy the idyll of relationships.
In order for people to be able to love each other, several important factors are necessary, among which:
- desire to see each other constantly;
- the desire to communicate on topics of interest to both;
- constant discussions of what he heard, what he saw, etc.
Thus, only a spiritual community, but not exclusively physical, can become the basis for a strong and long union.
So, you can believe or not believe in love at first sight, but it is impossible to deny the presence of sudden strong feelings, sometimes arising in relation to another person. Whether this attraction will continue and whether it will turn into true love, no one can predict. Love is a kind of lottery and to win a prize - a happy relationship, you can both after the first meeting, and after several years of mutual existence side by side.
- larisa