The beautifully flowering snapdragon, which adorns flower beds for a long time period, owes its name to large irregularly shaped flowers that look like a lion's mouth. According to legend, the emergence of a flowering plant is associated with the victory of Hercules over the Nemean lion, after which the goddess Flora handed the winner a beautiful antirrinum.
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Description of species and varieties
Antirrinum from the Podorozhniki family is represented by semi-shrub plants with branched, upright stems, the height of which varies from 15 to 100 cm. Ellipsoid or lanceolate leaf plates, alternating from above and opposite in the lower part of the plant, are painted in green. During prolonged flowering, which lasts from the beginning of summer until the first frost, spike-shaped inflorescences are noted, consisting of large, two-lipped flowers that exude a pleasant aroma. Color can be either monophonic or include up to three colors.
In the natural environment of growth, there are approximately 50 varieties of antirrinum. However, varieties and hybrids cultivated on the basis of a single species known as the large antirrinum are cultivated in the front gardens.
Many varieties are divided into 5 classes according to the classification based on the height of the shrubs:
- Gigantic - representatives of the class, the height of which can vary between 90-130 cm, stand out by a significant excess of the central stem over the shoots of the second tier. Common forms: cherry Arthur, scarlet and raspberry hybrids XL.
- Tall - varieties with a stem length of 60 to 90 cm are combined in the class.Among the most decorative are pinkish Anna Herman, yellow Canary, terry form Madame Butterfly.
- Srednerosly - distinctive characteristics of shrubs - height from 40 to 60 cm and a slight excess of the main stem over the side shoots. Popular: yellow Golden, Monarch, pink-and-white Lipstick silver.
- Low-growing - shrubs not exceeding 40 cm, distinguished by the abundant formation of flowers on the shoots of the second and third tier. Interesting forms: The Hobbit, snapdragons, ampel Lampion.
- Dwarf - lush bushes for decorating borders, alpine hills with a height of 15 to 25 cm. Varieties with abundant flowering: pinkish Sakura Blossom, Candy Showers ampelous.
Snapdragon, perennial or annual?
Despite the fact that the antirrinum is a perennial culture, in temperate latitudes a flower from warm climatic zones is cultivated as an annual. An exception are cold-resistant forms that can safely winter in the open ground.
Seed cultivation
It is possible to grow antirrinum by seedling and seedling methods. The latter technique is more common due to productivity and the ability to grow plants even in regions with fairly harsh climates.
Seeding for seedlings is carried out in early spring as follows:
- Preparing a container for seedlings with drainage holes.
- The container is filled with a fertile substrate with a 10 cm layer of sand and compost in equal parts.
- Seed material is distributed over the moistened soil mixture, which is crushed by sand.
- Crops are covered with glass, which is removed after the germination of the sprouts.
- Crops are regularly moistened with a spray bottle.
- After the formation of 1 pair of real leaves, seedlings dive for convenience in individual cups.
- When 3 pairs of leaves are formed, the shoot is pinched to stimulate branching.
Outdoor landing
In the third decade of May, strong and well-seasoned seedlings should be planted in open ground in well-lit or slightly shaded areas protected from winds. The soil must be fertile, drained and have a slightly acid reaction. If necessary, sand, peat and compost are added for digging, which will ensure the above indicators. On the prepared site, small holes are dug with a distance of 15-40 cm, which depends on the height of the selected variety. The dimensions of the planting pits should correspond to the parameters of the earth coma of the seedling. After planting, the beds are compacted and watered.
How to care for antirrinum
Proper planting of snapdragons is not the only component of successful cultivation of an abundantly flowering plant.
It is also necessary to organize appropriate flower care:
- Watering is an unpretentious flower drought tolerant and after rooting needs to be moistened only with a prolonged absence of natural rainfall.
- Loosening - after irrigation or rainfall, the near-stem circle loosens to provide the necessary soil structure.
- Top dressing - when the seedlings take root, nitroammophoska and organic matter are introduced under the bushes. In the budding phase, to ensure lush and prolonged flowering, the antirrinum is necessarily fed with phosphorus and potassium.
- Pruning - so that the flowering phase lasts longer, it is recommended to timely cut dried flowers that consume plant energy. Also, regular pruning of peduncles with unripe seed bolls will prevent self-seeding, characteristic of this crop.
- Preparation for winter - if a shrub is cultivated as a perennial, then the aboveground part is cut to a height of 5-8 cm, after which the beds are mulched with peat, sawdust or dry foliage.In the case when the flower grows as an annual crop, before the onset of cold weather, all plant debris is removed, and the site is dug up, which will destroy the pest larvae wintering in the soil.
Diseases, pests and methods of dealing with them
Flowers snapdragon are quite resistant to damage by harmful organisms. However, illiterate care can lead to the development of diseases such as rust, black leg and various rot. At the first manifestations, it is recommended to treat the plantings with a fungicide. In case of intensive development, it is recommended to remove specimens infected with pathogens, and to spill the soil where they grew with a fungicidal solution. Of the pests, the threat is represented by scale insects and various caterpillars feeding on the shoots of the culture. Insecticides will help to cope with harmful insects, which should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions indicated on the package.
When and how to collect snapdragon seeds
It is necessary to begin collecting the seed of the antirrinum after maturation of the seed bolls on the lower part of the peduncle as follows:
- The upper part of the arrow, on which the seeds are still green, is removed.
- A bag for a baguette is put on the remaining peduncle and tied below the boxes.
- Flower arrow cut off.
- An upside-down flower bag is suspended from the ceiling.
- When the seeds ripen and fall into a bag, they are poured into cardboard boxes or glass containers and stored in a dry, cool place.
- Storage without loss of germination of seed is carried out for 3 years.
So, snapdragon is a beautiful shrub, characterized by abundant flowering, which, with proper care, will plant flower beds and balcony pots until the first snow.