Chickenpox is a common viral disease. During an ailment, the whole body is covered with papules, which give the patient an unpleasant sensation in the form of itching. In today's article, we will take a closer look at how to use Calamine Lotion for chickenpox.
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Release form and composition of the drug
Calamine is available in several dosage forms: lotion and cream. The second option is used much less often. The cream is mainly used by veterinarians to treat eczema in animals.
Doctors recommend Calamine Lotion as the primary treatment for acne during chickenpox. The drug is available in a 100 ml bottle. This amount is usually enough for the entire period of the disease.
Lotion has a viscous, somewhat dense structure. The color of the product is light pink. When applied to the skin, it turns white.
The composition is completely natural, so the drug does not cause allergic reactions.
The main components of the tool:
- calamine - the substance relieves itching and inflammation;
- sulfur oxide - dries papules;
- glycerin - softens the skin;
- phenol;
- medical clay - has an anti-inflammatory effect, dries pimples well, promotes their speedy healing;
- zinc - relieves puffiness.
There are no harmful substances in the lotion: dyes, hormones, alcohol. That is why the drug can be used for children.
How does the medicine for rashes with chickenpox
Calamine Lotion is an excellent remedy for chickenpox.
It has the following effect:
- Quickly relieves itching.Lotion can be applied up to 7 times a day. In this case, you must be extremely careful. The product should not get into the eyes and mucous membranes. The antipruritic effect is one of the differences in the drug. Patients note that the feeling of discomfort disappears immediately after applying the lotion.
- Gently dries papules and bursting bubbles. Due to this property of the drug, the wounds dry out faster, crusts form.
- Bactericidal effect. The lotion envelops the papule with a thin film, which prevents the infection from penetrating into it.
- Gently smoothes the skin, which is an excellent prevention of scars and scars that may appear when the papule is damaged.
- It softens the skin.
- Relieves swelling and inflammation.
- Helps epidermal cells recover faster.
It is worth noting that Calamine Lotion is a cosmetic product. For example, it can be used after shaving to relieve irritation and soften the skin. Many makeup artists use makeup as the basis for makeup. This is an excellent UV protection.
Instructions for use of Calamine Lotion
Instructions for use are simple:
- Take a closed bottle, shake it well until a homogeneous structure is obtained.
- Stock up on sterile cotton buds.
- Dip one in the lotion and treat each papule. The skin should be clean and dry.
- Wait until the product has completely dried, which takes about 2-3 minutes. The lotion should turn white.
Apply the composition only externally. At the same time, its use is prohibited on mucous membranes. Miramistin is better suited for such purposes.
During pregnancy and lactation
Calamine lotion is undesirable for pregnant and lactating women. Its effect on this category of patients has not been tested. But doctors are asking to pay attention to the composition of the drug. There is an ingredient like phenol.
This substance negatively affects the fetus. In the 1st trimester, it can lead to serious abnormalities in the development of the baby.
With herpes and chickenpox, pregnant and lactating women are better off using safer drugs: brilliant green, Tsindol, Fukortsin. In any case, the patient will have to see a doctor for medical help.
Contraindications, side effects
Side effects from Calamine Lotion are very rare. With hypersensitive skin, allergic reactions can occur. They are expressed in the form of redness of the epidermis, the appearance of puffiness, swelling of the skin, the appearance of a rash and itching.
If such an effect is observed, immediately wash off the lotion. It is better to do this with warm water, using household soap.
Experts advise drinking any antihistamine. Diazolin, Fenistil, Suprastin and other drugs are suitable.
There are also cases of overdose. You can apply the lotion up to 7 times a day, applying a thin layer. If after use the patient has pain in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, general condition worsens, an ambulance should be called immediately. An overdose may have occurred.
In this case, doctors do gastric lavage, put an enema, prescribe a list of restorative drugs.
Contraindications are as follows:
- age restrictions. The medicine is not recommended for children under 3 years of age;
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition.
If after a week of use the patient did not see the effect of using the product (the rash does not decrease), the drug must be replaced. To do this, it is worth visiting the attending physician and get proper recommendations and a scheme for further therapy.
Lotion Analogs
Minus lotion - its pricing policy. The average cost of a bottle is 1000-1200 rubles. That is why many patients are looking for analogues of calamine.
They are as follows:
- Tsindol. Zinc based ointment. It has a dense structure. It is applied on skin rashes. Quickly dries papules, has a disinfecting effect.
- Fukortsin. Alcohol solution. Used as a local antiseptic.Minus is the bright pink color of the drug. It is quite difficult to remove from the skin.
- Kalmosan. Ointment with a pleasant smell. Promotes a quick recovery process of the epidermis. The drug is Turkish-made, so it can not be found in every pharmacy stall.
- Belosalik. The only difference from Kalamine is its main component. It contains hormones, so the analogue is prohibited for use by children.
Calamine Lotion is a popular remedy for chickenpox. The drug quickly eliminates itching, relieves inflammation, swelling, and disinfects papules. The cost of the lotion is about 1000 rubles. However, it is worth remembering that Calamine is a cosmetic product. Its use should take place strictly with the permission of the doctor.