Sometimes, to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to normalize the digestive system and lipid metabolism, without exhausting yourself with strict diets and excessive sports training. Cope with this task under the power of linseed oil. The main thing is to know the basic rules for the safe use of the product. How to take linseed oil for weight loss without harm to health is described below.
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The benefits of flaxseed oil for weight loss
First of all, the benefits of the discussed oil for weight loss and in general for human health are explained by its unique composition. It includes a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids (including Omega 3 and 6), which accelerate the process of burning fat. The most interesting thing is that their action continues even during rest and sleep, losing weight.
Oil is able to break down fat into two components. This is water and glycerin, which is not deposited in the body, and, therefore, is quickly eliminated from it. Also, the product relieves the body of toxins, waste and other contaminants. All this (and especially - bowel cleansing) contributes to active weight loss.
In addition, this oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that support the condition of the skin, hair, nails in perfect condition.
How to choose flax oil?
The easiest way is to use linseed oil, which is immediately produced in the form of capsules. In pharmacies, it is sold in convenient jars. Capsules are packaged in an amount of 30 to 120 pieces. But you can choose a product in ordinary bottles.
In this case, in order to get a really high-quality product, you need to pay attention to the following properties:
- The oil must be poured into glass containers in which it is capable of being stored for a long time.
- In general, the liquid is clear. Only minimal turbidity is allowed. The sediment at the bottom of the tank is present in small quantities.
- The best is oil obtained by cold pressing. Thus, ripened flax seeds are processed.
- The color of high-quality linseed oil is tan.
- The liquid should not contain any impurities.
- It is best to purchase fresh oil. If more than a year has already passed since its manufacture, it is better to look for another product of a later filling. If the liquid smells too harsh and repulsive, most likely it is expired.
When choosing oil capsules, first of all, you need to pay attention to the presence of detailed instructions for use in the box with the product. The price is also important. If a large package of a product costs less than 130 rubles, it is most likely of poor quality. Bottled oil at a price below 110 rubles per liter is usually diluted with a sunflower component in order to save.
Rules for taking linseed oil for weight loss
Each losing weight decides how to use the product in question. It is allowed to drink linseed oil in its pure form, and add it to various dishes.
The benefits of both options will be the same if you observe the following rules:
- Do not heat the liquid. After heating, the product will lose its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is so important when adding liquid to any dish to wait for it to cool. When taken in its pure form, do not drink the oil with hot or even warm drinks.
- It is also forbidden to freeze the product in order to increase its shelf life. The result of freezing is the appearance of dangerous carcinogenic compounds in the liquid.
- Do not be too zealous with the use of linseed oil. If you regularly greatly exceed its recommended daily allowance, you can completely harm your health.
- If you just drink oil, but at the same time continue to use unhealthy sweets, fried and fatty foods, as well as ignore any physical activity, then you will not succeed in losing weight.
It is necessary to take linseed oil in its pure form in a full course. It will take 4 to 5 weeks. If you need to repeat the course, then you should first take a break for a couple of months.
1 Week
For the first seven days every day from an early morning until breakfast (20 minutes) a teaspoon of oil is drunk. After 10 minutes, it is washed down with a glass of slightly warm clean water. In the evening, a spoonful of oil is used again, but already half an hour after dinner. You can drink it immediately before bedtime.
2-3 weeks
You need to use linseed oil in the same way, just by increasing the daily dose to 3 tsp.
4-5 week
Dosage is reduced to the initial. The regimen of the product remains the same.
In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, such a course will definitely improve your own appearance - the condition of the skin and hair. In women, the menstrual cycle will improve. As for the result of losing weight, it will depend on the individual characteristics of the human body, as well as the daily diet and lifestyle in general.
If drinking pure oil is unpleasant, you can add it to food. It is allowed to use such a product with any non-hot dishes. For example, with cooled cereals, vegetable salads, dairy and sour-milk products. From sweets it is allowed to mix linseed oil with natural bee honey.
Can I use it on an empty stomach?
In general, eating linseed oil on an empty stomach is permissible. But it is worth doing it after preliminary consultation of the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify possible contraindications. Their list includes, for example, some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
If there are no contraindications to this method of oil consumption, but after each dose of fasting you drink an unpleasant sensation in your stomach, you must first drink a little yogurt or eat a banana immediately after waking up, and then take on a useful supplement according to the traditional scheme. We must not forget that the product taken on an empty stomach has a rather strong laxative effect. Therefore, it must be taken with caution, for example, in front of a long journey.
Flaxseed oil capsules
Most often, losing weight refuse flaxseed oil only because of its specific aroma and taste. For some, even cereals and salads do not drown them. In this case, it is worth choosing linseed oil for weight loss in capsules. The usefulness of gelatin pills is no different from the traditional version. Moreover, they have a more pleasant taste, and are also very convenient to use.
The main thing is to purchase the drug exclusively in trusted pharmacies and not to save on quality. The box should contain detailed instructions for use.
Encapsulated linseed oil is also taken in a course that should last 5 weeks. Next, a break for 2 months is required. As for the dosage, it slightly increases weekly.
During the first week, 1 capsule is taken 2 times a day. In the second - 2, in the third - 3. In the fourth week again, you need to return to 2 pills, and in the fifth - and completely to one.
Do not use gelatin capsules more than 2 times a day. In the morning, this is always done 20-30 minutes before the first meal. In the evening - half an hour after dinner. The drug does not get washed down and does not jam hot.
It is forbidden to use encapsulated linseed oil and laxatives at the same time. You can not combine such "gelatin" with any teas for weight loss.
The intake of linseed oil in any form is limited to the following contraindications:
- children under 3 years old;
- individual intolerance to the product;
- any ailments of the pancreas and stomach;
- vascular disease;
- the presence of tumors;
- hepatitis;
- pancreatitis
- tendency to allergies;
- bleeding disorders.
In addition, with great caution, women need to eat the discussed product during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. This is due to the fact that the oil stimulates the intestines. Such changes can cause involuntary contraction of the uterus and lead to miscarriage.
It is best to always consult with your doctor about eating flaxseed oil, which will take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, existing health problems and other important factors.
When taking antibiotics, hormonal drugs and any antiviral agents, the course of weight loss with linseed oil should be postponed. Otherwise, weakness, discomfort in the stomach, and nausea may appear. Reduces product and effectiveness of medications prescribed by your doctor. The specified oil can not be combined with any birth control pills.