Pharmacists with enviable consistency offer their new developments to strengthen and rejuvenate the body, but their effectiveness can not be compared with the strength of the effects of one of the best plant products - flax flour. Our experts will tell you about the benefits and harms of flax flour, how to take the product so as not to harm your health, but to strengthen it.
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The composition and calorie content of flax flour
It is easy to guess that flaxseed flour is a finely divided and ground fruit of flax, a plant unique in its healing potential and with a better reputation among nutritionists. Moreover, regular use of flax flour makes it possible to improve all body systems.
The most valuable healing component of flaxseed is oil. However, in industrial flaxseed flour, this substance is absent. To fully utilize the beneficial properties of flax flour, it is better to prepare the product yourself - by grinding the seed with a blender.
A powerful healing effect is facilitated by a huge amount of valuable nutrients, which, subject to a full composition, are contained in flax flour:
- amino acid components of proteins - albumin and globulin proteins;
- glycerin esters of polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, α-linolenic (omega-3) and linoleic, which are involved in vital processes of the body - homeostasis and vascular regeneration;
- various forms of microfibers - cellulose, polysaccharides, phenolic polymers and lignins, which are not digested by the digestive tract, but have the ability to absorb and remove toxins and cholesterol from intestinal tissues;
- vitamin C;
- fat-soluble forms of methyl groups of vitamin E - α-tocopherol, γ-tocopherol and δ-tocopherol;
- B vitamins - thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid;
- micro and macro elements - calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, cadmium, aluminum, molybdenum, barium, lead, chromium, tin, cobalt, lead;
- phenolic compounds lignans - phytoestrogens that have an antioxidant effect and provide hormone metabolism and normalization of their natural level;
- starch.
100 g of flaxseed flour contains 270 calories, 41% protein, 28% fiber, 4% ash, 6% sugar.
Flaxseed flour contains seven times more potassium than one of its main sources, banana.
Flaxseed flour: benefits for the human body
According to doctors, the benefits of flax flour for the body are simply unique, because it has no equal either in the strength of the healing effect, nor in its scale.
The use of flax flour brings healing to all body tissues, allowing you to stabilize their functionality:
- helps to establish the work of the digestive tract. Starch and dietary fiber help to increase peristalsis and cleanse the intestinal tract from food deposits, toxic compounds that reduce the biological potential of a person;
- from omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids are produced, which can resist atherosclerosis and lipodemic deposits, thin the blood, reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, and promote the restoration of vascular cells. Acids also return normal blood pressure and are involved in the growth and development of the brain;
- from linoleic acid, arachidonic acid is formed - an Omega-6 compound, one of the important cellular components of the brain and liver. The substance takes an active part in biological processes - normalizes cholesterol levels, promotes the growth of the child's body, regulates the functionality of the female reproductive system;
- a huge amount of potassium normalizes the work of the heart muscle, provides powerful support for the entire cardiovascular system, and also strengthens the vascular walls and eliminates bad cholesterol;
- It has a strengthening effect on the immune system, combats the effects of radiation and harmful chemical compounds, is considered one of the best herbal remedies for the fight against oncology;
- in dietetics - an important component of the diet for weight loss, improves metabolism and fights excess weight;
- when applied topically, it helps in the treatment of furunculosis.
A high level of linoleic acid in the diet contributes to vasoconstriction, increases blood viscosity and leads to cramping. However, the presence of alpha-linoleic fatty acid in the composition of flax flour compensates for this imbalance, providing a vasodilating effect.
The use of flax flour brings the ratio of fatty acids to a vital level.
The introduction of flax flour in the daily diet allows you to restore and normalize all the physiological processes necessary for the full functioning of a person.
How to take for weight loss
It is not for nothing that nutritionists consider flaxseed to be the most important component in the diet of losing weight. The effect of weight loss is achieved naturally - due to the ability of the product to cleanse the intestines of all unnecessary substances.
Healthy nutrition experts consider the use of flax flour in combination with kefir as the most effective for losing extra pounds.
Bowel Cleansing with Flaxseed Flour and Kefir
The recipe for cleansing the intestinal tract from harmful compounds using flour from flax seeds is simple and affordable, but it is so effective that it minimizes the symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies such as gastritis and ulcers.
The essence of the therapeutic method is the daily use of flax flour seasoned with kefir.
The remedy consists of the same amount of flax flour kefir. The main condition is a reception instead of dinner for a month.
An alternative is breakfast based on flax flour. So that the effect of the mixture does not become stress for the body, the introduction of flour must be carried out gradually.
Recommended proportions for 250 ml of kefir:
- in the first week - one teaspoon of flour;
- in the second week - two teaspoons of the product;
- in the third week - three teaspoons.
When switching to a cleansing diet, it must be remembered that flax intensively affects intestinal motility. To normalize the process of withdrawal of food and feces, it is necessary to constantly maintain water reserves in the body.
Drinking plenty of water is the best helper for any diet.
Read also:flaxseed porridge
Useful recipes with linseed flour
The use of ground flax in cooking is unlimited, which allows you to maximize the health of the diet.
In most cases, the product is used instead of traditional wheat flour - for making pancakes and pastries, as well as sauces or breading dishes.
Adding flax flour to the dough for baking contributes to the duration of its storage.
Among the most popular recipes:
- linen jelly. Method of preparation: three tablespoons of the product are mixed with one liter of boiled water, brought to a boil and mixed with some fruit filler - candied fruit, jam or orange zest, raisins or cinnamon. If there is not enough sugar, you can add honey;
- linen halva. First, prepare the basis of halva - a thick porridge made from linseed flour and boiled water. Then add chopped dried fruits and honey. A pasty mixture should be obtained, which is laid out in a mold and after some time is used - as an independent dessert, as a spread on cookies and bread, or as an additive to morning porridge.
In addition, you can make an excellent salad dressing from flax flour - a more useful alternative to mayonnaise. To do this, two tablespoons of flax flour are brewed with two 50 ml of boiling water, triturated to form a uniform mass and cool.
Then, a teaspoon of salt, sugar and ready mustard is added to the resulting mixture and beat at low speeds, gradually adding a teaspoon of vegetable oil. The total volume of vegetable oil should not exceed 200 ml.
When the mass becomes thick and uniform, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar.
Use in cosmetology
The incredible benefits of flax did not go unnoticed by cosmetologists. The successful use of flaxseed flour in cosmetic procedures is another opportunity to take advantage of its rich healing power.
Healing masks made of linseed flour will help restore skin health:
- restore cellular nutrition;
- eliminate small wrinkles and smooth the epithelium;
- relieve inflammation;
- remove irregularities;
- cleaned from dead cells;
- return a healthy color and look.
Cooking masks for dry skin. For one tablespoon of flax flour, take two teaspoons of milk powder and one honey. All components are stirred until a homogeneous mass is formed and applied to the face. Twenty minutes later, wash off with warm water. Then immediately moisturize the skin with cream.
Will flaxseed harm the human body
The regular intake of any flax products is recommended to all people, including those who have no doubt about their health.
But given the intensity of the effect of the product, caution should be exercised when using it for people who have been diagnosed with gallstone disease or individual intolerance to substances in the composition of flax flour.
Consulting a doctor is the best way to get the most out of using flaxseed flour.