Without pills, quickly and effectively - this is how you can get rid of a cold with linden tea. A fragrant drink with honey flavor has long been used in folk medicine, and its healing properties are impressive. What other diseases does it help to cure, how does it affect the body, what are the secrets of brewing linden tea and whether there are contraindications to its use - this information will be useful to everyone.
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Useful properties for the human body
Tea from dried linden flowers has a unique taste and bright saturated color. The combination of vitamins and minerals together with a honey aroma creates a special drink. The healing composition of linden tree inflorescences is unique.
Useful properties of linden tea:
- Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, promotes rapid recovery;
- essential oil provides a sedative effect on the nervous system;
- tannins have an anti-inflammatory effect;
- phytohormones slow down the aging process;
- flavonoids - powerful antioxidants, strengthen blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and prevent allergies;
- volatile drugs have an antiseptic effect, contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body.
The healing drink has antipyretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic and restorative properties, due to which it is considered the most effective natural drug for the prevention and treatment of colds.
A cup of linden tea will not only warm you in the cold season, but also help to stay healthy, full of strength and energy.
What is useful linden tea for women
On the body of the fair sex, this healing drink acts in a special way. It is not just that linden has long been called the "female tree."
The plant contains special components - phytoestrogens, which are very similar to female sex hormones. They are able to replenish the body of young ladies with missing substances and improve hormonal levels.
In what cases can these features of linden blossom be used?
A drink will help:
- normalize the menstrual cycle;
- reduce soreness during menstruation;
- prevent earlier menopause;
- reduce the symptoms of menopause (irritability, nervousness);
- cure cystitis, other inflammation of the genitourinary organs;
- prevent the development of malignant neoplasms (fibroma, fibroids);
- speed up metabolic processes for weight loss;
- prolong youth.
3 cups of linden tea per day for 2 to 3 weeks will help a woman look more attractive, feel a surge of strength and health.
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Diseases with which linden tea copes
A wide range of healing properties of the plant allows it to successfully deal with various diseases.
- Linden tea quickly reduces body temperature during fever. This feature allows you to use the drink to treat colds. More effective will be the use of a drink with the addition of honey.
- The tool helps to remove sputum from the bronchi, therefore it is used to treat different types of bronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, which are accompanied by difficult expectoration.
- Rinsing with linden decoction helps relieve sore throat. You can add baking soda to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
- Flavonoids in the composition of the plant improve the condition of the vascular walls, make them more elastic. Due to this, the use of tea reduces the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, leading to the development of cardiovascular pathologies.
- The diuretic properties of the drink allow you to successfully deal with kidney stones, cystitis and inflammation of the genitourinary system.
- Linden tea normalizes digestion, improves the functioning of the gallbladder, reduces the acidity of gastric juice.
- The drink is used for nervous disorders, reduces signs of depression, protects against stress.
- A decoction of flowers relieves headaches, muscle cramps and tissue swelling.
Application in cosmetology and dermatology
From linden flowers make an extract that is included in many cosmetics. Products containing it help improve skin and hair. The tannins in the linden have an antimicrobial effect.
Cosmetic properties of linden extract:
- freshens, tones and nourishes the skin;
- successfully fights wrinkles;
- makes the dermis silky and supple;
- eliminates fluid stagnation in tissues, removes edema;
- improves skin color;
- removes dark circles under the eyes;
- strengthens hair, prevents hair loss;
- gives shine and elasticity to curls.
If you don’t have a tonic for hydration and nutrition on hand, you can freeze linden tea and rub face and neck skin in such cubes. Regular use of such a product will eliminate fine wrinkles and make the skin radiant.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding benefits
Unlike many other drinks that doctors do not recommend drinking while carrying a baby, linden decoction has a healing effect on the body during this special period of a woman’s life.
What is useful linden tea during gestation:
- strengthens the immunity of the expectant mother, prevents seasonal colds;
- normalizes digestion, eliminates the disorders of the stomach and intestines that often occur during pregnancy;
- removes excess fluid from the body, prevents the formation of edema;
- calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep in pregnant women;
- It has an antipyretic effect during illness.
The decision to use linden tea during a special period should be taken by a woman after consultation with a doctor.
Is it possible to drink this drink after the birth of a child? After all, nursing mothers are forced to limit themselves in food due to a possible allergic reaction of the baby to different products.
Linden tea belongs to the category of low-allergenic drinks, so it can be used without any risk to women who are breast-feeding.
On the contrary, it benefits both the mother and the child:
- stimulates lactation;
- supplies useful substances;
- strengthens the immune system;
- relieves cough and fever;
- calms, promotes good sleep of the baby.
Thanks to the effective antipyretic and restorative properties of tea, nursing mothers who are contraindicated to take medications on a chemical basis can quickly recover from a cold without harming the health of their babies.
How to make lime tea
In order to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of a healing drink, you need to properly prepare it. This is a simple process.
- A teapot (made of ceramic or earthenware) should be doused with boiling water.
- Place dried linden tree flowers in a bowl at the rate of 20 g of raw material per cup of tea.
- Pour the lime color with boiled, slightly cooled (up to 90 degrees) water and close the lid tightly. You can wrap it with a towel.
- Insist a drink for 15 to 20 minutes. Before use, you can add honey or sugar, but without them, tea turns out to be a bit sweet.
Many lovers of taste experiments like to brew lime color with black or green tea. You can also add a few mint leaves to a fragrant drink, which will give it a special taste.
To whom the drink is contraindicated
Since linden tea is a remedy, it should be used with caution. It should not be drunk as often as other drinks, breaks should be taken. 3 cups of tea per day is the maximum allowable dose of a medicinal product. After a 3-week course, doctors also recommend that one week "rest" from the use of this aromatic and rich tea.
Indeed, if you get too carried away with a lime drink, the load on the heart increases, which can cause all sorts of pathologies of this important organ. Also, with the constant use of tea, the kidneys suffer, their functionality decreases due to the increased diuretic effect of the drink.
There are no definitive contraindications to the use of linden tea.
Even children from 6 months of age can be given to improve digestion and soothing effect. Only people with central nervous system disorders should remember that the drink has a sedative effect, which can cause insomnia or other nervous disorders.
Moderate use of a healing potion will reveal all the beneficial properties of linden blossom, give health, vitality and good mood.