The plant belongs to the family Lemongrass genus Lemongrass, and today it is grown throughout Russia. The fruits of a woody liana possess valuable medicinal properties for humans. Growing Schisandra chinensis and caring for it is even possible for a novice gardener, if you know the agricultural technology of the plant well.
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Features of growing Chinese magnolia vine in Siberia, the Urals and in the Moscow region
The plant is strong and able to adapt to various climatic conditions. The culture is cold-resistant and does not die even in frost -40 C.
In the Moscow Region only seedlings in the first year need shelter. Further, the vine does not need to cover, or remove from the support. For Schisandra chinensis, the climate of the Midland can be called ideal.
In the Urals and Siberia, shelter will be required even by adult vines. They should be carefully removed from the trellis, laid on a layer of spruce branches and covered with a thick layer of sawdust or leaves.
The rest of the cultivation of the regions does not differ.
Planting a plant
From the correct planting of Schisandra chinensis, its further growth rate, as well as productivity, directly depends. The plant is not only useful, but also decorative, because of which it can be located in the front part of the garden.
Site selection and soil requirement
When choosing a place to land, first of all pay attention to its illumination. Culture needs the sun, but it feels good in the openwork shade of the garden, braiding the trunks of neighboring trees.It is important that the area on which lemongrass grows is well protected from the wind. An ideal place is the south side of the already existing arbors, fences, trellises and pergolas. To plant a Chinese magnolia vine under the wall of the house is not the best solution, since the liana, growing, will gradually destroy the roof, and the flow of water during the rain will damage it itself. If you still have to plant a plant near the house, then at least 1.5 m must be retreated from the wall to protect it from drains from above.
The soil for the creeper needs nutritious and loose. To prevent the plants from getting wet at the bottom of the landing pit, it is necessary to arrange drainage. For this, broken brick or slate is used.
An optimal soil is a mixture of the following components taken in the same amount:
- turf land;
- humus;
- compost;
- wood ash.
All components must be mixed well. When planting under each plant, 200 g of superphosphate is introduced.
How and when to plant?
Depending on climatic conditions, lemongrass is planted from late April to mid-May. The colder, the later the planting of the crop. In the southern regions, landing can be carried out in October. Here it is preferable than spring, because, taking root in a new place, the liana will not suffer from the summer heat, and due to the absence of severe frosts it can fully take root.
It is better that the number of plants to be planted is 3 or more, as this gives the maximum decorative effect. The distance between them should be at least 1 meter.
A pit with a depth of 40 cm and a width of 60 cm is prepared under the lemongrass seedling. A drainage layer 10 cm thick is placed at its bottom. After that, the soil is poured.
For planting, it is better to choose seedlings 2-3 years. They are not high, but at the same time formed a powerful root system and take root well. The viability of such planting material is maximum.
Growing Chinese Schisandra from seeds
Growing a crop through planting seeds is possible, although more time consuming. Sowing lemongrass is carried out in April-May. Pre-planting material must be stratified. From autumn, seeds are mixed with sand, which is slightly moistened, and stored at a temperature of +5 degrees in a refrigerator or basement. Once every 2 weeks they get out for ventilation and mix again. As necessary, the sand is additionally moistened with cold, settled water.
2 months before planting, the seeds are transferred to heat: for 30 days they are at room temperature, then for another 30 days the seeds are put in place with a temperature of +8 degrees. It is important to ensure that the sand does not dry out during the entire period of stratification.
For sowing seeds, peat and sand are mixed in equal parts. Seeds are sown in grooves to a depth of 2 cm, covered with peat and sand and watered. Above the garden bed you need to install the arms and pull the film. You can also sow lemongrass in the greenhouse.
Watering crops should only be in the heat and only in the morning. When sprouts appear, they will need to be shaken off water after each watering. This is necessary to prevent decay. Excessive moisture for young plants is extremely dangerous.
When planting in a capital greenhouse, lemongrass does not require shelter for the winter. If the culture was grown by seeds in a greenhouse, then young plants must be covered with spruce branches to protect them from the cold, or covered with sawdust. Chinese lemongrass is transplanted to a permanent place in the spring after the first wintering.
Vegetative planting method
At home, growing a plant can also be carried out through a vegetative planting method. With it, the shoot is dug from the root of the plant. Also, a planting of a purchased plant also applies to a vegetative planting. Landing is carried out, as described above, in prepared pits with humus.
Care for lemongrass at home
In addition to a proper planting, for the well-being of a liana, she needs the right care, which includes:
- watering;
- top dressing;
- pruning
- preparing the culture for winter.
With errors in care, Chinese magnolia vine begins to grow worse and gradually withers.
Watering and feeding
Proper watering and top dressing provide high-quality growth of the plant and its abundant fruiting.
In nature, lemongrass grows on moist soils, so in the garden it also needs good moisture. Adult plants in hot weather should be sprayed with warm water and watered, pouring 50 liters of water under each for one irrigation.
Wet soil is immediately mulched. This is necessary due to the fact that the roots of lemongrass are located very close to the surface of the soil and can easily dry out in the heat.
Plant nutrition is required from the age of 3 years. The main feeding is organic fertilizers in liquid form. In summer, chicken droppings diluted in water at a ratio of 1:20 are applied under the vine once every 3 weeks. In spring, lemongrass is fertilized with 1.5 tablespoons of nitrate per adult plant, and in the fall, in early September, 30-40 g / m2 of superphosphate and potassium salt are added. In their absence, you can use ordinary wood ash. Compounds with chlorine for lemongrass are harmful.
Trimming Schisandra chinensis is carried out according to certain rules. In the early years, it is not required, since the liana actively gathers root mass during this period, and the aerial part grows slowly.
After the winter, only extra root shoots are cut off from the vine. Sanitary pruning, in which damaged and dry branches are removed, is carried out exclusively in the fall after the end of sap flow. Then the thickening shoots are cut off. On the vine only 3 of the strongest processes should be left. This will greatly simplify care and increase its productivity.
Once every 8 years, it is necessary to carry out the replacement of shoots, as, aging, they begin to bear fruit worse. For this, 2 strong root processes are left for one old shoot. When they have developed enough, choose the best; and the old shoot and the weaker young are cut out.
The lemongrass plant is climbing, and it needs support for vertical growth. Without it, he will not fully develop and bear fruit. Only on the trellis, Chinese magnolia vine receives enough light and the necessary ventilation. Comprehensive air access is vital for him.
For support, pillars 3 meters high are suitable. They are dug 50 cm into the ground. Strong twine is pulled between them, and a liana is tied to it. As it grows up, the garter is carried out higher. As a result, between the columns the plant has a horizontal support of several tiers. When the liana reaches its maximum length, it begins to hang over the upper twine, forming a roller. This usually occurs 1-2 years before the shoot is replaced.
Preparing the plant for wintering
In the middle lane there is no need to prepare lemongrass for winter. Shelter is required for young seedlings only in the first winter, if they are not grown in a greenhouse. Adult plants take refuge only in cold climates. If the vine cannot be laid on the ground to cover with spruce branches or sawdust, then it should be wrapped with covering material and tied with a spruce top.
Plant diseases and pests
Schisandra chinensis is highly resistant to diseases and with proper care in the garden practically does not suffer from them. For pests, culture is also not of great interest because of its specific tarry smell.
In rare cases, lemongrass affects:
- powdery mildew;
- spotting;
- Fusarium wilt - it is impossible to save the plant, it should be completely removed and burned.
To eliminate the first two diseases, the affected leaves must be cut off from the vine and burned. She herself should be sprayed with a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid.
Collection and storage of magnolia vine fruits
Chinese lemongrass begins to bear fruit from the age of 6. In the early years, the yield is negligible, but after 2-4 years reaches its maximum. Gather berries when they become transparent red. Also, the fruits should be soft. Picking berries, so as not to crush them, is easier with brushes.In addition, the stalks are also used for medicinal purposes.
The berries should be processed during the day, as with longer storage they begin to deteriorate. You can wipe them with sugar or freeze. Berries also insist on vodka to obtain an effective tonic.
Schisandra chinensis is rightly called a unique plant that combines decorative and medicinal properties. Therefore, growing lemongrass has been popular with gardeners for many years.