The complicated "citrus" nutrition system allows you to quickly slim and get closer to the figure of your dreams. In just a couple of weeks, with its help, it is possible to get rid, on average, of 6 - 7 kilos. The lemon diet is not easy to withstand, but the result is worth it.
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Principles and features of the lemon diet
Lemon diet for weight loss has another name - "anti-aging." This is because the regular use of healthy bright fruits can slow down the aging process of organs and systems of losing weight. Substances from the composition of such citruses relieve the body of dangerous toxins and slag deposits. All these accumulated "nasty things" accelerate aging and negatively affect metabolism.
Lemons contain fruit acids in maximum concentration. They affect the "dissolution" of extra kilos. As a result, in just a couple of weeks it really becomes easier to get 4-8 kg.
If you supplement the special nutrition system with sports activity, the final effect will be even more impressive.
Changes in the weight of a man or woman who decided on a citrus diet begin literally from the very first minutes. In just 2 days, important cleaning processes are activated. First, excess fluid leaves the body. As a result, the stomach becomes flatter, puffiness under the eyes disappears.
There are several important rules that you need to know in order to get the most out of the power system you are discussing:
- It is best to use fruit with a thin skin. They are more juicy, healthy, tasty.
- Any dishes based on citrus should be prepared right before use, since vitamin C is rapidly oxidized in the air.
- Ideally, fruits are best grown on their own or bought on farms, but not in a store around the corner. Only in this case they will be most useful for losing weight.
- So that the use of an acidic drink does not harm the enamel of the teeth and does not provoke the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the mouth, it is worth using a tube.
- A diet drink is suitable and carefully filtered, and with pulp.
- The juice contained in citruses is permissible not only to drink, but also to water vegetable snacks with it as a dressing.
- If, after regular consumption of acidic fruits in various forms, the losing weight will have previously uncharacteristic sensations in the stomach or intestines, for some time you need to reduce the portions of citrus dishes. After 2 - 3 days, when the person’s condition is normalized, it will be possible to return to the previous conditions.
- To achieve maximum results as soon as possible, it is worth combining a diet with sports.
- When adding lemons to the daily menu, one should also exclude all kinds of "harmful" ones from it.
The acid present in lemons is involved in the breakdown of fats, acts as a catalyst for metabolic processes, and regulates appetite.
It must be remembered that referring to such a diet is permissible no more than once every 12 months.
Lemons should be bought “healthy” - bright, with a natural shine. Green fruits for the diet in question are categorically not suitable. In them, the concentration of useful components is approximately half as low as in fully ripened ones.
If there is no opportunity to choose lemons with thin skin, then their number will need to be increased by about 1.5 times, because in thick-skinned fruits there is much less juice. If desired, lemons are replaced with limes.
It is better to immediately abandon the use of moldy soft fruits. The pulp of such fruits contains dangerous toxins.
Advantages and disadvantages
A citrus-based diet has its merits.
Such a power system:
- activates the work of the stomach and intestines;
- normalizes metabolism, accelerates metabolism;
- improves the condition of the upper layers of the skin, making them younger, firmer;
- becomes prevention of diabetes;
- strengthens the immune system;
- promotes the excretion of radionuclides and dangerous heavy metals from the body;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels, adds elasticity to them;
- removes the problem of active gas formation;
- activates the urinary system.
Despite the large number of pluses, it is not necessary to independently decide on the extension of the diet. You can not regularly use lemons and juice from them for longer than a couple of weeks.
The British nutritionist Teresa Chong, who developed such a nutrition system, notes that it improves mood.
And besides, it is not accompanied by a feeling of weakness, like many other popular diets.
The British doctor believes that it should be chosen for people prone to despondency and frequent mood swings
But the power system under discussion has its drawbacks:
- It is not suitable for long-term use;
- excessive consumption of fruit acids can change the acidity of the stomach;
- diet is prohibited for people allergic to citrus and vitamin C;
- she is able to temporarily increase tooth sensitivity;
- in people with a weak intestine, it often causes a general feeling of discomfort, heartburn;
- diet increases pressure.
Sometimes it happens that a person simply does not know that he has ailments of the liver or gall bladder. In this case, at the beginning of the described diet, he will encounter pain in the right hypochondrium. This symptom indicates that the process of losing weight urgently needs to be stopped and a doctor should be visited.
List of allowed and prohibited products
The basis of the menu will be vegetable and protein foods. It will be possible to eat cereals, berries, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, various dairy products (especially actively - "sour milk").But from fatty foods, sugars and bakery products will have to be abandoned, or at least reduce their use to a minimum.
Any alcohol is included in the list of foods and drinks that are strictly prohibited during the diet.
If you combine two aggressive factors in the menu at once - fruit acids and alcohol, this will greatly worsen the condition of the gastric mucosa. Cigarettes also lead to this result.
What varieties exist
There are several varieties of the diet, which are based on citruses. Very popular option on lemon water. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from ripe large citrus, strain it through a sieve and mix with 1 liter of boiled cool water. You need to drink two liters of aromatic drink a day. It is used on an empty stomach in the morning and throughout the day before meals. The rest of the time you can eat low-fat low-fat meals and it is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits.
The same version of the diet is called "On lemon juice." Fresh citrus mixed with water allows you to activate metabolism, cleanse the intestines, speed up the process of burning fat.
Honey Lemon
Another interesting option is a honey-lemon diet. It is worth paying attention to all the ladies who plan not only to get rid of the hated kilos, but also to cope with cellulite. The course is designed for 2 days. About three liters of honey-lemon drink are drunk daily. For 1 liter of purified water you need to take the juice of 1 large lemon and a full tablespoon of honey. After thorough mixing, the solution is drunk in a warm form.
It should be noted that this is a very "harsh" way to lose weight. All other meals and drinks during the two-day diet are excluded.
Lemon Kefir
For three days of kefir-lemon diet, you can say goodbye to 2 - 3 extra kilos. During the day it is allowed to drink only lemon water (2.5 liters per day) and biokefir (1.5 liters per day).
These drinks should be stretched all day. The day begins with 2 glasses of acidic water, after 90 minutes 1 glass of fermented milk product is drunk. This order is relevant for the whole day.
The way you drink drinks changes only before bedtime. On the eve of going to bed, you need to drink a mixture of 2/3 cup yogurt and 3 tbsp. l sour water. A pinch of ground cinnamon is also added to the drink.
Lemon Diet Menu
The most common lemon diet menu option was seven days.
Based on it, you can make an option for yourself for 3, 5, 10, and even for 14 days:
- A portion of boiled poultry meat and an apple for breakfast, celery soup and lemon jelly with zest for lunch, steamed fish with a side dish of green peas.
- Low-fat cottage cheese, chicken meatballs with broccoli, steamed chicken with canned corn grains.
- Boiled rabbit meat with bread (whole grain), meatless borsch, turkey meatloaf with scrambled eggs (cooked in a bag).
- Low-fat cottage cheese, cabbage soup without meat + apple, salad of greens and vegetables.
- Steamed pike perch with omelet, boiled beef with green peas, stew from assorted vegetables.
- Herring with boiled potatoes (natural soaked fish), boiled chicken and borscht without meat, vinaigrette.
- Omelet boiled in a bag with low-fat cheese, meat steamed cabbage soup with baked apples, steamed pike perch with fresh vegetables.
Before each meal (including the very first) a portion of lemon water is drunk. Two liters of such a drink are divided into 3 parts.
How to get out of a diet
A return to the usual diet should be soft, neat, smooth. In time, it should take at least half of the period that a person "sat" on a diet. It must be remembered that the stomach during weight loss greatly decrease in size. Therefore, do not torment him in large portions. They will be too hard to perceive and absorb.
- When leaving the diet, starting to expand your diet is with small portions of stewed vegetables.
- Then you can add raw vegetables, fruits, berries to the menu.
- Next - soups, meat, fish, seafood.
- Only after that it is allowed to start eating vegetables with starch in the composition.
It is important in the process to drink a lot and not to give up physical activity. It is advisable to regularly arrange fasting days for yourself at the first time after the completion of the diet.
Contraindications and side effects
As noted above, you can not choose for themselves the discussed diet in the presence of an allergy to vitamin C.
But other features fall into the list of contraindications:
- various problems with the intestines and / or stomach;
- hepatitis;
- cholecystitis and nephritis;
- increased tooth sensitivity.
You can not "go" on a diet for people under 16 years old and over 65 years old. It is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
With excessive amounts of vitamin C in the body, a person may develop an allergic rash or develop diarrhea. In this case, the daily portion of citruses is simply reduced for a while.
Lemon-based diet gives the slimming person an excellent mood and daily flush of energy. If you strictly comply with all its rules and study the list of contraindications before starting, then there will be no harm to the body from such a nutrition system. As a result, it will be possible not only to achieve the desired harmony, but also to cope with the overwhelming gloom.