Modern cosmetology can work wonders. In order to look young and fit it is not necessary to resort to radical surgical procedures. Among the conservative techniques offered by aesthetic salons, one can distinguish lymphatic drainage body massage, which simultaneously solves both external and internal problems.

Lymphatic drainage is a kind of detox program that helps to remove all unnecessary from the body, thereby activating its resources for healing and rejuvenation.

What is lymphatic drainage body massage?

Lymphatic drainage of the body is a technique aimed at restoring lymphatic circulation in the body, improving blood flow and enhancing metabolic processes.

Lymph is one of the varieties of connective tissue. It is formed from a fluid filling the intercellular space. Its function is to transport substances.

Products of the vital activity of cells enter the lymph - both toxins and toxins, as well as proteins, electrolytes, etc. Some substances are partially neutralized in the lymph nodes, others enter the bloodstream, saturate organs and tissues, and are excreted through the excretory system.

From the intercellular space, lymph enters the capillaries, then into the lymphatic vessels and ducts, which end their path in the large veins.

The lymphatic system is not closed. Does not have any pump. The fluid in it moves contrary to the force of gravity from the bottom up due to breathing and contraction of the muscles surrounding the vessels.

Over the years, unused waste substances and the remains of dead cells accumulate in the ducts, which contributes to the formation of obstacles to the flow of lymph. With age, fluid movement slows down, decay products accumulate in cells. All this can lead to slagging and gradual poisoning of the body.

During the lymphatic drainage procedure, pressure is applied to the lymphatic ducts. Movements are made in the direction of fluid flow. Acceleration is given to the lymph, due to which it is more actively expelled from the cells, taking with it waste substances and toxins, as well as returning useful metabolic products to the blood.

Thus, lymphatic drainage helps to establish the lymph flow, and with it the metabolism, which primarily affects the condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and subsequently throughout the body.


In beauty salons, the lymphatic drainage procedure of the body is used to correct the figure and eliminate external aesthetic defects.

It is shown in the presence of:

  • cellulite;
  • body fat;
  • stretch marks, scars;
  • subcutaneous edema.

In addition, massage helps relieve muscle tension, establish venous blood flow. This technique can be used in combination to eliminate the effects of varicose veins.

Lymphatic drainage body massage is indicated during the rehabilitation period after surgery. It improves fluid outflow and accelerates tissue regeneration.

The benefits of massage

The benefits of massage are to restore lymphatic flow and venous circulation. This is a very important point in the metabolic process.

When all the spent components are removed on time, and beneficial agents are freely delivered to organs and tissues, an internal equilibrium sets in. Nothing extra accumulates, is not postponed. The processes of renewal and regeneration occur in a timely manner.

Despite the fact that the full course of lymphatic drainage massage consists of 10-12 sessions, repeated 2-3 times a week, you can feel the effect of the procedure after the first visit to the salon.

At the end of the session, the client will most likely feel the urge to urinate. The explanation is simple. Lymphatic drainage enhances fluid movement in the body. All excess moisture tends to leave accumulation sites faster.

After massage, urine becomes more concentrated. This means that toxins and toxins enter it more intensively, respectively, they are faster removed from the body.

Together with the excess fluid, the excess volume also leaves. The body becomes slimmer. Unpleasant folds disappear.

The skin is enriched with nutrients, gets rid of toxins. Outwardly, this is manifested in the improvement of its color and structure. Dryness, flabbiness leaves. Wrinkles disappear. Smoothness appears, elasticity returns.

During lymphatic drainage massage of the body, the muscles completely relax. The clamp is removed. The pain caused by spasms go away.

Stress provokes stiffness in the shoulder girdle and neck. Removing this symptom helps restore mental balance. Get rid of the consequences of the experienced negative.

After working out the zone of the shoulders and neck, cerebral circulation is restored. As a result, nervousness goes away, mood and emotional state improve. Headaches, insomnia pass. Recovering memory and concentration.

Lymphatic drainage helps accelerate metabolism, burn excess fat, and detoxify. The best effect is observed when combining the procedure with sports and a special diet aimed at cleansing the body.

Types and types:

Lymphatic drainage massage of the body is performed in two ways - by hand or using specialized equipment. Manual techniques are suitable for the most neglected cases and are rather aimed at general recovery. With the help of devices you can achieve a more tangible visual effect and lasting result.

Hardware lymphatic drainage

The apparatus lymphatic drainage massage of the body is performed by various devices that either stimulate the contraction of the muscles surrounding the lymphatic vessels, that is, the action occurs as if from the inside. Or physically affect the body, exerting external pressure, prompting the lymph to move forward faster.

The devices of the first type use the following methods:

  • microcurrent effects;
  • galvanization;
  • electroionophoresis.

Ultra-low frequency currents act primarily on the upper layers of the dermis. Several electrodes that initiate a discharge are attached to the skin. It induces contraction of the muscles surrounding the small vessels and capillaries. This technique is more suitable for facial rejuvenation. It allows you to return her elasticity, fit and healthy appearance.

The galvanization method is the effect of an electric current of small force. Before the procedure, the skin is treated with a conductive solution. Under the influence of electrical impulses, the pores narrow, the vessels expand, the lymphatic flow is activated. This technique promotes the rapid release and release of toxins through the skin.

Electroionophoresis can not only normalize metabolism, but also nourish the skin with useful substances. In this case, the vehicle is electrons. They transfer moisturizing, stimulating, regenerating substances onto the deep layers of the dermis. Useful elements accumulate inside and are slowly consumed, and therefore the effect lasts for a long time.

The methods of physical exposure include pressure therapy and vacuum lymphatic drainage massage. We will consider the latter in more detail in a separate paragraph.

Pressotherapy is performed using a special suit. It includes pants and a jacket. Elements can be used separately.

The suit is made of dense material and is divided into many sections, each of which is separately controlled by a microprocessor.

The section is a closed chamber into which air is pumped. Thus, physical pressure is exerted on various parts of the body.

The processor controls the air supply so that the pressure builds up gradually, in a given direction. The suit supposedly makes squeezing movements, prompting the lymph to move forward more actively. This method is often used to correct the figure. With the help of pressure therapy, they are actively fighting body fat.

Lymphatic drainage wrap

Lymphatic drainage wrapping is carried out using special gels, creams or pastes made from natural ingredients such as honey, kelp, and natural mud. This procedure can be done at home. It will take the active substance itself, a polymer film and wrapping materials.

First, the skin is cleansed with a scrub. Then a special tool is applied to it. The body is covered with a film and wrapped in a towel, blanket or other insulating material.

Distinguish between cold and hot wrap. The first stimulates blood flow, accelerates lymph. Promotes the expansion of pores. Removal of sweat and toxins from sweat.

Local heating operates on the principle of a sauna. Helps dissolve body fat. During the procedure, the skin is also saturated with beneficial substances.

Cold wraps act a little differently. It stimulates muscle contraction, strengthens blood vessels. Helps to promote lymph and drain excess fluid. This wrap is used to relieve fatigue and get rid of edema.

Lymphatic drainage wrap has, first of all, a cosmetic effect. It improves skin condition. However, prolonged use of the method allows to achieve a more tangible result.

Due to the fact that substances accumulate in the skin and stimulate metabolism, fat deposits gradually dissolve. With repeated repetition, therapy becomes effective in the fight against cellulite.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage

This type of massage is performed exclusively by the hands of a specialist who uses alternately stroking or pressing movements. The technique is based on in-depth knowledge about the structure of the human body, the location of lymph nodes and the direction of movement of fluids.

Manual lymphatic drainage combines massage and osteopathic techniques. For better gliding hands, a specialist applies lubricating oils to the body.

Pressure during the session builds up gradually. Initially, stroking, kneading, warming movements are used. They prepare the skin and small capillaries.

Then a deeper effect occurs, affecting the muscles and blood vessels. At the final stage, lymph nodes are examined.

Massage leads to deep relaxation. Helps relieve cramping. Release excess moisture. Normalize metabolism. Get rid of body fat. Manual technology allows the specialist to focus on the most problematic places.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage

Vacuum lymphatic drainage refers to the category of hardware techniques. The device operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. Tubes in which negative pressure is created leave the apparatus.

The specialist moves the nozzle over the body. The tube sticks to the skin. Stretching stimulates blood flow to the upper layers of the dermis. Movements are made in the direction of the lymphatic lines.

As a result of the procedure, the fluid is actively extracted from the intercellular space and leaves the body. Vacuum massage tones muscles and stimulates collagen formation.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

Depending on the location of the treated area and the nature of the problem, specialists apply various lymphatic drainage techniques.

Circle Traffic

This technique is used, in particular, to treat the abdomen. The specialist puts fingers on the surface of the skin and performs palpating or pressing movements. Hands do not slip over the body.

Massage is performed in a circle. The specialist’s fingers are either approaching or moving away from the epicenter of impact. The technique delicately activates the lymph flow, without harming the capillaries located in the upper layers of the skin, and without putting pressure on the internal organs.

Pumping motion

Massage using pumping movements is used to work out the back, shoulder area and legs. The specialist grabs the skin with the thumb and forefinger. He seemed to squeeze it, making efforts in the direction of lymph flow. Moving along the entire cultivated area, the masseur does not take his hands and does not let the skin out of his fingers. It seems to slip through them.

A similar technique allows you to accelerate the flow of lymph, relieve muscle tension and disperse blood.


The suction movement is made with the whole palm. The specialist applies a hand to the skin of the patient. The palm covers the thumb. Then, with the finger and the rest of the palm, movements are made in opposite directions from each other. The hand as if stretches the skin, putting pressure on it.

Such stimulation helps to disperse the lymph, activate blood flow and tone the muscles. The technique is actively used to model parts of the body.

The complex procedure consists of a combination of various methods of exposure, the sequence and intensity of which are determined by a specialist.


Lymph is a means of excreting decay products from the body. With its help, viruses and bacteria can also be utilized. It performs both a transport and a protective function. However, activation of the lymphatic flow does not always have a positive effect.

It is interesting: contraindications and indications of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage should not be used if:

  • oncological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • viral or bacterial foci of skin lesions;
  • heart failure;
  • high blood pressure;
  • foci of vascular lesions (thrombophlebitis);
  • impaired kidney and liver function.

In the presence of contraindications, increased lymph flow can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, before starting the procedure, the specialist must inquire about the state of health of the client.

Lymphatic drainage body massage is a great opportunity to correct the figure, while receiving a portion of health. Numerous hardware and manual techniques allow you to achieve the desired result without resorting to surgical procedures.