The gentle restoring procedures for the face give, as a rule, a weak unstable result. Therefore, there is an opinion that a noticeable rejuvenation can be achieved only with the help of radical cosmetic methods, such as injections or plastic. But specialists who can perform lymphatic drainage facial massage are ready to debunk this myth. They assure that the procedure, performed in accordance with all the rules, can not only correct the oval of the face and eliminate minor cosmetic defects, but also help the owner of the new appearance visually lose 5-10 years.
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What it is?
Lymphatic drainage massage is a special technique designed to accelerate the outflow of excess fluid from tissues. It requires the performer to have serious knowledge about the structure and functioning of the human body. The cosmetologist must have a clear idea of the location of the points of concentration of the liquid and the direction of its movement.
The role of lymph is to cleanse the body. It takes from the tissues waste substances and toxins, which are subsequently disposed of through the excretory system.
With age, all processes slow down. Deposits accumulate in the body. And various obstacles can arise in the way of the free flow of fluid.
By our wrong behavior we only exacerbate the situation. After all, the lymphatic system, unlike the circulatory, is devoid of any powerful motor. Movement through the vessels occurs naturally. And this current can be accelerated only by respiration and muscle contraction. Therefore, low motor activity contributes to the occurrence of stagnation.
Accumulation of lymph in certain places is equivalent to the accumulation of toxins.Therefore, swelling and swelling not only spoil the appearance, but also signal a malfunction.
Lymphatic drainage of the face helps to rectify the situation, strengthen blood vessels and establish circulation. The action is directed deep into where the lymphatic channels lie. Their stimulation leads to an acceleration of fluid outflow and normalization of metabolism.
As a result of the procedure, the swelling resolves, the swelling goes away, the bumps are smoothed out, the face contour is tightened, the bags under the eyes disappear. The skin takes on a healthier and younger look.
The technique is performed in two ways: manually and using special cosmetic devices.
In both cases, there are advantages:
- a highly qualified specialist can work out problem areas most accurately and take into account the individual characteristics of the patient;
- the manual method is considered more gentle and is mainly suitable for skin that is not affected by serious age-related changes;
- hardware cosmetology gives a more pronounced result;
- the device is tuned to a predetermined depth of exposure, so it works more efficiently in relation to eliminating a specific problem.
In the manual method, stroking is used in combination with pressure therapy - intensive pressure on problem areas.
Of the technical means used:
- vacuum apparatuses, which when drawing in air, have a powerful effect, giving acceleration to the flow of lymph;
- devices that generate a weak electric current (stimulate metabolic processes in the lower layers of the skin);
- devices operating on the basis of electrophoresis, which are used in conjunction with nutrients that saturate the skin with useful substances.
The cosmetologist must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and determine the necessary level of intensity of the procedure.
According to the degree of impact, drainage massage is divided into:
- superficial, correcting only minor flaws;
- deep, working out muscles and eliminating serious age-related changes;
- projection, the effect of such massage through acupuncture points extends to the whole body.
A full course of hardware or manual therapy includes 10 to 14 procedures. Sessions are usually performed every three days.
Those who have tried the technique on themselves strongly favor “that”, which is explained by its high performance. The first results can be summed up after the debut session. The full effect is revealed after completing a whole course.
The results of therapy will delight for another six months. And with regular supportive sessions, you can completely keep your face youthful for a long time.
The course of lymphatic drainage facial massage is indicated for those who have clear signs of water-salt balance imbalance, among which are:
- dark circles under the eyes;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- swelling of the face;
- tubercles, bryl, wen;
- facial wrinkles;
- pronounced nasolabial folds;
- forming second chin;
- blurry oval face.
The cosmetic procedure is aimed at stimulating metabolic processes, strengthening capillaries, restoring nutrition in cells and tissues, accelerating the renewal processes. Therefore, it not only helps to deal with problems, but also returns a fresh flowering appearance.
The benefits of facial massage
The effect of facial massage extends far beyond the developed zone. Intense pressure on the large lymphatic lines in the neck and shoulders accelerates the flow that passes through the entire body. Therapy helps to improve the outflow of lymph from organs and tissues and the removal of excess fluid, and with it, toxins from the body.
Lymphatic drainage facial massage has a rejuvenating effect, restores muscle elasticity, tightens the oval, eliminates bumps, gives the skin a fresh, well-groomed appearance.
Features of lymphatic drainage of the face at home
Lymphatic drainage of the face - a complex procedure is satisfied, requiring special knowledge and skills from the performer, therefore it is better if it is done by a professional. A specialist can also be invited to your home, in which case you will need to prepare a place for the session.
You will need a comfortable couch, in the cabin the procedure is performed either on it or on a massage chair. The specialist as well as the client should be comfortable, the correctness of his actions depends on this.
Before the session, you need to clean the skin. Remove makeup completely. Apply a massage product - cosmetic oil or a special cream.
After the procedure, the cosmetologist can offer to make a mask that will only enhance the effect. The session ends with the application of a moisturizer.
Massage preparation
Before the procedure, the cosmetologist always asks the patient about the problems he has. Detects the presence of contraindications. To confirm their absence, you may need a conclusion from a dermatologist.
The day before, before visiting the salon, it is advisable for the client to peel with fruit acids at home. Already directly in the salon, the specialist will carry out make-up removal and cleanse the face of small impurities that have accumulated during the day.
So that the skin does not stretch, a massage agent is applied to better glide the hands or nozzles of the device. The procedure begins with light strokes of the neck in the direction of lymph flow from the bottom up, from the base to the chin. Further, from top to bottom, they carry out along the shoulders, rub the neckline area.
The following steps depend on the technique practiced by the person skilled in the art. After the preparatory period, they go directly to the face, gradually increasing the intensity of the presses.
Classic technique
Classical lymphatic drainage is performed by lightly patting, pressing or rolling finger movements. Separate zones are worked out by pads. Care should be taken not to damage small capillaries.
Since the skin does not stretch when properly performed, lymphatic drainage can be done dry without using cosmetic oil.
Massage begins from the neck. It is necessary to put four fingers together and with the tips to probe it from behind the ear lymph nodes to the shoulders. It is necessary to dwell a little on the nodes themselves, slightly press on them, activating the lymph flow.
Next, go to the lower part of the face. Massage is done in ascending order, so they begin with the chin. Closed fingers are placed on it and, slightly pressing, move along the lower part of the face to the ear lymph nodes.
They pass to the cheeks and in the same way, pressing with closed fingers, work out this area from the wings of the nose in an arc to the ears.
From top to bottom, the nose is treated, from two sides, moving along the bridge of the nose.
The lower eyelid zone starts from the middle of the cheekbone. From here, the movement should continue again to the ears. The upper eyelid is processed along the line of the superciliary arch. Gently touch the forefinger on this part of the face, moving from the base of the eyebrow in an arc toward the temple.
Massage ends with forehead treatment. Four fingers of each hand close together. Set at the base of the eyebrows. Gently pushing, moving along the arcs to the temples. Next time, set your fingers a little higher and make a similar movement. Finish processing at the hairline. Also moving from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
The last step is stroking from the temples to the behind-the-ear lymph nodes and further along the neck to the shoulders. In classic massage, each movement is performed 5 times.
Japanese technique
In Japanese technology, pressotherapy is actively used. The masseur intensively works out all the lymph nodes. Presses with fingers and palm. This technique has not only a drainage, but also a sculpting effect.
During the massage, irregularities are instantly smoothed out and the oval of the face is tightened. The sequence of processing zones is the reverse of the sequence used in classical technology.
Strong, smoothing movements are used. The use of emollients or oils is mandatory.
At the beginning of the massage with both hands grab the neck. And stroking movements are sent to the shoulders. Then they also grab the neck and descend to the décolleté line.
Massage begins from the forehead. Strong strokes stroking from the middle to the temples. Pause at these points, then descend with palms along the neck.
After processing the orbital region of the eyes. Swipe the index finger along the superciliary arch. Go down to the lower eyelid. They lead under it to the bridge of the nose, then back to the temples. Lingering on them. And again they descend along the neck. Each manipulation ends with a sweeping movement towards the collarbone.
Particular attention is paid to nasolabial folds. The palms move from the chin up along the line of the recesses to the wings of the nose.
The nose itself is being worked out with massage movements from the wings to the bridge of the nose. Then an upward movement is made from the corners of the mouth to the lower eyelids. Fingers stop under the eyes, move along the cheekbones to the temples. Again, they linger for a few seconds and again go along the neck to the décolleté zone.
Palms sculpt the lower part of the face, pushing from the nasolabial folds along the arc towards the temples, going along the neck to the shoulders.
Japanese technology requires a clear knowledge of the location of lymph nodes and acupuncture points. During movements, pauses are made on them, followed by intense pressure. Each manipulation is repeated three times.
This massage has a profound effect. It is performed on the verge of pain.
Hemolymphatic drainage massage
Hemolymphatic drainage massage is any deep lymphatic drainage. Intensive study of the skin and muscles accelerates not only lymph, but also blood. Both movements are performed from the bottom up (in the direction of lymph flow), and from top to bottom (in the direction of blood flow).
The technique is similar to classic lymphatic drainage massage, but is performed with great effort. Particular attention is paid to the lower part of the face and chin, it is pressed firmly and literally “squeezed” with fingers.
How to do lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face
For a good cosmetic effect, it is better to contact a professional. In any case, at home, you should not try deep techniques. If performed incorrectly, the opposite effect can be obtained.
Classical lymphatic drainage massage will help get rid of edema, and tighten the oval. It is simple to execute and does not require serious efforts. Follow the previously described technique, making gentle, gentle movements. For more confidence, check out the relevant videos.
Start with simple strokes of the neck, shoulders and décolleté. Gradually move up the face. Smooth the chin, cheekbones, and then the orbital regions. Gently work your forehead and go down again from the temples to the shoulders.
Act effortlessly so as not to damage the capillaries and not disturb the lymph flow.
Despite its undeniable advantages, lymphatic drainage also has contraindications.
The procedure should be abandoned to people with a history of:
- oncology;
- pustular inflammation on the skin of the face, including boils;
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, thrombophlebitis);
- recent face surgery (rhinoplasty);
- colds in the acute phase.
A contraindication to the procedure is any malaise, including those associated with the onset of the menstrual cycle.
Lymphatic drainage facial massage is one of the most effective conservative techniques. Having given yourself into the hands of a professional, you can get rid of cosmetic problems for a long time and significantly improve your appearance.