Many flower growers grow lilies on their sites, planting and caring in the open field for which are quite simple, and flowering is striking in its splendor.

Description of varieties and types of lilies for the garden

In our latitudes, mainly Asian hybrids are grown, as well as Martagon hybrids, Candidum hybrids, tubular and also Orleans hybrids and some others.

Asian hybrids come from East Asian species, breed quickly, tolerate frost well, and are resistant to disease. Asiatic lilies do not require painstaking care. In shape, their flowers resemble a bowl. The best varieties are Black Out, White Pixels, Spring Pink.

Martagon hybrids have an elegant flower shape, are very hardy, almost do not get sick. The best varieties are “Valdai bells”, “Surprise”, “Manitoba Moning”.

American hybrids are not very popular with us, although the plants are very beautiful. The flowers are large, of various colors. Lilies love light, and require attention. The best varieties are Buttercap, Afterglow.

How to choose lily bulbs

First of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance. The material should be sufficiently resilient, free from stains and mildew. The roots must be alive. It is not recommended to take small material with a diameter of less than 3 cm.

Many flower growers acquire onions after forcing, as they cost less. But this is not worth doing, as they are weak and may not bloom. Typically, manufacturers throw such bulbs or discard them, and unscrupulous sellers sell them.

If the material was purchased long before planting, then it must be stored in a cool place.You can leave the package in the household refrigerator.

Selection and preparation of a landing site

In order for lilies to bloom magnificently, care should be taken to create the proper conditions. Of great importance when growing bulbs is the choice of site and the proper preparation of the site for planting.

It’s easier to choose a lily variety that will be comfortable on the site than to try to create optimal conditions for a thoughtlessly purchased variety.

It is believed that almost all varieties of hybrids perform well in lighted areas. But this is unjustified for oriental lilies, which are better in partial shade.

Be sure to pay attention to the wind blowing of the site. Lily really does not like stagnation of air, because these flowers need a lot of oxygen. In addition, the lily does not like too high humidity, although she likes quite plentiful watering.

As for preferences for soil, its quality, nutrition and permeability should be good. The flower loves organic humus. For some varieties, lime should be embedded in the soil. Tiger lily, Canadian, long-flowered loves slightly acidic soil. In extreme cases, the soil should be a neutral reaction.

The flooding of the selected area is also important, since the flower does not like stagnation of moisture. It is impossible for water to stand on the site in spring and autumn. Lily cannot be planted on lowlands or on slopes. These flowers feel good on a hill.

Even if high quality soil is on the chosen site, it still needs to be prepared for planting lilies. When digging, mature organic matter is introduced in the form of humus at the rate of 5 kg per square. In addition, 50 g of potash and 100 g of phosphorus fertilizers are covered per square plot.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant lilies in the open ground in spring

It is preferable to plant lilies in the spring in the ground, since in this case the onions take root better. Autumn planting is also possible - in the southern regions of the lily planted in October-November, and in the north in August-September.

Landing step by step:

  1. The prepared planting material is inspected, and roots are shortened on each bulb. For all varieties, roots about 5-10 cm long are left. Shortening when planting the root system will stimulate the bulb to give more roots and take root more quickly in a new place.
  2. Then prepare holes or rows, if the group landed. Planted at a distance of about 30 cm, to a depth equal to two onion diameters.
  3. Sand is necessarily poured into the bottom of the holes. Onions are laid out on a layer of sand, with neatly straightened roots.
  4. Onions are covered with sand, and then the holes are filled with soil.
  5. Planting ends with abundant watering. Then the plants are mulched.

How to care for garden flowers

Lily flower needs painstaking care, otherwise it will not bloom. The first thing a grower needs to monitor is soil moisture. As the earth dries up, watering is necessary. In drought often watered, under the root. If necessary, along with watering, lilies are fed.

Lily sprouts are very weak, and the bulbs only gain strength by the second year after planting. Therefore, on young plants in the first year you need to remove the buds, because they spend a lot of time on flowering. Already in the second and third year the lilies bloom very luxuriantly, in the fourth year the flowering will already be weaker. In the fifth year, division and transplantation are carried out.

Flowers need weeding and loosening of the soil after each watering.

When the lilies bloom, the flowers are removed so that the lily does not waste power on the seeds.

When forming buds, flowers need to be fed. Lily gratefully accepts phosphorus and nitrogen. It is necessary to breed a spoon of fertilizer in a bucket of water. Irrigation rate - 500 ml per plant.

When flowering begins, another feeding of lilies with the same fertilizers is necessary.

Lily propagation methods and transplantation

The flower can be propagated easily by dividing the bulbs. This procedure needs to be done every five years. If you leave a thickened nest, then this will stop flowering. They dig a nest in spring or autumn, and carefully separate it with your hands. In a year, under favorable conditions, young onions will bloom.

Some varieties have kids. Such onions are also carefully separated and grown. Three years later they should bloom.

You can propagate garden lilies and scales, but this method is more complicated. Onion flakes are separated from the mother, and are planted in wet sand. If you plant them in the spring, then in the beginning of autumn, full onions are formed.

Split nests are transplanted in the same way as purchased bulbs.

Disease and Pest Prevention

The most dangerous disease is gray rot. First, the disease affects the lower leaves, and then spreads to the entire plant. On the parts of the lily, spots with a grayish coating appear. So that the lilies do not get sick, before planting the onions are soaked in a solution of the TMTD disinfectant or in Fundazole.

The bottom of the bulbs can be affected by Fusarium, due to which the lilies die during the winter. Fusarium appears due to excessive dampness.

Lilies will have to be dug up, and the soil should be decontaminated with copper sulfate. This should be done three weeks before planting new lilies.

For five years, spider mite eggs may be present in the soil. This pest feeds on plant sap. Leaves may begin to curl, dry out. When detecting insects, the culture must be sprayed with soapy water.

A frequent guest is a lily beetle that eats lily buds. The best fight is spraying with Karbofos.

Lilies can be grown on your personal plot, if you follow the basic rules of care. This plant is not so whimsical as it might seem, and even a beginner amateur flower grower can cope with its cultivation.