Each flower of this plant lives only one day. But, despite this, most gardeners consider it their duty to plant it, since they can not imagine a flower garden without a daylight or daylily. The reason for this is a huge variety of varieties, a rich color palette and amazing flower vitality. Planting and caring for daylilies in the open ground are not difficult, but have their own characteristics.
Material Content:
Daylilies: cultivation features
This flower does not pose special problems for gardeners. It easily adapts to various conditions. Here are just a real lush and long-term flowering, for which the beauty of the day is appreciated, without a proper care, the grower will not. Correct and timely planting is one of the important elements of good daylily care.
Outdoor landing
The fate of the future depends on whether the flower is planted correctly: whether it will simply fight for life or, prospering in good conditions, will become an adornment of the flower garden and will present abundant flowering.
How and when to plant?
Planting dates depend on whether you are planting a newly acquired plant or have decided to divide the old bush. Daylily can be planted from spring to the end of summer, and in the southern regions and in September, taking into account the time required for rooting the plant. But the division is best done in the spring. At the same time, it is better to plant krasnovne in regions with cold winters. Over the summer, the plant grows stronger and does not suffer even in severe frosts.
How to plant krasnodnev?
- A hole is dug in order to accommodate the entire root system, and there is still a bit of space on the sides. The depth of the pit is about 30 cm, and the diameter is not less than 50 cm, taking into account that the bush grows over time.
- The soil for planting is prepared from a mixture of sand, peat and humus with the addition of Art. tablespoons of ash and a pinch of potassium phosphorus fertilizer. Nitrogen should not be carried away, it provokes the growth of the vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.
- In the center of the fossa, an earthen mound is poured and a plant is placed, spreading the roots well. They should not be located horizontally, but go a little at an angle in depth.
- A white strip at the base of the leaves will tell about the level of planting in the same place. A flower should be located in approximately the same place in a new place. The root neck cannot be deepened more than 2-3 cm, but there should not be exposed roots either.
- Fill the roots with soil. It must be carefully compacted, avoiding the presence of air in the soil - this will cause the death of the roots. Gradually water the soil to be poured. When the plant is fully planted, abundant watering will be required.
Site and soil preparation
Daylily is a long-lasting flower. Some specimens live without transplant up to 15 years. Therefore, you need to choose a place deliberately so as not to disturb the plant once again with a transplant.
Be sure to take into account the requirements that are presented by the day for successful growth and flowering:
- a sunny plot, an exception is made only for dark-colored varieties in the southern regions - the flowers fade from the bright sun, so they need a shadow at noon;
- loose fertile land that retains moisture well, but without stagnation of water;
- neutral or slightly acid soil reaction;
- the absence of trees and shrubs nearby, which will have to compete for moisture.
The soil must be prepared in advance. Heavy soil - improve the addition of sand and compost, and too light - the addition of clay for moisture capacity, sod-podzolic soil and compost. The earth is dug up on a bayonet shovel, carefully choosing the roots of weeds. If necessary, adjust the acidity of the soil.
Landing Nuances
Before planting, the plant needs to be prepared. Cut the leaves, leaving 10-15 cm above the root neck. Remove dead roots, sprinkling slices with crushed coal. The roots are soaked in a weak solution of complex fertilizer with the addition of a root stimulant: in spring and autumn, heteroauxin is used, and in summer, root is used. Soaking time - up to 24 hours. Soaking should be done in the shade at a temperature of 15 to 23 degrees.
After planting, the soil under the plants is mulched to avoid moisture loss. In hot weather, planted plants need daily watering.
Daylilies: outdoor care
High-quality care and compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology will help to maintain the health of plants and provide long-term lush flowering.
Temperature mode
Despite the love of sunlight, this plant does not like too much heat. In intense heat, small drops can be sprinkled to make plants more comfortable. Daylily is considered a frost-resistant flower, but winter shelter is desirable for him. It is especially important for evergreen and semi-evergreen varieties. Mulching the soil will allow it to be maintained in a loose state, stabilize the temperature, creating better conditions for the development and flowering of daylily.
Watering a plant
This is a very important event, since krasnodnev is a large water chowder and grows well in the presence of moisture in the root zone. Due to the biological characteristics of the root system, this plant can withstand a long dry period. But regular watering increases the number of buds and the size of the flower. The lack of moisture in the soil is indicated by pale foliage and dropping buds. Therefore, in the absence of rain, daylilies should be watered regularly, soaking the entire root layer of the soil. The plant does not like watering from above - spots appear on the flowers from water.It is best to water daylilies under the root with not cold water. It is very good if it is possible to organize drip irrigation. Helps to keep moisture in the lower layers of the soil mulching. Most often, daylilies mulch with half-ripe needles or aged crushed bark.
To avoid burns on the flowers, daylilies are watered early in the morning or late in the evening.
Fertilizer and fertilizer
In the first year after transplantation, Krasnodar does not need it. Starting from the second year, the plant is fed regularly. The first top dressing is carried out in early spring with complex mineral fertilizer in dry or liquid form. Dry fertilizer is embedded in the soil when loosened. The second top dressing with complex fertilizer is done when the buds are advanced. The third feeding is carried out a month after the mass flowering of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. They will help plants better prepare for winter.
Daylilies respond well to foliar top dressing. They can be made with mineral fertilizer solutions, but of a lower concentration. They are made in cloudy, calm weather in the early morning or late evening. Krasodnev loves liquid top dressing with organics: infusions of rotted grass, manure or chicken droppings. But they can only be carried out until August, since an excess of nitrogen in the second half of the growing season will not allow the plants to prepare well for the winter.
In spring, daylilies cut old leaves along the edges of the curtain, this rejuvenates the bushes. After flowering, all peduncles are pruned. Before freezing, it is advisable to cut off all the old leaves, leaving only young ones that have recently grown.
Daylilies tend to grow quickly. Lush flowering is observed for the first 5-7 years. Subsequently, the flowers are smaller, and they become smaller. So, it's time to transplant the plant, after dividing the jacket into parts.
In the spring, the red-blooded plants are transplanted as soon as young leaves grow to a height of about 10 cm. Dip is dug up from all sides, washed well with water and carefully divided into parts by hand. As a rule, this can be easily done. Sometimes for the separation you have to use a sharp knife, which neatly divide the bushes. Separation sites must be treated with fungicide to prevent possible diseases.
Summer transplantation is possible, but not very desirable, especially in hot weather - this is a strong stress for plants. Planting daylilies in autumn is possible no later than 1.5 months before the onset of frost, so that the young bushes have time to take root. The transplant procedure is the same as when planting a new plant.
Care in the fall, preparation for winter
The roots of most daylilies are not afraid of frosts down to -25 degrees, which cannot be said about the aerial parts. It freezes at the first frost. You need to prepare plants for winter in advance. To do this, at the end of summer, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are added, which increase frost resistance. Many flower growers prune old leaves on daylilies even before the onset of frost. But you can leave them on the plant. The process of photosynthesis, and hence the accumulation of nutrients in the roots, will continue until they dry out. Dried leaves will additionally protect the plant from the cold. It is only necessary to remove them in time with the onset of spring. It will help to successfully winter and mulch the bushes with dry peat, sawdust, chopped straw. This procedure should be carried out after the final establishment of cold weather, so that the bushes do not vypryali. Many evergreen and semi-evergreen varieties need additional shelter with spruce branches.
Daylily reproduction
There are many ways to reproduce:
- division of the bush;
- by seeds;
- air layering.
The first method has already been described in detail. In addition, it can be noted that when dividing the bush, parts are always obtained that are different in quality. Peripheral delenki have stronger roots and will more likely take over and bloom. Parts from the middle take root worse.They need to remove dead roots and trim live ones to stimulate the growth of new ones. These delenki require more attention when leaving, feeding and watering.
When propagating by seeds, one must remember that new plants will not repeat maternal traits. Seed propagation is used to produce new hybrids. But, if your plant is pollinated and seeds are planted, then you can try to sow them. Who knows, perhaps you will become the owner of an original beautifully flowering plant.
How to propagate red-hot seeds?
So that the seeds do not fly out of the cracked box, it is tied with gauze or wrapped in paper. The fully ripened seeds are dried for 2 weeks and stored in a tightly closed container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that they do not dry out.
The algorithm for seed reproduction of daylilies is as follows:
- before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 2-3 days in water, which is changed daily;
- sown in containers with nutrient soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm with a distance of 2 cm between seeds;
- you can sow seeds on the beds after the onset of heat, the distance between the seeds - 5 cm, between the rows - 20 cm;
- when 4 leaves appear in seedlings grown in a room, they can be peaked on a bed;
- daylilies bloom in the second or third year.
After flowering is complete, many varieties of red-blooming flowers show small rosettes of leaves on peduncles that are successfully used for propagation.
Do this as follows:
- allow the outlet to develop well, without cutting off the peduncle;
- for reproduction, cut it, leaving 4 cm of the peduncle above and below;
- if there are no roots on the outlet, root it in water;
- in the case of roots, they plant it, after dipping in root;
- if it remains at least 2 months before frost, you can plant sockets on the beds, for the winter they must be mulched;
- when the winter is just around the corner, you will have to plant sockets in pots with light soil, sprinkled with a centimeter layer of sand and keep on the windowsill; look after, fertilize and lighten them, as well as indoor plants;
- in spring, plants are planted in the ground.
With any method of planting, the sockets are not buried, it is enough that a stem nodule with roots is immersed in the soil. The leaves at the outlets are cut to a height of 8 cm.
Pests and diseases and methods of dealing with them
Daylilies are quite viable plants; they do not deliver much trouble to gardeners, but they also have their own diseases and insect pests.
Table: Daylily diseases and pests.
Disease or pest | How does it manifest | How to fight |
Root of the cervix | Leaves turn yellow and die off, the neck softens, a smell appears | The dug up plant is washed, the decayed parts are cleaned, disinfected in a dark solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, dried in the shade before transplantation |
Leaf stripe | Yellow strokes along the central vein and red-brown spots on the leaves | The affected leaves are removed, the plants are treated with foundationazole with a concentration of 0.2% |
Rust | Slow growth, lack of flowering, pustules on leaves filled with yellow-orange powder | All infected leaves are removed, as well as healthy ones nearby, treated with fungicides, changing drugs |
Viruses | Plants look diseased, spots or strokes appear on leaves | It is impossible to cure the plant, with a confirmed disease, the plant is destroyed |
Daylily mosquito | Larvae in buds | Affected buds are torn off |
Thrips | Ugly shapeless flowers, affected leaves | Cut flower stalks and remove affected leaves, treatment with systemic insecticides |
Sometimes daylilies can have problems that are not related to diseases or pests.
Possible growing problems
They may be as follows.
- Fragility of flower stalks - excessive irrigation and excess nitrogen in the soil are to blame.
- The spots on the petals of dark and red colors are traces of sunburn or heavy rain.
- The flower is not fully revealed - a temporary phenomenon, passes on its own.
- Lack of flowering - planting too deep, excess nitrogen, insufficient lighting.
Daylily is a highly decorative and unpretentious plant. It is able to thank the grower for good care with long and lush flowering.