Liana of temperate climate is no less beautiful than her tropical relatives. This plant is interesting to use in landscape design for the design of hedges, arbors and wall decorations. Descriptions of popular species and care tips will be helpful to gardeners.

Liana: a botanical description

The creepers include all climbing plants that do not have their own vertically growing stem, and cling to the supports, rising above the ground up to the sun.

Liana is a many-sided plant, it can be an evergreen perennial, grassy annual or woody specimen with falling leaves. Vines are attached to the vertical surface and tree trunks with the help of antennae (grapes), sucker roots (ivy) or simply wrap around a support, clinging to shoots.

Species, varieties and names of plants

Distinguish between perennial and annual creepers.

Popular annual plants include:

  • Ipomoea tricolor. Light and airy, quickly gaining green mass, can entwine any shape, blooms beautifully, looks great.
  • Sweet pea. It has loose, airy flowers, lacy foliage, it is beautiful and fragrant, it can decorate a low fence.
  • The ovary is rough. A plant with original tubular flowers and fruits, grows rapidly.
  • Tunbergia winged or black-eyed Suzanne. Brightly colored yellow and orange flowers of this plant with dark centers look very decorative.

The favorites that are most often found in gardens are perennial creepers. They are usually planted in a permanent place near the fence arbors or buildings, used for landscaping hedges. When choosing a climbing plant, you need to ask how it is attached to the supports, what is its approximate weight.Powerful and heavy vines are not suitable for weak partitions, and graceful, green ivy will easily destroy the wall of the house, climbing on it under the roof.

The most popular varieties of perennial vines:

  • Kirkazon is large-leaved. The leaves are light green, large, about 30 cm long, the flowers resemble a pipe in shape. The plant is powerful and heavy, grows well in the sun and in the shade.
  • Wicker rose. Plants look incredibly beautiful in any corner of the garden - at the entrance, near the gazebo, against the wall of the house. There is a large selection of varieties with different colors and flowering time.
  • Clematis. These vines can compete in beauty with roses. There are varieties that bloom all summer or only in spring and autumn. They hibernate in the middle lane with shelter. Clematis cannot rise on a support as high as climbing roses, they are more loose and airy.
  • Ivy. One of the longest vines. With it, you can decorate a tall building. But if there are cracks and chips in the wall, ivy can destroy brickwork. Ivy flowers are small and nondescript, the leaves are thin and graceful, it is they that give decorativeness to the plant.
  • Hydrangea climbing or petiolate. One of the vines that can beautifully decorate any part of the garden. It has a heavy trunk, can rise to a great height, but requires strong support.
  • Japanese grapes. A plant with large leaves, the upper part of the leaf plate of which is dark green and the bottom is silver. It grows up to 7 meters in length, blooms in plain colors, but its black rounded fruits look very beautiful.

Lianas are grown in apartment conditions. So, for example, indoor vines scindapsus and monstera have been pleasing gardeners with their bright greenery for years.

Read also:monstera: why you can not keep at home

Features of growing vines

Annual creepers grow rapidly, braiding a support near which they are planted. They delight in abundant flowering and unpretentiousness. For successful growth and development, they need monthly top dressing and regular watering. These plants do not need formative pruning and shelter for the winter. The only drawback of annuals is the need to sow them in the spring again and wait for the plants to gain full strength, delighting with the splendor of foliage and flowers.

Perennial vines require more careful care. Many of them are thermophilic, they need to be removed from the support and covered for the winter. Every year we need to find time for the shaping and sanitary trimming of shoots, carefully direct them in the right direction.

But all these works will be rewarded with incredibly beautiful flowering and an abundance of green foliage.

Outdoor landing

Annual cold-resistant vines are grown by direct sowing into the ground in spring, in April or May. The soil at the alleged support is fertilized, dug and leveled. After sowing, the seeds are moistened and covered with a film. When the seedlings appear, the film is removed, they begin to fertilize, weed and loosen the soil.

Most perennial thermophilic vines are grown through seedlings.

To do this, the seeds are sown in pots and placed in a room where the air temperature is 20 ° C. In the middle or end of May, grown seedlings are transplanted into the open ground to a permanent place near the support.

How to care for a liana

It all depends on what kind of vine you planted on the site. Features of cultivation are determined by the type of plant and have significant differences.

In caring for the described multi-year vines, these tips will help you:

  • Climbing hydrangea grows better in partial shade. Any soil with a neutral or slightly acidic composition is suitable for cultivation. The plant blooms wonderfully. It does not tolerate cold weather, so for the winter it needs to be removed from its supports and covered.
  • Ivy ordinary to lighting is undemanding. If the soil is fertile, it will show all its beauty. This plant is not afraid of gas-polluted city air and pruning, growing lianas will not cause much trouble.
  • Japanese grapes at a young age develop slowly, it needs to be fed. Every year, the growth rate is increasing. Japanese grapes are undemanding to soils, tolerates a haircut, needs regular watering.
  • Clematis loves fertile and drained soil with neutral acidity. They need timely watering and regular fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering plants. For the winter, clematis is removed from the support and covered, they do not like frosts.
  • Large-leaved circason needs frequent watering. Fertilize it with complex preparations or organics 2 times per season. The rest of the care comes down to removing weeds, mulching the soil, forming and sanitary pruning.
  • A climbing rose loves frequent watering, especially during flowering. At least 10 liters of water are poured onto one bush. The soil is loosened and mulched the next day. Roses are demanding for top dressing, they are fertilized with complex preparations, for example, "Agricole-Rose", and organics - mullein, wood ash. The stems of the plant need to be cut from the first year of cultivation, stimulating the formation of side shoots. In the fall, rose bushes are removed from the support and covered.

Protection against diseases and pests

Annual and perennial creepers need protection from insect pests, like other plants in your garden. Having noticed the suspicious activity of insects on the leaves, the vines are watered with systemic insecticides. Contact preparations are not so effective, they are quickly washed off by rains.

When signs of late blight or other fungal disease appear on the stem or leaves, fungicides are used. Processing is carried out repeatedly until the plants recover completely.

Perennial vines are recommended for preventive spraying with insecticides and fungicides in early spring, before the leaves bloom, and in autumn.

Liana in landscape design

Lianas in the garden can fulfill the decorative functions of a screen, protecting from prying eyes what you would like to hide. They create cosiness and privacy in the garden. Long shoots and beautiful flowers hide irregularities that cut the eye, smooth out the difference in the height of structures, decorate ugly walls, and serve as a hedge.


The fruits of some vines are edible. In the southern regions, in addition to the usual grapes, the chocolate akebia vine bears fruit. Its fruits of an unusual appearance are similar in taste to raspberries. In Japan, her young shoots eat in the spring. The plant got its unusual name because the liana flower smells of chocolate.

Which vine to choose, and where to plant it, depends on your preference. The quality of the support, the location and growing conditions will affect how the plant will later show its beauty.