Acne on the face and body is not only a cosmetic flaw. Such formations on the skin, especially if they are filled with pus, can leave scars. To stop inflammation, many medications are used. In this section, we will look at how to use Levomekol for acne.

Does Levomekol ointment help with acne

The Levomekol tool was developed back in the 70s of the last century by specialists of the Kharkov Institute. Today, the popularity of this medication is very high not only in Ukraine, but also in the Russian Federation.

If you use Levomekol for acne on the face and body, it acts according to this scheme:

  1. The composition penetrates the skin at the sites of inflammation.
  2. For several hours, it affects the focus of the problem, as a result of which acne decreases in size, and redness becomes not so pronounced.
  3. After that, regenerative properties are activated, due to which the wounds heal and the normal appearance of the skin is restored.

On a note. The drug helps not only eliminate pimples, but also fights acne, and is also effective against boils.

Pharmacological group

Levomekol ointment is a combination agent, which includes an antibacterial compound with a wide spectrum of exposure to chloramphenicol. It is active against various types of pathogenic organisms, under the influence of which acne and other similar defects form on the skin.

Another active substance of the drug is methyluracil.It is a regeneration stimulant with anti-inflammatory and immunoprotective effects.

Thus, the drug provides a complex effect, namely:

  • destroys bacteria;
  • stimulates regeneration processes;
  • struggling with inflammatory foci;
  • eliminates edema;
  • dries purulent formations.

Due to the presence of chloramphenicol, the drug can be considered an antibacterial drug intended for external use. Therefore, before using Levomekol ointment for acne or other defects, it is worth consulting with a specialist. This is a powerful drug and its uncontrolled use can negatively affect health.

Composition and form of release

In addition to the main components, chloramphenicol and methyluracil, the ointment contains substances such as cetostearyl alcohol, propylene glycol, sodium edetate, macrogol, paraffin oil.


These compounds cannot be called auxiliary in the full sense. Most of them, to one extent or another, contribute to the healing of injuries and increase the effectiveness of the medicinal composition.

Ointment is a white or yellowish dense substance with a homogeneous structure. The drug has practically no smell. The composition is packaged in tubes of 40 g or darkened glass jars with a capacity of 100 ml or 1 liter. Regardless of the type of capacity, they are packed in cardboard boxes, instructions for use are also attached here.

On a note. A remedy for skin problems is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription.

Indications for use

The main indications for the appointment of Levomekol are considered purulent formations on the skin.

It helps to achieve the following effects:

  • eliminate acne and acne, if they are provoked by Escherichia coli and Senegalese, staphylococcus, and also an imbalance of hormones in adolescence or before menstruation in women;
  • "Dry" herpes, including genital;
  • heal trophic ulcers, bedsores, eczema;
  • accelerate tissue regeneration in case of burns, wounds and scratches;
  • help in the fight against barley in the eyes;
  • reduce inflammation due to ingrown toenail.

In addition, Levomekol is prescribed to lubricate the sutures applied to the wound. Ointment helps to speed up healing and restore the epithelium.

Instructions for use

The way to get rid of acne and acne with an ointment depends on the type of defect. Consider how the drug is used in various cases.

Use to eliminate acne on the face and body:

  1. Rinse the damaged area with warm water, pat it dry with a towel.
  2. Gently apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area. If there are a lot of acne, it is better to do it pointwise.
  3. Wait a quarter of an hour for the composition to feed, and then remove the residue with warm water.

Levomekol also helps with subcutaneous acne. In this case, it is necessary to provide a deep penetration of the product. For this, the composition is rubbed into the formation on the skin with soft movements, after which a compress paper is applied, which is fixed on top with a plaster. In this case, it will take at least several hours to keep the ointment on the body.

On a note. In a similar way, Levomekol can be used from acne marks. Such compresses will help restore damaged skin faster.

To treat acne, it will take a lot of effort. Apply the product in the following order:

  1. Clean your skin with warm water, removing makeup, dust and dirt.
  2. Apply ointment in a thick layer.
  3. Stick on top of the patch so that it is better absorbed.
  4. Wear the compress for 8 hours, then remove the patch and rinse off the product.
  5. Repeat treatment after 14 days.

Tip. It is better to apply Levomekol at night, and in the morning wash off the composition from the skin.

Effectively, this tool is also for the treatment of boils. In fact, they are large purulent acne caused by inflammation of the hair follicles.These formations can appear in any areas.

You need to act in this way:

  1. Rinse the affected area and additionally treat it with hydrogen peroxide or 70% alcohol.
  2. Apply ointment, cover this area with cotton.
  3. Put a bandage on top or glue a patch, and after a few hours remove it.

This procedure will need to be repeated 2 to 3 times a day, until the boil is eliminated.

Read also:tar soap for acne on the face

Pregnancy and lactation

Regarding the use of Levomekol during pregnancy and breastfeeding, doctors differ. Some argue that for women who are expecting a baby or nursing, this composition will not do any harm, since it does not penetrate the systemic circulation. Some believe that it is allowed to apply it to children's skin, even if it is a baby.

Other specialists are less optimistic. Despite the fact that this tool is intended for external use, still it contains a fairly strong antibiotic. Such compounds, although able to quickly remove inflammation and fight bacteria, are unsafe for the body. For this reason, some doctors advise replacing Levomekol with more harmless analogues in the treatment of pregnant and lactating women.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the drug is the period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as severe intolerance to the components of the drug.

With the first two contraindications, everything is clear, but how to determine if there is an allergy to the components of Levomekol? To do this, lubricate with a small amount of the drug the skin on the wrist or on the inside of the elbow. If no reaction has occurred within 24 hours, the ointment can be used.

Even in the absence of contraindications, some complications may occur as a result of using the drug. These include manifestations such as itching, redness or irritation in the area of ​​application of the ointment. Less frequent adverse effects are urticaria and edema in the place treated with the product. The same symptoms develop with prolonged uncontrolled use of the treatment composition.

In the case of any medical means, one should be guided by the principle of Hippocrates, which states that "there is medicine in the drop, and poison in the cup." If you use the ointment carefully, following the recommendations prescribed in the annotations to the drug, it will not cause harm to the body.