Levocarnitine is not only a drug that has become popular among the masses due to its ability to accelerate metabolism, but also an important element of internal amino acid synthesis. It differs in its ability to cure multiple disorders in the body. But, despite the apparent benefits, the substance has features that should be remembered by a person who wants to improve his health.
Material Content:
- 1 Release forms and composition
- 2 Pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics
- 3 Why is Levocarnitine prescribed?
- 4 Instructions for use L-carnitine
- 5 During pregnancy and lactation
- 6 Drug interaction
- 7 Compatibility of Levocarnitine with Alcohol
- 8 Contraindications, side effects and overdose
- 9 Analogues of the drug
Release forms and composition
L-carnitine in a pharmacy is presented in the form of tablets with different contents of the active substance, capsules and syrup.
The first type is a tablet, packaged in contour cells of 10 pieces. 3 to 8 packages are packed in a box. The composition of the drug varies depending on the manufacturer.
On the market are tablets containing:
- 100 mg - levocarnitine, 30 mg - ascorbic acid;
- 500 mg - levocarnitine and additional elements.
Capsules are sold in polymer bottles, each in 60 or 150 pieces. In a capsule - 250 mg or 500 mg of the main substance.
A syrup is a solution of L-carnitine powder, found in polymer bottles, usually dark colors. The standard volume is 100 ml, which accounts for 10 g of carnitine. The normal dose for a person is 5 ml, which contains 500 mg of the main component and additional elements, including fructose.
Pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics
L-carnitine is a derivative of two amino acids - lysine and methionine, synthesized in the human body. It belongs to the vitamins of group B, highlighting as vitamin BT (growth vitamin) or B11. But such a statement is erroneous, and scientists define it as related to the above group.
It has the following effects on the body:
- anabolic - accelerates protein synthesis, which leads to a rapid increase in muscle mass;
- antithyroid - reduces the production of thyroid hormones with its hyperfunction;
- antihypoxic - reduces the need for body tissues in oxygen;
- regenerative - contributes to the rapid restoration of tissues, the healing of physical damage, the general improvement of the state of the body;
- neurotrophic - prevents the death of neurons, delays apoptosis (cell decay), restores nerve tissue;
- normalizes metabolism;
- increases endurance due to the expansion of glycogen stores in the liver and its rational use by the body;
- helps to reduce weight and body fat;
- reduces the likelihood of lactic acidosis in athletes;
- increases the enzymatic ability of the digestive system, accelerates the digestion of food and the absorption of trace elements;
- improves appetite.
L-carnitine is readily absorbed by the stomach and is rapidly absorbed. The largest amount of the main substance was recorded 3 hours after administration. It freely enters the liver and muscles of the heart, harder - into the skeletal muscles.
It is processed by the kidneys, excreted as metabolites, with urine or sweat.
It is independently synthesized in the liver. The main function is the transfer of fats to mitochondria to further convert them into energy. L-carnitine also prevents the use of amino acids as an energy material.
It is present in all food of animal origin, but it is easily destroyed under the influence of high temperature, so a small amount gets into the body with food.
A healthy person does not need additional intake of such drugs - enough carnitine is produced in the liver.
Why is Levocarnitine prescribed?
L-carnitine is a popular dietary supplement for athletes, but in medical practice it is also used for other population groups.
The tool is prescribed for people with impaired heart function to expand the supply of strength and develop tolerance to muscle loads. It is recommended for older people to slow down general aging, regression of the brain, and memory improvement.
Levocarnitine is indicated for children living in the active growth phase (15-16 years), premature infants, and newborns with weight loss.
Admission before training helps to expand the supply of strength, prolonged physical exertion, after - a quick recovery, reduce muscle tension.
It is also used for weight loss, combining intake with regular physical activity and diet.
It is indicated for diseases:
- genetic and acquired carnitine deficiency;
- chronic renal failure;
- organic acidemia;
- some forms of thyrotoxicosis;
- cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, angina pectoris, post-infarction conditions;
- anorexia;
- obesity;
- gastritis;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- traumatic encephalopathy;
- severe depletion of the body;
- psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, scleroderma;
- asphyxia, hypotension and hypotrophy of the newborn;
Instructions for use L-carnitine
The method of administration of levocarnitine is tied to the form of release and the age of the patient.
The drug in tablets is intended for swallowing and subsequent washing down with a glass of water or other convenient volume. Do not use hot drinks or fruit juices for these purposes. The standard dose for adults is 250-500 mg, which should be taken 2-3 times a day, for athletes - 500-1500 mg, but once - immediately before exercise.
The course and specifically the dose is prescribed exclusively by the doctor, but it is not recommended to take levocarnitine for more than 6 consecutive months.
The doses of the substance in capsules are the same as in tablets. The capsule should not be cracked open and try to dissolve, drink with a convenient volume of water.
Reception for children in the forms discussed above is not recommended. The most suitable form is syrup.
Dosage varies for different ages:
- up to a year - 8-20 drops;
- from 1 to 6 - 20-28;
- from 6 to 12 - 2.5 ml;
- from 12 (adults) - 5 ml.
All age groups should drink this drug 3 times a day.
For athletes, a single dose of the solution is 15 ml, but they drink it exclusively before training.
Do not self-medicate, even when taking small doses to reduce excess weight, you need to consult a specialist.
During pregnancy and lactation
Pregnant women are not recommended to take the drug. If necessary, continue treatment with L-carnitine, be sure to consult a doctor to determine the dose and duration of the course.
Due to the fact that the amino acid is able to penetrate into milk, during lactation, administration is contraindicated to prevent the accumulation of an excess of carnitine during the development of the child.
Drug interaction
Some types of anabolics and lipoic acid can enhance the effect of Levocarnitine, this complex is prescribed for patients with chronic pancreatitis, heart failure, for the prevention of atherosclerosis.
Glucocorticosteroids slow down the excretion of L-carnitine from the body, which is why it accumulates in tissues, with the exception of the liver.
An increase in INR (a decrease in blood coagulability) is observed in patients taking levocarnitine with warfarin. When using L-carnitine, it is required to control INR in people with a tendency to thrombosis or embolism.
Compatibility of Levocarnitine with Alcohol
According to the results of numerous studies, the simultaneous administration of L-carnitine and alcohol will not entail negative consequences. This is due to the fact that the drug is not a drug, but only a dietary supplement.
But doctors do not recommend taking this as an excuse to combine these products. Since the reaction of each person to both alcohol and carnitine is different, such actions can lead to both an increase in the effect and unpredictable consequences.
Contraindications, side effects and overdose
Levocarnitine is contraindicated in case of personal intolerance, allergy to the drug or its components.
In rare cases, dyspepsia (digestive disorders), pain in the upper abdomen, the development of an allergic reaction to L-carnitine are found in patients during administration. People with uremia have weakness, drowsiness.
Long-term use of L-carnitine increases the risk of disorders of the cardiovascular system, especially atherosclerosis.
There were no cases of overdose, but a study in mice showed an increase in TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide) in the blood, which subsequently leads to diseases of the vessels and heart.
Analogues of the drug
Levocarnitine is found not only in the drug of the same name, but also in other medicines.
The cheapest analogue is Elkar - a solution that is found in the markets in bottles of 100, 50, 25 ml. Indications are similar to those for L-carnitine.
Karnifit is a predominantly baby supplement used to increase weight in children with deficiency, for nursing premature babies. Adults are prescribed to accelerate recovery from injuries or operations with serious consequences.
A tool that is almost identical to L-carnitine is Levocarnyl. Indications are consistent.
Another solution with a high content of levocarnitine is Nephrocarnit. It is discharged for all the above violations.
You can find L-carnitine from different manufacturers. The difference will be in the different volume of the active component, the form of release and price.
Levocarnitine, L-carnitine, L-carnitine is a popular dietary supplement that is used to increase the body's stamina, its regenerative abilities. Has a reputation as an effective means for losing weight. But self-administration, without prior consultation with a specialist, is not recommended - levocarnitine is produced by the liver, and the introduction of excess substances can lead to disruption of the body.