Compatibility Leo and Taurus is average. A couple can become happy in love and relationships, but only on the condition that two people begin to compromise and yield to each other. Leo (regardless of gender) will try to become a leader, and Taurus will challenge his position.
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Characteristics of Lions and Taurus as zodiac signs
Most Lions are very proud ambitious people who prefer to occupy the leading leadership positions in any relationship - love, work, and others.
- Representatives of this sign want to get the maximum possible benefits from life, just do not plan to make special efforts for this. This character trait can greatly annoy their partner. Especially if it is a hardworking and responsible Taurus.
- Lions look down on the world around them and are extremely sensitive to any critical remarks addressed to them. Therefore, their soulmate must be very careful to give any advice to a proud sign.
- Material goods often become the main meaning of life in Lviv. The rest is only of secondary importance.
- Charming Lionesses always have a lot of fans. They are able to achieve amazing success in several directions at once. Such girls are quite prudent, so they often become spouses of wealthy men.
- Representatives of the stronger sex of the sign under discussion quickly light up and also quickly burn out. This applies to both working ideas and women. They are amorous and fickle. And besides, they are conceited and proud.
Taurus is a strong, independent and noble people. They used to do everything in life to work hard.
The main drawback of the representatives of such a sign is the inability to accept someone else's point of view. Taurus believes that only his opinion is the only correct one.
- Men and women of this sign hate lies in all manifestations from other people. But sometimes they themselves use it to achieve their own goals. However, they are very kind. Their kindness and desire to help may even be too intrusive for others.
- Taurus know how to be friends. They will never betray a loved one. Therefore, often childhood friends remain with them until old age. This quality is also manifested in love. Representatives of the zodiac sign Taurus are true to their soul mate, especially men.
- Taurus can not be called vengeful, insidious, vindictive. But they hardly survive and forgive betrayal. Bad attitude to debtors who break their promises.
- For representatives of this sign, welfare is important. To ensure a good life for their family, they are ready to work literally for days. Taurus never expects anything from fate, the state or relatives. They prefer to achieve everything on their own.
- Female bodies are strong, with a strong character. But they try to soften these features in communication with a man. Such girls do not seek to demonstrate their superiority over the second half and others.
- Men of this sign combine calm, rationality and at the same time romance. In the family, they prefer to take a leading position.
Compatible Leo Men and Taurus Women
A pair of Female Taurus - Male Lion can build strong long-term relationships, if between them there are strong vivid feelings. Otherwise, the couple will quickly come to a breakup.
In a love relationship
Calm housewife-Taurus and ambitious active Leo, most likely, will meet completely by accident. These people are very different, which can lead to deep genuine interest in each other.
A woman in a love relationship with Leo will be comfortable, thanks to his authority and determination. She will gladly give him the palm in everything. But the Taurus girl may quickly seem too calm, boring and uninteresting to the representative of the stronger sex. Only strong love and passion will keep them together.
Leo and Taurus will move to the wedding much longer than all other couples. The girl of the sign under discussion is always very careful in choosing a partner. She wants to study the man from all sides before connecting her life with him.
The Taurus woman is able to provide her lover with a reliable rear, to give comfort and tranquility. This is exactly what Leo lacks after noisy active parties, at which he used to shine.
A common cause of divorces in such a couple is betrayal of the spouse.
In this case, it will be possible to save the marriage only if the wife learns not to pay attention to the constant flirtation and petty affairs of Leo, which cannot exist without the constant admiration of women and their attention to his person.
In friendship
To make friends with a woman Taurus and a man Leo is difficult. It is unlikely that these people will be able to find any common ground and common interests. The girl prefers to sit at home reading a good book, and the man is more likely to go to the next fashion show. Maximum - they will become good friends with rare playful conversations, for example, in the workplace.
Sexual compatibility
All problems arising in a pair, Leo will try to solve at night. But this situation does not suit the Taurus woman. She needs long conversations on troubling topics, not conciliatory sex.
Usually a girl in such a pair is frightened by the man’s excessive perseverance and constant desire to go to bed. All this leads to serious misunderstanding and betrayal.
How compatible are male Taurus and female Lions
The compatibility of the Leo woman - the Taurus man is slightly higher than that of the opposite version of the pair. The stork’s visit especially strengthens such a union.
In a love relationship
More often than not, the man in the pair under discussion becomes the initiator of the relationship. He is conquered by the brilliant chic Lioness and makes him decide on feats in order to achieve the favor of his beloved. Persistence and determination of Taurus can not be unnoticed for his beloved. Therefore, the girl can quickly reciprocate.
Beautiful romantic courtship and constant compliments prevent Lioness from leaving the man. Every day she becomes more and more attached to her soulmate and soon becomes dependent on his strength, calmness. Taurus lands a little on her ambitious partner and helps her achieve her goals faster.
If you have feelings, a female Leo and a male Taurus can live in marriage for a very long time.
A proud and proud wife will often arrange tantrums for her partner and act up on any occasion. Thus, she will try to bring her partner to emotions. But angry Taurus is extremely difficult. He will admire his beauty Lioness, even when she screams and swears. Soon, the girl will be ashamed of her behavior, and conciliatory sex will again return harmony to the couple.
Having children only strengthens the couples in question. Taurus become wonderful fathers. Looking at the husband tenderly rocking the baby, the Lioness will experience real admiration and pride in her husband. This will enhance the girl’s feelings.
In friendship
To make friends with the male Taurus and the female Leo is fun and interesting. They can laugh for hours at common, understandable jokes to them, or endlessly come up with new entertainments. That's just such a friendship will not last long. Sooner or later, the male Taurus will begin to experience a sexual attraction for the Lioness, or even true love feelings.
Sexual compatibility
In sex, the compatibility of the zodiac signs is just great.
The Taurus guy will be ready to do everything to surprise and satisfy his chosen one. In bed, he is even ready to step over himself - to become more active, passionate, to decide on role-playing games.
Passion in a pair will remain for many years. The lioness will endlessly inspire her partner for sexual exploits.
Positive and negative sides of the union
The horoscope suggests that the alliance between Leo and Taurus has its pros and cons.
Positive sides:
- Leo and Taurus together become excellent parents. They will give children love, care, tenderness and all that is needed to grow up as a happy harmonious personality.
- A practical rational Taurus will be able to regulate Leo's excessive spending, teach him how to handle money and choose more realistic life goals.
- Since Leo and Taurus have very different hobbies, characters, outlooks on life, they can remain interesting to each other for a long time.
Negative sides:
- For faithful Taurus can be a real tragedy windiness and a tendency to treason Lviv.
- The couple has different views on leisure and entertainment. Leo wants to go out more often, and Taurus wants to be more at home. On this basis, lovers can have serious conflicts.
If people really love each other and want to be together, then nothing can stop them. Do not take horoscopes as a direct guide to action and blame your partner for frivolity simply because the astrologer said so.