This is the union of two strong signs, where emotions rage and there are no obstacles to achieve your goals. The compatibility of Leo and Scorpio is not cloudless, the two will have to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve harmony in the relationship. Are they able to give the palm to each other? These and other nuances of such a vivid and ambitious union are worth learning more about them.
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Characteristics of the zodiac signs
Birth under a certain zodiac sign determines the character of a person and his adaptability with the outside world. To understand what passions will rage in the union of Leo and Scorpio, it is necessary to identify the main features that characterize these signs.
- impulsive;
- passionate, gambling;
- disciplined;
- selfish;
- incredulous;
- authoritarian;
- stubborn.
Scorpios are peculiar personalities, they are constantly thrown from extreme to extreme.
They live by their own rules, have little trust in others, all have their own opinion and follow it. It is possible to gain the trust of Scorpio, but it is very difficult. They are secretive and perfectly control their emotions, if necessary. They like to keep everything under control, they will remember grievances for a long time, they can even take revenge. As representatives of the watermark, they sometimes forget about a sense of proportion. There are "a lot" of them, they do not understand that they can oppress those who are nearby.
If attached to a person, they can be real friends, ready to come to the rescue at any moment. Relatives and friends will feel the care of the Scorpions, they know how to be nice, if they want.
Leo is characterized by:
- self-confidence, high conceit;
- initiative;
- arrogance;
- unselfishness;
- credulity;
- sociability;
- openness.
Lions endlessly value their independence; to depend on someone for them is to fall in their own eyes.
The sign is fiery, energetic. People around feel the bright aura of the representatives of this sign, trust them, forgive many sins. Lions are not used to being in the spotlight, moreover, they strive for this. Loneliness is not for them, they love to communicate and do it with fire.
They are generously generous to people, generous even to enemies. Having all the reasons, they will not take revenge on those who have already experienced defeat. They do not like to lose, but, having failed, they will never give up, they will continue to fight to the end.
Lions painfully perceive any ridicule in their own address. Failures can break the proud representatives of this sign. In this case, the relatives and friends of Leo will suffer - he becomes a home tyrant, capricious and picky.
If Leo is on a horse, he is generous, generous, ready to rush to help even strangers, will give everything so that those around him feel happy.
Male lion and female Scorpio: compatibility
A pair of male Lion and female Scorpio has good prospects for creating a strong family. A spark between them can run instantly. The lion will be subdued by a girl who bathes in an aura of sexuality. She, in turn, will immediately notice a self-confident Leo, able to be in the center of any company, strong in spirit and in aspirations. Relationships can develop rapidly, as lovers can not breathe each other at first.
Strong feelings between partners are the key to success in this pair. These zodiac signs part as passionately as they get closer.
A break in relations means that one of the partners began to cool. These two, with their explosive character and pride, cannot even remain friends after parting.
In a love relationship
The loving relationship between a Leo guy and a Scorpio girl is more like a feeling of sudden love. They can quickly end up in the same bed, as they are temperamentally suited to each other: both swift, desperate and emotional. They will be wonderful lovers, ready for risky experiments in bed. An intimate relationship will serve as a litmus test for this couple. If the passion subsides, the partners will simply run away.
The horoscope of compatibility of these signs is quite favorable if the partners find common ground other than bed. This is quite possible due to the similarity of temperaments and outlook on life. A Scorpio woman will have to moderate her dominance; Leo will not be allowed pride to completely submit to her partner. A smart wife will not show her ambitions in public, although in the family she will not be completely led. The lion will accept such rules of the game, since it is important for him not to lose face. The main earner is the husband, and the wife will wisely manage family capital, creating peace and comfort in the house. She will not forget about her career, for Scorpio it is important.
In friendship
Friendly relations between a male Leo and a female Scorpio are hardly possible. The matter again is temperaments: they, like two predators, both want to be on the first roles.
If they turn out to be colleagues or classmates, competition will be ensured. Trust relationships, as between close friends, they definitely will not have. Once in the same company, they would rather politely throw a couple of phrases, and that’s all. Here you can safely declare the truth: there is no friendship between a man and a woman - and this will be right for such people. A sudden and stormy romance between the guy Leo and Lady Scorpio, but with a subsequent break, is more possible.
How compatible are women Leo and Scorpio men
Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is, but rather confusing.The lioness refers to the fire sign, the Scorpio man refers to the sign of water, because of this there are disagreements that can lead to conflicts and breaks. It is necessary for one of the partners to show wisdom and be able to adapt, at the right time, to the mood of the beloved. It will be wonderful if a woman shows sensitivity, as she knows how, in relation to the emotional and impetuous Scorpio.
If the Lioness wants to build a relationship with such a partner, an alliance can take place.
Scorpio men are honest, loyal to their partner. They look for a soul mate among strong women, they are not interested in obedient and trouble-free. Everlasting passion is the element that will keep Scorpio in good shape.
In a love relationship
Scorpio is able to surround his woman with such passionate love and care that even the demanding Lioness will be subdued. She expects admiration, affection and careful handling from her partner. At the beginning of the meeting and at the time of love, the couple will not notice minor disagreements on matters of love. When they begin to get to know each other better, he will note for himself her love for excessive gloss, and she will suspect him of being isolated from her emotions.
A man-Scorpio and a woman-Leo in love relationships put sex in the first place - in this they are the same. But the expectations do not always coincide. A lioness needs a prelude, games will also be a priority. Scorpio appreciates, first of all, sex itself. He doesn’t care about the situation, that’s why he will not bother with his head, and the Lioness will try to make it beautiful: candles burned, rose petals floated in the bathroom, which must be taken together.
If the partners try to listen to each other, she will feel his tenderness and affection, he is a pleasure from her delight. Such sexual relationships will become the link of the couple in question.
The marriage bonds of Scorpio and the Lioness cannot be called calm. Two strong characters will constantly clash with each other, quarrels are inevitable.
In financial terms, the partner will have to try hard to ensure a decent life for the woman Leo. But she will become a perfect wife. The house will be in perfect condition, will learn to control costs, as it sees the efforts of her husband.
It will be wonderful if the Lioness does not begin to control every step of Scorpio, gives him personal space. A wise woman should feel this, because a freedom-loving Scorpio cannot live in a cage. Both will be wonderful parents for their children.
In friendship
These two can become good friends if they show patience. Two strong personalities, they look at each other for a long time. They may not have the same hobbies, this is not necessary. What can unite them? First of all, it is the stability of characters and general views on some problems. Also a keen mind and a lot of common topics for conversation. Both are able to selflessly help and support in difficult times.
If Scorpio and the Lioness make friends - this is for a long time. The main thing is that friendship does not turn into competition.
There is a danger that friendships will one day flow into an intimate relationship, and maybe purely out of sports interest. Then it is not dangerous for friendship. It so happens that their bed will bring them so close that families begin to crumble. If feelings of a different plan appear, Scorpio and Leo will demonstrate them without hesitation.
Positive and negative sides of the union
Lions and Scorpios have every chance of being happy in a relationship. They are worthy of each other. Coincide in temperament, both have a strong character.
The union will help Scorpio become more balanced, under the influence of the Lioness, he will begin to ponder his actions before doing tricks. A woman Leo will appreciate her strong partner, because next will be a man who is capable of feats, not inferior to anything regal temperament.
The strongest minus of this union is impatience towards the partner. Both have an overwhelming stubbornness, no one wants to give in.Because of this, conflicts and mutual reproaches begin. If one of the partners does not take a wise step, the union is doomed to endless quarrels. Lions and Scorpions are very jealous, which can also cause a break. It is difficult for a proud Lioness and a self-confident Scorpion to compromise.