Not the most successful union, when the emotions and the tireless energy of the fiery Leo will irritate the Virgin, bring chaos and contradictions to the life of the representative of the elements of the Earth. The compatibility of Leo and Virgo is possible if the partners listen to each other, change their habits, make concessions in order to preserve the feelings that brought them together. Love can unite them, passion will keep it close for some time, friendships between the representatives of these signs are unlikely, but possible.

Characteristics of the Zodiac Signs

In a relationship, Leo expects admiration from his partner, he is demanding and even capricious, if not everything goes as he needs. A practical Virgo is not characterized by an open manifestation of emotions, she is restrained and always a little bit closed. Let us turn to the main character traits of the signs of Leo and Virgo.

A lion:

  • kind and sympathetic;
  • leader by nature;
  • vulnerable, does not bear criticism;
  • outgoing;
  • faithful and great friend;
  • purposeful, always brings everything to the end;
  • creative and independent;
  • able to adapt if necessary.

The lion in life achieves high results thanks to his work and ability to concentrate on the main thing. From the side it seems that the representatives of the royal sign succeed easily and simply, in fact, Leo is simply confident in himself and talented in that he has chosen for himself a priority. He is sociable and friendly with people, you can rely on him, will not betray and will not deceive.

Leo is the most faithful friend, always ready to help, can take on the problems of another person and solve all the problems. Sometimes he complains that he has to answer for everything and support everyone. In fact, he even likes this situation, he feels necessary and useful.

Like every person, Leo also has negative traits. The main disadvantage is ambition. He loves when others show attention to him, praise and offer. Sometimes Leo flirts with a superhero, does not notice that flatterers and hangers-around are around. It is harsh and irritable, but moves away quickly.


  • is responsible;
  • practical mindset;
  • thorough, pragmatic;
  • somewhere too meticulous;
  • hardworking;
  • well versed in people.

At first glance, it seems that Virgo is a passive person, "floating by the will of the waves." This opinion is somewhat misleading. Like all representatives of the earthly element, she looks at everything from a practical point of view. She always knows what she needs in life and how to arrange her existence in order to be comfortable. She will never flaunt emotions, everything is under her control. You can talk with Virgo on any topic, and believe me, it won’t be boring.

Sometimes modesty does not allow them to fully reveal themselves to people, but the human qualities of the Maidens resonate in the hearts of those who are near. Colleagues and friends know that you can rely on Virgo, she knows her work and does one hundred percent. He does not like lazy and sloppy people. The order above all: in business, in the head, in personal space.

Virgo by nature is a loner, does not like to stand out in company, it is better to sit quietly and listen, oratory is not for her. He always counts only on his own strength, does not like to depend on people.

Virgo bypasses vulgar and deceitful personalities. When confronted with hypocrites, it becomes irritated and grouchy. She herself does not know how to flatter and curry favor; she achieves high results only thanks to her mind and hard work.

The compatibility of the zodiac signs of Virgo and Leo always causes a double feeling among astrologers. Opposite in temperament, they cannot feel comfortable in a relationship, at the same time perfectly complement each other, instilling in their beloved person traits that are poorly developed due to their natural character. Virgo in this union will learn to pacify her jealousy, as the partner is very bright and strong-willed. Lions need to learn to exist in a more relaxed atmosphere, to adapt to a partner, not to annoy him with excessive emotions.

Compatible Leo Men and Virgo Women

The Lion Man and Virgo Woman can create a surprisingly lasting alliance. They complement each other perfectly. If you take the financial component, Leo is inclined to spend money, and Virgo can save them if necessary. At the same time, Leo will earn, support his family, he just loves to live in a big way. Virgo will give more in this union, Leo will take - this situation will suit both sides.

In love

In a love relationship, it is important that the male Leo and female Virgin are able to find the key to each other and correctly understand their roles in this game. A virgin will be attracted to a man who is able to shine in society, direct and royal in his actions. She will admire the chosen one, Leo will appreciate it and will be grateful to her friend.

The modesty and reliability of a girl born under the sign of Virgo will be an intriguing factor for the development of Leo's interest. He is generous, gives gifts to his beloved with pleasure, arranges surprises that Virgo gratefully accepts. Strong feelings will also play a role, everyone will idealize their partner.


Family relationships of such a pair will be strong if the two can find common ground, find a way to change and adapt to their partner. The undoubted leader in the family will be Leo. He will adhere to house-building orders, will do everything so that the family does not need anything.

The Virgo woman does not have strong ambitions, she feels great behind her narrowed. She will be engaged in home and children, creating comfort and peace. A beautiful mother and mistress will please her husband, and will not feel flawed due to the fact that she is at home in the supporting roles. A smart wife will always find the key to her husband. The main thing is that the roles in the family are not confused: he is the earner and the head, she is homely and affectionate, admiring her husband.

In friendship

The friendship between the earthly Virgo and the fiery Leo is possible, the main thing here is not to cross the line. If the Lion Men and Virgo women have common interests, despite their temperament, they can be very good friends. Respect for each other, admiration for human qualities - all this will warm up the relationship. Leo will find in Virgo those features that he cannot boast of in life: practicality, calmness and prudence. Virgo will watch her ambitious friend and enjoy his success, be proud and support him. Leo knows how to make wide gestures and fascinate others.

Sexual compatibility

If two love each other, the union evokes only positive emotions. This works with almost all couples at the initial stage of a relationship. In intimacy, Leo is always looking for vivid emotions, unusual sensations and craves a reaction from a partner. The virgin is frightened by the assertiveness and directness of Leo, she can become isolated in herself, shy of expressing her preferences. In fact, she seeks harmony, soulfulness and tender relationships. The expectations of this couple are different, here you need a sensitive attitude to each other, you should listen more to your partner and not be shy to talk about your fantasies.

How compatible are Virgo men and Lion women

Male Virgo and female Lion are opposite in temperament, but just such a contradiction serves as an attractive force that can bring them closer. Lionesses unknowingly attract the attention of many men, they are emotional, majestic in actions, do not doubt their exclusivity. The virgins are intrigued by the Leo girl, although a quick love in this couple is not expected. She simply can not notice the modest representative of the earth sign.

In love

Love relationships in a couple will not work out right away, at first they will look for a long time, get used to and look for common ground. They will find in each other those traits that they themselves lack. The Virgo guy will be overwhelmed by the temperament and life position of the Leo girl. She has no problems in communicating with people, always in the spotlight, and he lacks such character traits, by nature he is not a leader.

The lioness will notice the concentration and seriousness of the guy. Intuitively, she will understand that a relationship with him can be a serious step in life. Although he is stingy with compliments, he does not say beautiful words, his deeds and actions will be the best indicator.


Family for Virgo - a very serious project. Men born under this sign are looking for a girlfriend for life. Windiness is not part of his plans, he will become a wonderful husband and father, able to provide and protect his loved ones. The discerning Lioness will understand all the charm of an alliance with Virgo, although he seems dull and very serious. She will be the leader in the family, without prejudice to the rights of her husband. In family life, women born under the sign of Leo are very domestic and household. They are clean and attentive to household members, and this is why they conquer their practical spouse. The marriage between the Lioness and the Virgo man will be strong and lasting, they will be able to agree and find a way out of many problems.

In friendship

In friendship, the compatibility horoscope promises a Lioness and a Virgo man good prospects. Different in character, they have opposite interests: for sure, Virgo will not like music and films that are admired by the Leo girl, and vice versa. But sometimes not such opposites converge. She is able to make the life of the Virgin much more interesting, sharing her ideas and emotions.He, in turn, will balance the fiery Lioness, “land” from time to time, because a friend has the right to express the whole truth in person.

Sexual compatibility

In this pair, sexual compatibility will be an indicator of harmony in relationships. If the partners are doing well on an emotional level, they are frank and loyal to each other, and they won’t be disappointed in bed either. In terms of sexual temperament, they do not differ much, in Virgo such passions sometimes rage that even an emotional Lioness will be struck. Although he is sometimes bitten by doubts, whether he could satisfy his spontaneous partner.

Positive and negative sides of the union

The psychological compatibility of the sign of Fire and the Earth element is always in doubt. At the same time, a huge number of pairs are forming in the world among the representatives of these signs. They get along, raise children, quarrel and make peace, scatter and find each other again. What are the most positive and negative traits characteristic of the union of these signs?

The negative sides of the union between Leo and Virgo:

  • Attitude to finances (Leo is not serious, Lego is lean).
  • Different preferences in spending leisure time together.
  • Tediousness of the Virgin, a passion for order, leading to conflict situations on the everyday plane.
  • The causeless aggressiveness of Leo.
  • Jealousy on the part of the Virgin.

Positive aspects of the union:

  • Over time, a strong emotional connection arises between partners.
  • Virgo gives a lot in this marriage, balances the emotional state of her partner. The union is always reliable, practical and caring.
  • Although Leo takes more in this union, with his energy and life position he melts the ice in the soul of the Virgin, paints life with other colors.

The union between the Virgin and Leo is quite possible if the partners find common ground. The most harmonious couple can not be called because of great contradictions in character, but each of them can change, would be a desire. They say that spouses become similar to each other over the years, because mutual love and respect work wonders.