Typically, various fermented milk products are used as a liquid base for the preparation of tortillas. But practice shows that cakes on water to taste are no worse. Therefore, every good housewife to prepare them in stock should have a couple of interesting recipes. For example, you can consider some of the simplest options.
Material Content:
Classic tortillas on water and flour in a pan
To prepare the simplest cakes on water, flour, a little vegetable oil and salt are used as additional ingredients.
This set of products is part of the basic recipe, on the basis of which other options are created. It is best to fry such cakes in water and flour in a pan. This method of heat treatment in home cooking is most preferred.
For this option, as a rule, you should take:
- 0.75 kilograms of wheat flour;
- 1 cup ordinary water;
- a pinch of salt.
The technology for preparing these cakes is extremely simple:
- Boil water.
- Sift the flour several times and place it in a deep bowl.
- Dilute the salt in hot water and wait until it is completely dissolved.
- In the flour, make a deepening and pour the prepared saline solution there. Stir the products until smooth. The mass should turn out quite thick and plastic.
- Sprinkle the desktop with flour. Put a lump of dough on it and knead thoroughly. As a result, it will become pretty cool.
- Divide the finished dough into identical parts. It is more convenient to do this if you first roll a sausage out of a bun and then cut it with a sharp knife.
- Heat the oil in a pan with a thick bottom.
- Flatten each piece of dough into a cake.
- Fry the blanks in boiling fat for 40 - 45 seconds on one side and the other.
These still warm ruddy cakes will be an excellent substitute for bread for any of the first or second courses.
How to cook in the oven
Alternatively, cakes on the water can also be baked in the oven. And in this case, you need the same products.
True, they need to be taken in the following ratio:
- 200 ml of hot water;
- 350 g of flour;
- 5 g of salt.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Pour hot water into a bowl.
- Add salt to it and stir with a spatula until all crystals dissolve.
- Continuing mixing, portioned to introduce flour until smooth. As soon as the mixture cools down a bit, the process can be carried out by hand, putting the shoulder blade to the side.
- Roll the finished dough into a bun, cover it with a towel and leave it on the desktop for about half an hour.
- Divide the "rested" and "ripened" dough into parts.
- Roll each of them into a thin layer. To prevent the workpieces from sticking, it is better to sprinkle the table with flour first.
- Preheat the oven to 230 - 250 degrees.
- Cover the baking sheet with parchment.
- Put the blanks on it and send them to the oven. Bake cakes in the oven for no more than two to three minutes.
The cakes are crispy and delicious.
If desired, they can be sprinkled with ordinary water, stacked and covered with a napkin. In half an hour they will become soft, and any fillings can be wrapped in them.
No eggs added
Eggs are usually added to the dough so that the finished product is softer and more plastic. But the same result can be achieved in another way, for example, adding a little butter to the dough.
To prepare tender cakes on the water without eggs, you will need:
- 480 g flour;
- a pinch of salt;
- 250 ml of hot water;
- 50 g of olive oil.
In this case, the method of making cakes will be slightly different:
- Pour the sifted flour into any deep dish.
- Add salt and oil there.
- Gradually pouring water, knead the dough. At first it is better to use a spoon so as not to get burned. Once the mass has cooled, you can act with your hands.
- Roll the finished dough into a ball, put it on a plate, cover with cling film and leave it for about 20 minutes.
- "Matured" semi-finished product is divided into equal parts. Each piece should be about the size of a walnut.
- On a dusting cutting board, roll the workpieces into thin layers.
- Fry them in a pan ("grill" or with non-stick coating) for 1 - 2 minutes on each side without adding oil.
- Put the finished cakes in a stack on a plate and cover them with a towel.
After cooling, the products will become much softer and tastier. They can even be rolled up into a tube.
Water cakes with dry yeast
Lovers of lush baked goods should like cakes on the water with the addition of yeast. Making them yourself is not at all difficult.
To do this, you will need:
- 200 ml of warm drinking water;
- 10 g of salt;
- 3-4 g of dry yeast;
- 320 - 350 g of flour;
- 35 g of sunflower oil.
How to make such cakes at home:
- First you need to prepare a yeast dough in water. To do this, first of all, in a glass with warm water, dilute the yeast. To make them “work” faster, you can add a little sugar to them.
- Pour the solution into a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients.
- Knead a homogeneous dough and let it stand for about an hour and a half in a warm place.
- Optionally divide the finished dough into pieces.
- Roll them with a rolling pin in the form of thin cakes.
- Fry in a pre-heated skillet with vegetable oil.
As you can see, lush and very fragrant cakes are prepared quickly and without much difficulty.
Yeast-Free Recipe
To make homemade pastries soft and airy, it is not necessary to use yeast.
Previously, in the villages, every housewife was able to make fragrant and very lush fresh cakes on the water. They were called "Presnaki".
To prepare such cakes, you must have:
- 160 g of wheat flour;
- a pinch of fine salt;
- baking soda (at the tip of a knife);
- 20 g butter;
- 100 ml of ordinary water.
The whole process takes no more than an hour. The work must be done in stages:
- First, pour flour into a deep container (bowl or pan).
- Add to it soda, salt and mix.
- Pour melted butter. After repeated mixing, the consistency of the mass will become crumbly.
- Add water to the container and make the final kneading.
- Cover the dough with a napkin (so as not to weather) and let it “rest” for about half an hour.
- Divide the finished mass into parts, each of which is rolled into flat cakes with a thickness of 6 - 7 millimeters.
- Treat the pan with a thick bottom from the inside with vegetable oil and heat it well.
- Fry in it blanks under the lid over low heat for 6 minutes on each side.
It’s better to eat such baked cakes hot. It is good to cook them in the morning, so that hearty and high-calorie cakes give a boost of energy for the whole day.
Cooking Sweet Cakes
Especially for the sweet tooth, there is one interesting recipe with which you can quickly cook deliciously sweet sweet cakes on plain water. Products are multilayer, which gives them an additional effect.
To work you need:
- 1 raw egg;
- a pinch of salt;
- 100 ml of cold water;
- wheat flour (about 2 to 3 cups);
- a little sugar;
- vegetable oil.
To prepare simple cakes, you must:
- Combine the egg with water, salt and beat a little.
- Add flour and mix well. The dough should not be very elastic and easy to roll.
- Finished finished product divided into parts.
- Each roll into a thin cake. Lubricate the surface with butter and sprinkle with sugar. After that, double the cake in half and fold it again into a layer. Repeat this procedure 3-4 times.
- Fry each sugar-butter dough piece in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. In this case, the flame should be medium. As soon as one side is browned, the workpiece can be turned over.
It turns out very tasty multi-layer sweet cakes. It is better to eat them immediately, while the molten sugar has not yet been absorbed.
Corn flour water cakes
Georgia is very fond of cooking cakes on the water with cornmeal, the name of which sounds like “mchadi”. These cakes can be either fried in a pan or baked in the oven. The result will be equally excellent.
Usually, simple drinking water is used for work. But as an option, you can try to make original Georgian cakes on mineral water.
Need to take:
- 0.3 kg of cornmeal;
- 250 ml of sparkling mineral water (Borjomi or another);
- 5 g of salt;
- vegetable oil.
To prepare national cakes, you need to step by step:
- Pour the flour into a bowl and mix it with salt.
- Gradually adding mineral water, knead a homogeneous and slightly dough dough.
- Form cakes out of it with wet hands.
- Fry them in a pan in boiling oil on both sides until lightly browned.
- Transfer finished products to a napkin so that excess fat is gone.
Such cakes in Georgia are usually served with lobio or eat them with Suluguni cheese.