Stomatitis is a common oral disease that occurs in children and adults. For his therapy, various methods of traditional and traditional medicine are used. Despite the cause of the disease and the severity of its course, the medicine for stomatitis should be selected by a specialist after evaluating the clinical picture.
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Causes of stomatitis
Damage to the mucosa occurs under the influence of external and internal factors.
The main reasons for the development of pathological processes in the oral cavity:
- violation of hygiene rules;
- dental problems;
- dentures;
- use of drugs that reduce salivation;
- the use of low-quality dentifrices;
- performing medical procedures in violation of sanitary standards;
- violation of microflora.
As a rule, all these factors provoke the development of the disease against the background of a weakened immune system.
Most often, the pathology is diagnosed in people with the following diseases:
- violation of the gastrointestinal tract;
- abnormal heart function;
- helminth infection;
- pathological changes in the hormonal background;
- lack of vitamins in the body;
- oncology;
- disruption of the immune and endocrine system.
Even the complete elimination of provoking factors does not guarantee that the disease will not occur.
Types and symptoms of the disease
Specialists distinguish 4 types of disease:
- Ulcerative necrotic stomatitis. The type of disease under consideration is bacterial in nature.The main pathogens are streptococcus and staphylococcus. It is observed during the teething period of milk or molars. It manifests itself as an increase in body temperature, impaired stool, the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane. In severe cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs.
- Allergic stomatitis. A difficultly detectable type of disease that arises as a response to contact of the oral mucosa with allergens, which can be either hygiene products, or established crowns or dentures. Symptomatic manifestations: swelling, redness and soreness.
- Aphthous stomatitis. The cause of the recurring pathology has not been identified, but experts tend to think that the main provoking factor is a malfunction of the immune system. It manifests itself in the form of sores with a white-yellow coating, around which redness is observed.
- Herpetic stomatitis. The disease develops under the influence of the herpes virus. Pathology is accompanied by redness of the mucous membrane, the formation of small vesicles, fever and impaired general well-being. The more complicated the disease, the more pronounced the symptomatic picture.
- Fungal stomatitis. Pathology develops by exposure to a fungal infection, most often Candidiasis. Particularly susceptible to this type of disease are children of preschool age. As abnormalities develop in the oral cavity, swollen, reddened and painful patches appear, in the center of which are rounded ulcers with a whitish bloom. A significant increase in body temperature is possible.
A specialist can determine the type of stomatitis based on visual examination and communication with the patient.
How to treat an ailment in your mouth
With a mild course of the disease, its treatment can be performed using a minimum amount of medical devices. But regardless of the situation, the tactics of therapy should be selected by a specialist.
Power control
Treatment of stomatitis at home involves not only the use of medications, but also the regulation of nutrition. During the period of the disease, meals should be taken in small volumes after 3-4 hours up to 6 times a day.
It is recommended to grind all products as much as possible so that they do not damage the inflamed mucosa. The optimum temperature of the finished dish is 37–40 degrees.
Before eating, anesthetizing gel should be applied to the affected areas of the mucosa. Such a procedure will reduce unpleasant sensations when chewing food. After eating food, the mouth must be rinsed with warm water to get rid of food debris. And you should also treat the wounds with a chlorhexidine solution.
Food recommended for use in the treatment of stomatitis:
dairy products;
- berry drinks;
- mashed vegetables;
- liquid cereals;
- fatty fish;
- non-sour fruits with a delicate texture;
- herbal teas;
- juices.
The presented products saturate the body with vitamins, contribute to the improvement of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the healing of affected areas.
In the presence of inflammation in the oral cavity, do not use:
- alcoholic drinks;
- sweet and sour;
- coarse fiber food;
- products capable of provoking an allergic reaction;
- spicy and too salty foods.
The listed product categories provoke even more tissue damage and exacerbate the disease.
Drug treatment
The medicine for stomatitis in the mouth in adults is selected depending on the cause of its occurrence.
With damage to the oral cavity of various etiologies, the most effective means are:
- Holisal. The gel based on cetalkonium and choline eliminates the inflammatory process, accelerates the regeneration of affected areas and has an analgesic effect. The tool is recommended to be used at the first sign of a disease.The daily dose is 1 cm of the gel, divided into 3 uses.
- "Lidocaine Asept." Spray helps relieve pain and eliminate the inflammatory reaction. It is recommended to apply the medicine to the affected area by means of a spray or a cotton swab dipped in a medicinal solution. Processing problem areas should be 1-3 times in 24 hours.
- Vivorax. Antiviral tablets recommended for use with herpetic lesions of the mucous membranes. The dosage and frequency of administration is selected by a specialist depending on the severity of the disease. As a rule, a single dose is 200-400 mg up to 5 times in 24 hours.
- "Methyluracil." Cheap ointment for stomatitis, suitable for adults and children. Relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. It is recommended to apply the product to the affected areas 3 times in 24 hours at least 1 hour before a meal.
- Hexoral. Tablets with an antiseptic effect, help relieve pain and eliminate swelling. It is allowed to take children from 12 years old and adults up to 8 tablets per day at regular intervals.
The duration of therapy and the dosage of medicines is selected by a specialist individually for each patient.
Stomatitis medicine for children of the first year of life and older:
- “Kamistad”;
- "Kalgel";
- Miramistin.
If necessary, a specialist can prescribe medications recommended for use at an older age. Such tactics are justified by the effectiveness of drugs for adults.
Mouth rinse
Rinsing with stomatitis helps to accelerate recovery without the aggressive effects of medical agents on the body.
The following medications can be used to treat the oral cavity:
- "Hydrogen peroxide". The use of this tool is acceptable for stomatitis of any origin. The drug relieves swelling, itching and pain. For rinsing, a solution consisting of 25 ml of the drug and 100 ml of warm water should be prepared. It is necessary to carry out the processing of the oral cavity 2 times in 24 hours for 2 weeks.
- "Furacilin." An antibacterial agent recommended for use with any type of stomatitis. To make a medicinal solution, you should dissolve 2-3 tablets in 250 ml of warm water. The resulting amount of medication must be used within 1 day.
- "Malavit." A medication that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant effects. To prepare a rinse, dissolve 10 drops of the drug in a glass of warm water.
The pronounced effect of irrigation is observed if the procedure is performed from 5 times a day.
Folk remedies
Often, folk remedies are no less effective than traditional medications.
The best cure for stomatitis in your mouth is carrot juice. It should be diluted with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio and rinsed in the mouth. It is recommended to carry out procedures every hour and more often.
In an identical way, freshly squeezed cabbage juice, decoctions of chamomile, linden or calendula can be used.
Stomatitis treatment during pregnancy
Many drugs prescribed for the treatment of stomatitis are forbidden to use during pregnancy, as they can harm the fetus. Experts recommend the use of antiseptic solutions that do not penetrate into the blood, for example, Furacilin or Miramistin.
In severe cases of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibacterial, antiviral or immunostimulating agents.
General treatment recommendations
To treat mouth ulcers most effectively, it is recommended to combine several techniques at once. It is necessary to follow the nutritional recommendations, treat the affected areas and carry out a complete disinfection of the oral cavity. Each method individually may not produce results.
It is not recommended to diagnose and treat the disease yourself.With the wrong selection of drugs can significantly harm the internal organs, especially when it comes to children.