Cystitis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the bladder caused by pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora under conditions of weakened immunity. Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system, the disease often affects female persons. Modern drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women can cope with the pathological process quickly and painlessly.
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Features of the treatment of cystitis in women
Features of the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the bladder in women are due to the anatomical structure of the genitourinary system. The urethra is short and located in relative proximity to the anus, which creates a constant risk of infection. The pathway of bacterial flora into the bladder is ascending. The frequency of the disease is increased among women leading an asocial lifestyle and neglecting personal hygiene.
A long-lasting inflammatory process in the absence of the necessary therapy leads to the formation of a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. More often there is a cystic variant of the course of the pathological process. Similar conditions are treated surgically. In other cases, a woman should receive powerful antibacterial therapy consisting of several drugs (levofloxacin + ciprofloxacin; fosfomycin + micillin).
Medications for the full course of treatment of the disease
Acute forms of cystitis can be treated with antibacterial agents alone. However, this approach is far from always effective.
To achieve the maximum possible therapeutic effect, you should use the full therapeutic course, which consists of drugs of the following pharmacological groups:
- antibiotics
- antispasmodics;
- anti-inflammatory;
- herbal remedies;
- probiotics.
With frequently recurring primary cystitis (not caused by other diseases), immunostimulating drugs can be used.
Antibacterial drugs
Antibacterial agents are the basis for the treatment of varieties of cystitis caused by the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the bubble. Quick treatment of cystitis at home is possible by using a remedy such as monural (fosfomycin) in an amount of 3 grams. Reception is carried out once, if necessary, the reception can be repeated after 24 hours.
If the therapeutic effect of the use of monural has not been achieved, systemic antibiotic therapy should be started. Drugs are chosen empirically, taking into account the most common pathogen (E. coli, Proteus, streptococcus, staphylococcus). The generally accepted scheme is the appointment of furadonin at 0.1 g 3 r / day for 10 days. If there is no improvement in the patient for 3-4 days, the drug is changed.
As a replacement, more often combined antibacterial therapy regimens are used:
- levofloxacin (250 mg 1 time / day) + ciprofloxacin (250 mg 2 times / day);
- Amoxiclav (625 mg 2 times / day) + cefepime (1 g 2 times / day).
Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment is carried out as in the previous case. If there is no visible improvement after 48-96 hours, the therapy is changed.
Note: if an antibacterial drug has the necessary effect, it is always taken in its entirety. Even if the symptoms disappeared by the 3-4th day of treatment, the medicine should be drunk for 7-10 days (the duration depends on the specific drug and is determined by the doctor). In addition, antibiotics should be drunk strictly at regular intervals.
The use of antispasmodics for cystitis is justified only if there is a spasm of the bladder wall. As drugs for its relief, any means that can affect smooth muscle tissue (no-shpa, papaverine) are used. Both drugs can be used only in the presence of spasm or systemically, 40 mg twice a day. The presence of spastic phenomena is determined by a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, strong urge to urinate in combination with extremely small portions of urine.
Anti-inflammatory drugs mainly have analgesic activity. The list of these medicines includes analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen. The latter is the drug of choice in situations where the primary goal is precisely the removal of the inflammatory process, and not analgesia. With cystitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Dosages and duration of treatment are reflected in the following table:
Drug | Reception mode | Course duration |
Analgin | 0.5 g 2 times / day after meals | 5-7 days |
Paracetamol | 0.5 g 2 times / day | 5 days |
Aspirin | 1 g 3 times / day | 5-7 days |
Ibuprofen | 0.2 g 3 times / day with warm water or tea | 5-7 days |
The purpose of using herbal preparations for cystitis is to increase urine output and rinse the bladder. In addition, the herbs that make up the urological collection have anti-inflammatory effects, fight infection, and have a calming effect.
Herbal preparations for cystitis include the following herbs:
- peppermint;
- dill;
- bearberry;
- calendula;
- yarrow;
- birch leaf;
- parsley root;
- nettle.
You can do the picking of herbs and preparing the medicine yourself (the components are dried, crushed, mixed in equal proportions, poured with boiling water and insisted for 1-2 hours) or purchased in a pharmacy.Before use, the infusion is filtered through cheesecloth. You need to drink the drug in half a glass three times a day.
The use of probiotics is indicated for frequently recurring cystitis in order to normalize the vaginal microflora. Preparations for prescribing to gynecological patients are available in the form of vaginal suppositories. The most famous names for such drugs are gynoflor, vaginorm C, ecofemin. Suppositories contain mainly lactobacilli. The course of treatment is 1 week, the frequency of use - 1 time per day.
Top 10 inexpensive and effective drugs for cystitis
The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a huge number of injectable drugs and tablets for cystitis, which differ both in price and in principle of action. It is not surprising that choosing the right medicine is sometimes difficult.
The following is a list of the most effective and inexpensive drugs that can be used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system:
- Monural (fosfomycin) - one of the most effective drugs for cystitis. A distinctive feature is an extremely short course of treatment, consisting of one dose. The average price for a bag of 3 g - 900 rubles.
- Nolicin is an antibiotic reserve. The course of treatment is 1 week. It is prescribed in cases of high microflora resistance to antibacterial drugs. The average cost is 350 rubles.
- Palin is a drug of the quinolone group. It has a wide spectrum of action, used to treat urological infections. Cost - 290 rubles.
- Nitroxoline is an old, but quite effective drug that is used as a primary drug for the treatment of cystitis. The cost is 126 rubles, the course of therapy is 10 days, the frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day.
- Rulide (roxithromycin) is a highly effective semi-synthetic antibiotic, the price of which at the time of writing is about eight hundred rubles. Used with the ineffectiveness of other means. Assigned to 150 mg twice a day. The course is 5-7 days.
- No-shpa is an adjuvant used to relieve smooth muscle spasm. The drug is prescribed for severe soreness in the lower abdomen and a violation of the process of urine excretion. The course is until recovery, the frequency of administration is 2 times a day, 40 mg each, the price of the drug is 130-230 rubles.
- Papaverine is a remedy that does not differ from no-shpa according to indications, dosage and characteristics of administration. The cost of 40-80 rubles.
- Phytonephrol is a urological collection based on medicinal herbs. Cost - 100-110 rubles. Designed to enhance diuresis and fight against inflammatory processes of the kidneys and bladder.
- Gynoflor - vaginal tablets containing lactobacilli and estrogen. Designed to normalize the vaginal microflora. The price of the drug in online pharmacies is 918 rubles.
- Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory drug that is used as an adjunct therapy for cystitis. The cost is 95 rubles. Indications for use in cystitis - common inflammation, pain.
Prevention of the disease at home
Preventive measures in relation to cystitis include the observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene, the absence of hypothermia, as well as work to strengthen immunity: hardening, taking natural immunostimulants (onions, garlic, tincture of eleutherococcus). In the presence of diseases that can lead to inflammation of the bladder (pyelonephritis, urethritis), they should be cured.
Primary cystitis is not a complex disease and can be easily cured. Chronic forms of the disease that occur in the absence of acute inflammation therapy are eliminated severely, often not completely. Therefore, cystitis alone is not recommended. It is better if the necessary medications are prescribed by a doctor who has the necessary knowledge and laboratory examination data of the patient.