Using the healing powers of conventional products, you can not only maintain health, but also recover from many diseases without the use of traditional medicine. One of these methods is treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin. How to take a soda solution to achieve the desired result, read in our article.
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Treatment with baking soda according to Neumyvakin - indications for use
Ivan Neumyvakin is a doctor and scientist, MD in the field of space medicine, the founder of several wellness methods in the field of alternative medicine. The result of a study of the experience of many scientists was a method that has gained widespread recognition and popularity among the people - treatment with soda and hydrogen peroxide according to Professor Neumyvakin.
Scientists of the world have tried for centuries to reveal the secrets of health and longevity.
According to Professor Neumyvakin, regular use of soda allows you to get rid of most ailments and not only extend the years of life, but also provide full physical and mental activity.
The essence of the method
The scientist considers ordinary baking soda, which is in every house, a universal remedy that can work miracles. The theory of healing with soda is based on the ability of the product to act on an acidic environment, which is formed in the human body, due to improper lifestyle and nutrition.
The acidity of the human internal organs and the surrounding tissues is called “acidosis” and is characterized by a shift in the acid-base balance - a pathological increase or decrease in the pH level.
Deviations from the physiological norm of acidity of blood pH are accompanied by a change in human well-being:
- dysfunctions of the nervous system - dizziness, loss of consciousness, drowsiness;
- disorders of the intestines - an increase or decrease in the level of acidity of the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, digestive problems, chronic lesions of the digestive tract;
- the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
In the life of a modern person, there are many factors that provoke the accumulation of organic acids - harmful substances coming from food (nitrates, pesticides), toxic compounds present in the air (exhaust gases, industrial waste).
In addition, self-poisoning of the body is possible as a result of stress, mental disorders, anxiety, irritation, depression or fear.
Reception of baking soda with acidosis is the only way to normalize the acidic environment of the body. Restoring the level of natural acid-base balance in the body is the main result of treatment with soda and the secret to good health.
How and for what diseases to take soda according to Neumyvakin?
Baking soda (or drinking) soda is an acid salt of carbonic acid and sodium - sodium bicarbonate. In traditional medicine, soda has been used as a means to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and a neutralizer of the effects of burns. As an antiseptic, soda is used to rinse the mouth and throat, as well as for preparing medicinal drinks for colds.
Neumyvakin's method has expanded the list of indications for the use of soda solution:
- hypertension;
- arrhythmia, tachycardia;
- gout;
- arthritis and arthrosis;
- all types of intoxication, including alcohol and drug;
- dehydration;
- prostatitis;
- candidiasis;
- oncological lesions of the first and second stage of development;
- age-related changes in the skin, keratoma;
- dermatological problems, psoriasis, fungus, papillomas, acne, trophic ulcers.
It is interesting:keratoma
In addition, treatment with soda promotes weight loss and is recommended for anyone who wants to not only lose, but also normalize their weight.
The level of acid-base balance of the body is measured on a scale from zero to seven. The normal indicator corresponds to index 7. A decrease in the level indicates a predominance of the acidic environment, an increase indicates an increase in alkaline.
To check the acidity of the body, you can buy a special test at the pharmacy - litmus strips. With their help, the acidity of saliva and urine is measured, verified with the standard, which is part of the package.
The acidity level of 14 is regarded as a serious threat to health. This may be a sign of the development of oncology or a harbinger of a stroke.
The correct scheme for taking soda
To normalize the acid-base balance by the Neumyvakin method, you need to know how to drink soda. For this, the professor has developed a special scheme for taking soda solution.
Treatment according to the Neumyvakin method involves the preparation of a soda solution and its multiple use throughout the day. In addition, soda solutions are used to perform cleansing enemas and baths.
Most often, water or milk is used as the basis for the treatment solution. Half a cup of boiling water take a quarter of a teaspoon of soda and mix well. A characteristic sign that soda has reacted with a liquid is considered to be a sizzling hiss.
Ready soda solution should be warm. To cool the liquid, add half a glass of cold boiled water. An alternative cooking option is to immediately fill the soda with a glass of boiling water and wait until its temperature becomes acceptable for consumption.
Take on an empty stomach, no later than half an hour before each meal.
For young people, the daily norm of soda solution is two glasses, for the elderly - three glasses.
Baths and enemas
In addition to the internal intake of soda solution, Professor Neumyvakin recommends cleansing the intestines through microclysters, and use baths with soda for external exposure to the skin and body.
For the preparation of enemas, the proportion of soda solution is two tablespoons of soda in two glasses of water. Cleansing enemas are performed daily - one for three days, then take a three-day break - and so on throughout the treatment course.
Thanks to enemas, digestion and intestinal motility are normalized, and the effect of the immune system is also enhanced.
Soda baths can affect skin diseases - acne, papillomas, age spots. The recommended ratio is a pack of soda dissolved in 50 liters of hot water and take a bath for 15 minutes for five days.
Bathtubs also provide an additional cosmetic effect, improving skin color and eliminating irritation.
What should be the course of treatment?
The method of treatment with soda according to Neumyvakin involves a gradual adaptation of the body to the effects of the substance.
Therefore, the concentration of the solution should be increased as the drug is taken:
- the first three days - a quarter teaspoon of soda;
- a break of three days;
- the next three days - half a teaspoon;
- a break for three days.
In the following days, a single dose of soda in solution is increased in the same proportion until its volume reaches a tablespoon.
The course of healing the body using soda solutions is 20 days. After completing the course of treatment, you can continue to drink soda, but not every day, but once a week or even a month - at will and well-being.
Soda treatment is possible only after a medical examination and the permission of the attending physician.
Contraindications to the use of soda solutions
The use of soda does not have absolute contraindications.
Nevertheless, treatment with the help of a drug should be treated carefully:
- people with hypersensitivity to sodium bicarbonate;
- patients with diabetes;
- hypertensive patients;
- patients with a stomach ulcer;
- with oncology of the third and fourth degree;
- pregnant
- with a violation of the acidity of the stomach;
- when taking alkaline and antacid drugs;
- within two hours after eating.
It is important to comply with the recommended dose of soda solution. Sodium bicarbonate has laxative properties, and excess of the substance norm in a medicinal drink can provoke the development of diarrhea.
How to check the quality of soda?
In order for the result of treatment with Neumyvakin's method to bring really good results, care should be taken to ensure that the quality of the soda matches the required level.
Like any food, baking soda has an expiration date. Therefore, before buying a product, you should pay attention to the dates indicated on the package.
In addition, choosing soda, you need to make sure that the package is hermetically closed and its integrity is not broken.
After the purchase, soda should be poured into a dry glass dish and stored closed.
To ensure good quality soda, just mix a small amount of powder with vinegar and monitor the progress of the reaction. If the mixture is bubbling and foaming rapidly, then its consumer properties are normal, and treatment with such a product will bring the expected result.
Treatment with soda and peroxide according to Neumyvakin
Another effective remedy with healing properties, according to Professor Neumyvakin, is hydrogen peroxide. This tool is well known for its antiseptic qualities and belongs to the list of essential drugs for a home medicine cabinet.
In the body of a healthy person, an acid is produced that has properties identical to hydrogen peroxide.But as age increases, pathological changes in the body occur and the production of the substance stops. To fill its deficiency will help the method developed by scientists.
Is it possible to take peroxide and soda at the same time?
Professor Neumyvakin proposes to combine soda treatment with hydrogen peroxide. The method provides for the alternate intake of soda and peroxide solutions - with an interval of half an hour.
The peroxide solution is prepared as follows: two drops of a three percent preparation are mixed in a quarter cup of boiled water. They drink the drug on an empty stomach. Daily it is recommended to increase the amount of peroxide by one drop. The general course is 10 days, after which a five-day break is required.
Also, the peroxide solution can be used for douching, bathing, rinsing and washing.
The technique allows you to cleanse the lymph, strengthen the potential of the immune system and get rid of most dermatological problems.
Taking hydrogen peroxide is not recommended for people with gastric ulcer.
The simultaneous intake of soda and peroxide can cause an increase in body temperature and other undesirable reactions, therefore it is strictly forbidden.
Alternative medicine methods can be treated differently. But the facts are hard to deny - Professor Neumyvakin was born in 1928 and is still actively engaged in social activities, improves the system of rehabilitation he has created, and also manages the preventive treatment center. Perhaps it was the treatment with soda that allowed the scientist to maintain clarity of mind and physical potential until old age.
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