Diseases of the endocrine system pose a serious threat to the functioning of the whole organism. Using folk remedies in the treatment of the thyroid gland, it is possible not only to alleviate the patient's condition and achieve stable remission, but also to avoid complex surgical intervention.
The main thing is to choose funds in accordance with the type of disease and apply them correctly.
Material Content:
- 1 The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of the thyroid gland
- 2 Traditional medicine for autoimmune thyroiditis
- 3 Treatment of diffuse goiter folk remedies
- 4 Folk remedies for thyroid cyst
- 5 Effective alternative methods of treatment for hypothyroidism
- 6 Treatment methods for thyroid nodules
- 7 Treatment for hyperthyroidism
The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is often compared with a butterfly, its shape is so similar to the contours of the wings. However, as the pathologies of the gland develop, not only its shape changes, but also its size. Even a slight increase in the thyroid gland can be regarded as a symptom of a violation of the functionality of the organ.
Thyroid dysfunction can be associated with iodine deficiency. In this case, the micronutrient deficiency should be compensated by adding iodine-rich foods to the diet.
But if more serious thyroid health problems have developed - thyroiditis, cyst, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diffuse or nodular goiter, then dietary changes are not enough, you need to use the most effective folk remedies: infusions of herbs that normalize the thyroid gland functionality and various types of organic products.
Studies show that herbal treatment and the use of naturopathic methods can provide powerful support for the health of the endocrine system. But with all the effectiveness, folk remedies should be considered only as auxiliary methods used along with the main, medical treatment.
Veselka mushroom - a universal remedy
Veselka vulgaris is a cap mushroom known for its healing power that helps in the treatment of many diseases.
But the special value of the healing properties of the fungus fungus lies in its universal effect on the endocrine system. According to traditional healers, this mushroom has the ability to help with any thyroid disease.
The healing potential of the fungus fungus is due to its rich biochemical composition:
- antioxidants;
- polysaccharides;
- phytosteroid;
- volatile;
- terpenoids.
In general, the use of the fungus provides a rejuvenating effect and eliminating the effects of free radicals, including tumors, activates the functionality of T-lymphocytes, kills bacteria and viruses.
In diseases of the thyroid gland, alcohol tincture based on the fungus fungus in the egg stage or in the germination of the body is used. To do this, 50 g of fresh or 5 g of dried raw material is poured into a glass of vodka and aged for about two weeks.
Accept, gradually increasing the dose. For an initial intake, it is enough to drink one teaspoon of tincture three times a day on an empty stomach. After a few days, the dose is doubled and gradually brought to a tablespoon three times a day.
Traditional medicine for autoimmune thyroiditis
Autoimmune thyroiditis develops against the background of inflammation of the tissues of the thyroid gland, in which the destruction of organ cells occurs. Doctors consider this disease to be incurable. Therefore, the use of folk remedies pursues the goal of reducing the severity of symptoms and improving the general well-being of the patient.
A good therapeutic effect is provided by the use of white cinquefoil. Studies have shown that the white cinquefoil is superior to any other herbs and remedies in the power of exposure with autoimmune thyroiditis.
White bloodroot:
- provides stabilization of hormone levels;
- normalizes pressure;
- eliminates tachycardia and arrhythmia;
- relieves nervous tension;
- lowers sugar levels;
- contributes to weight loss.
The roots of the plant have the most pronounced healing power. They make tincture from them. Ten parts of vodka are added to one part of the crushed roots and kept for a month in the dark. Accepted in the form of a solution: 20 drops of tincture are diluted with two tablespoons of boiled water. This portion is drunk 20 minutes before each meal.
After using the tincture, the raw materials can be refilled with half the primary volume of vodka. After a month of aging, the secondly obtained infusion is taken in forty drops, diluted in two tablespoons of drinking water.
The average course of treatment is a month. Then it is recommended to take a break for 10 days.
Treatment of diffuse goiter folk remedies
Diffuse goiter, better known as bazedovy disease, is accompanied by an increase in organ size and uncontrolled production of hormones. As a result, the body is affected by the same developed antibodies.
It is noticed that most often diffuse toxic goiter is observed in women.
Along with drug therapy, treatment of goiter with folk remedies provides good results. The use of herbal drugs can not only stop the growth of the thyroid gland, but also reduce the symptoms of the disease.
For the treatment of diffuse goiter, herbalists recommend taking a tincture of unripe walnut.To 100 g of young nuts, crushed together with the peel, add 300 ml of vodka. The container is placed in a dark place where it is kept for two months, periodically shaking.
Strained infusion is taken in a sip twenty minutes before each meal.
An alternative recipe is the same amount of honey and chopped unripe walnuts, mixed in a pulp and insisted for a month. Take before a meal in a tablespoon.
Folk remedies for thyroid cyst
Like many tumor processes, a thyroid cyst occurs against a background of a decrease in the protective function of the immune system and can become malignant.
To avoid this, it is necessary to supplement drug therapy with the use of traditional folk remedies. Celandine is considered particularly effective in the treatment of thyroid cysts. This plant has powerful antitumor properties that can help even with oncology.
For treatment, use a tincture based on a plant. Crushed celandine grass is placed in a liter jar about half and poured vodka to the top. Aged for two weeks. Take 15 drops in a month, diluted with a small amount of drinking water. Then they take a month break.
Effective alternative methods of treatment for hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is expressed in a decrease in the functional potential of the thyroid gland and a decrease in hormone production. Treatment of this disease is impossible without hormone replacement therapy. The use of folk remedies allows you to provide support for the natural physiological processes of the body.
Among the most effective means:
- decoction of the cocklebur ordinary. In a glass of drinking water add a tablespoon of chopped herbs and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Take a large swig four times a day. It is not recommended for use in acute forms of peptic ulcer;
- lemon and honey drink. Take the peel of one lemon and a tablespoon of flax, boil for several minutes and cool. Then add a tablespoon of honey and take instead of tea;
- collection of medicinal herbs to choose from: - St. John's wort, yarrow, birch buds, knotweed, dried blueberries, wild strawberry grass. Two tablespoons of the collection brew a glass of boiling water and incubated for ten minutes in a water bath. Take a third of the glass several times a day.
A pronounced therapeutic effect in hypothyroidism also provides the introduction of seaweed into the diet.
Treatment methods for thyroid nodules
The formation of nodes occurs as a result of changes in the structure of the thyroid gland and is often accompanied by suffocation and pain in the neck. The use of alternative methods of treatment allows you to affect the nodular goiter of the thyroid gland, not only reducing the manifestations of pathology, but also preventing the development of complications.
Health-improving collection of medicinal herbs: young pine needles, rose hips, onion husks and forest raspberry leaves, taken in equal proportions, has universal healing properties that normalize the functions of the thyroid gland.
A couple of tablespoons of the collection is poured with boiling water and kept in a thermos for 12 hours. Take instead of tea during the day.
Regular use of the collection facilitates resorption of the nodes and supports the functionality of the organ. In addition, the health collection contains many valuable vitamins and minerals necessary for well-being.
Treatment for hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism syndrome is accompanied by a pathological increase in the number of thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland.The use of folk remedies provides a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland and restoration of metabolic, energy, thermal and hormonal balance.
The color of hawthorn is an effective tool to suppress the excessive activity of the thyroid gland. Take a glass of hawthorn flowers for half a liter of vodka and insist for at least a week.
Take in diluted form - one part of the tincture take five parts of water. The optimal dose is one big sip half an hour before each meal.
In addition, it is recommended to make compresses in the thyroid gland from a decoction of oak bark. To do this, a tablespoon of raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water and incubated for ten minutes in a water bath.
The most successful and lasting result is a comprehensive treatment - a balanced, iodine-rich diet, a properly organized sleep regimen, breathing exercises, acupressure and adherence to the frequency of taking folk remedies.
But it is equally important when performing medical procedures to enlist the support of an endocrinologist, and at least every two months to undergo the necessary examinations to monitor the current state of health.