Prostatitis is a disease that causes men a lot of trouble. Due to inflammation of the prostate, urination and ejaculation pass with pain. And the prostate becomes inflamed for two main reasons - this is as a result of a bacterial attack of the organ, or because of circulatory disorders in the pelvic area. The treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies, as practice shows, has a positive effect.
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The benefits of treating prostatitis with alternative methods
What is the prostate in general, what is it for and where is it located? This is a very important organ located around the urethra. It produces prostate juice, which is involved in the formation of sperm and gives sperm motility. In normal condition, the prostate is no larger than a walnut. With inflammation, it can reach large sizes and squeeze the urethra.
For the treatment of prostatitis, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and drugs to increase immunity are usually prescribed. As well as various procedures in the form of laser treatment, prostate massage, ultrasound, hydrotherapy and so on.
All medicines, as you know, have indications and contraindications. There are no harmless antibiotics at all. Therefore, if possible, it is best to resort to alternative methods of treatment. The treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies has been tested for years, does not harm the body, reliably cures prostatitis at certain stages. By the way, folk remedies, as a rule, always go in combination with the "heavy artillery" of medicine at any stage of the disease.And doctors always recommend resorting to traditional medicine.
The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis:
Treatment of prostatitis at home is quite effective if you use proven methods to combat the disease. There are several popular recipes that guarantee excellent results. But one must be patient, any methods of traditional medicine require a longer treatment than drugs, at least twenty days. And if we talk about beekeeping products, then the treatment will be even longer. But as a result, the whole organism, all its systems heals.
Among the most effective methods are:
- parsley seed treatment;
- honey and other beekeeping products;
- vegetable juices;
- garlic
- treatment with various herbs.
But some broths can not do. Alternative methods of treatment also require compliance with some recommendations. For example, to minimize smoking and alcohol. Because alcohol irritates the prostate, and smoking narrows the blood vessels, disrupting the already impaired blood flow.
Some adjustments are also required in the diet. It is very useful to consume a variety of greens daily - parsley, dill, cilantro, lettuce, horseradish, nettle. And, of course, onions and garlic. High-zinc foods like pumpkin, seafood, nuts, peas, and vitamin E-rich vegetables and fruits are helpful.
Polyunsaturated fats are very useful for a daily diet. And this is fish, linseed oil, rosehip oil. Honey is essential.
And harmful foods include all spicy seasonings and vinegar, which contribute to vascular swelling. As well as trans fats, fried and greasy dishes, clogging vessels.
Read also: what is trans fat
Herbal Prostatitis Treatment
Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies includes herbal treatment. The most effective of them are wormwood, Kalanchoe. Wormwood for the entire course of treatment should be no more than 100 grams. First, dried grass is wiped with hands, and then sifted through a colander. All that is sifted is for internal use. And what remains is to prepare a solution for douching.
And so, the treatment is 7 days:
- within 3 days every two and a half hours you need to swallow a pinch of wormwood, washing it down with water. It does not matter, before or after eating, it is important that even at night you can not interrupt the intake of grass;
- in the next 4 days, wormwood is taken only in the afternoon, at least 5-6 times a day;
- all 7 days should be douched for the evening. To do this, 1 teaspoon of wormwood is poured with a liter of boiling water, cooled to body temperature, filtered and cast 100 mg. Half of this volume should be injected into the anus, and the remaining 50 ml into the urethra. It is better to use a soft-tip syringe for babies. It is necessary to inject sharply, then the entire solution will reach the bladder. And for 3-4 days, all the accumulated pus will come out of the urethra.
It is important to follow a diet when treating the prostate gland: no meat or fish, no dairy products and bread with sweets. Alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited. Only cereals, fruits and vegetables.
Another effective remedy is Kalanchoe. A glass of crushed leaves of Kalanchoe is poured into half a liter of vodka, insisted in a dark place for 5 days. And then you need to drink a teaspoon every day. When you feel normal, you need to use a teaspoon of tincture per week. The pain goes away quickly.
Aspen bark
Aspen bark is an excellent remedy against prostatitis. But you need to collect the bark in mid-April, when the tree is filled with juices. The thickness of the bark is the most suitable 3 - 5 mm. A lot of this raw material is not required. Only 100 grams.
First you need to dry the bark either naturally or in the oven. Then chop. Pour 100 grams of raw material with 200 grams of vodka, close tightly with a lid and put in a dark place for a couple of weeks to insist. Make sure the bark is completely covered in vodka. After insisting, everything is filtered and placed in a glass dish.The tincture reception scheme is as follows: 20 drops are poured with a quarter glass of liquid and drunk three times a day before meals. The solution is enough for the entire course of treatment - 2 - 2.5 months.
In some cases, it will be necessary to extend the course of treatment.
Honey folk remedies
This remedy is effective even when antibiotics have not helped. For treatment, lime or flower honey is needed. It should be consumed with tea daily at 100-200 grams. And for the entire course you will need at least 10 kilograms of honey.
Such therapy is permissible only if there is no allergy to the component.
Very soon the pain disappears, normal urination improves.
Honey helps with celandine. To do this, first prepare a decoction. 100 grams of herb in 700 grams of boiling water are cooked for 20 minutes. Then the broth is cooled and filtered. Add a pound of honey to the broth. Three times a day, the infusion is drunk on a tablespoon before a meal. And stored in the refrigerator. Drink a decoction in combination with a decoction of oats in a glass three times a day for a month and a half. The first results will appear in a week. It will become much easier.
Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis
30 grams of unroasted peeled pumpkin seeds should be mixed with 200 g of honey. Then roll the balls the size of a hazelnut and store in the refrigerator. It is necessary to eat every day before eating 1-2 balls. And do not rush to swallow, and savor for a while. Such a course is enough to conduct once a year. This is a good prevention of prostatitis in men. Also suitable as a treatment.
Pumpkin seeds are rich in zinc, and this is very important for a man at any age.
The usefulness of parsley in the treatment of the disease
Parsley is a storehouse of vitamin A and C. And it is also a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It is enough to drink three times a day for a tablespoon of fresh juice of this plant before eating.
Useful not only the parsley itself, but also its seeds.
4 tbsp. l grind seeds, pour a glass of boiling water, then cook for 15 minutes. Filter the cooled broth and take 5-6 times a day in a tablespoon until the meal.
Garlic treatment
Garlic will help restore impaired blood circulation in the pelvis. To do this, grind 5 cloves and pour half a liter of boiling water. All this is infused overnight. In the morning, strain and take twice a day for a quarter cup before a meal. Within 3-4 weeks, urination, sexual life will improve.
Hot baths with prostatitis
Hot baths for prostatitis can complement treatment.
But there are rules that must be observed:
- water should not be higher than 35-37 degrees;
- take a bath no more than 20 minutes.
The fact is that the usefulness of such a procedure is to “disperse the blood”, but not to increase the swelling of the blood vessels, which will only aggravate the course of the disease. With the correct use of hot baths, a noticeable improvement in condition occurs.
Physical exercise
Exercise is effective when the cause of prostatitis is poor circulation in the pelvis. This usually happens with overweight men leading a sedentary lifestyle. Have to do daily exercises.
The first of them involves the rhythmic contraction of the buttocks and muscle tension, as if inhibition of urination. A few seconds of tension - and relaxation. When squeezing, inhale, while relaxing, exhale. Repeat 10-15 times.
The second exercise is squats. Squat, keeping your back straight and keeping your feet on the floor. When squatting, put your hands straight forward, while standing, hands at the seams.
The third exercise is lying on the floor. It is necessary to bend the legs at the knees, feet flat on the floor. Raises the pelvis from the floor and squeeze the buttocks, lower, relax. It is necessary to raise it by inspiration, lower it by exhalation. And so 10-15 times.
Features of the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies:
Prostatitis occurs in acute or chronic form.The acute form passes without a trace after adequate treatment. Without proper treatment, it becomes chronic. Treatment depends on the type of ailment.
Chronic prostatitis
The best remedy for chronic prostatitis is pumpkin seeds. Everything ingenious is simple: you need to eat a handful of unroasted seeds before meals three times a day. You can chop the seeds and mix with honey. If there is no allergy to honey, then such a mixture of a tablespoon three times a day will help not only get rid of prostatitis, but also improve the functioning of the heart system.
Carrot juice is also very good in treating a chronic ailment. It is only necessary to dilute it with 50% water. Juice improves potency, relieves inflammation.
Juice from fresh cucumbers increases blood circulation, relieves swelling. It should also be drunk daily and diluted in half with water.
Acute prostatitis
The acute course of the disease causes pain due to inflammation. Prostate edema is a result of exposure to bacteria. Therefore, treatment is aimed at the destruction of pathogenic flora. In acute prostatitis, it is best to visit a doctor. He will prescribe medication and treatment with alternative methods. For this, a decoction of chamomile is good. You can buy ready-made flower bags in a pharmacy and brew like tea. Salt compresses will also help. In a nine percent solution of salt and water, moisten the tissue, squeeze it out and apply it warm to the sore spot. Fix in any convenient way and hold for 15-20 minutes. Perform the procedure every night before bedtime.
But first, make sure that the prostatitis has not received complications. Before applying the compress, you need to undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.
Disease prevention
The best prevention is to avoid infectious diseases, hypothermia. Lead an active lifestyle, walk more often, have a constant intimate relationship with a trusted partner and eat healthy food.
It’s very good for prevention to eat a handful of non-fried pumpkin seeds every day, drink half a liter of asparagus juice, add burdock root to various dishes.
And if there are characteristic symptoms in the form of pain during urination, you should consult a doctor and traditional medicine.