Gout since the Middle Ages was considered a disease of the kings, since the painful symptoms of the disease developed as a result of gluttony and excessive consumption of alcohol. The patient subsequently disrupted the natural process of protein metabolism, which led to the destruction of articular tissues. Times are changing, and gouty arthritis is still a common disease, so people continue to look for effective treatments for gout at home.

Signs and symptoms of gout in men and women

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex are faced with the painful consequences of gouty arthritis. However, women also become victims of the disease, especially at a more mature age after menopause. Often in patients with gout, in addition to the symptoms characteristic of the disease, there is general weakness and malaise due to overweight.

The complexity of the disease lies in the fact that over time it becomes chronic, which means that there is a constant risk of worsening the patient's condition. Gouty arthritis occurs against a background of impaired metabolism. The patient exceeded the permissible norm of uric acid in blood plasma, and the final result is the deposition of salts (urates) in the joint structures.

Against this background, the following signs of gout occur:

  1. Acute attacks of joint pain - as a rule, soft tissues of the big toe are affected.Painful sensations are accompanied by swelling of damaged tissues and redness of the skin;
  2. Asymmetry of the affected areas - usually there is a visible change in the structure of the joint of the finger on only one leg;
  3. Body aches and general malaise, accompanied by fever.


The lack of timely treatment leads to even greater complications when the remaining joints of the foot are gradually affected. In this case, acute pain in case of worsening is observed not only in the legs, but also in other parts of the body. Damaged joints undergo severe deformation due to the formation of inflamed elements - tofuses, which are deposits of uric acid crystals in the form of growths.

Forms of the course of the disease

In 8 out of 10 patients, an acute course of the disease is observed, which is characterized by the occurrence of a sharp pain syndrome in the area of ​​damaged joints. In addition to severe redness in affected areas, a cyanotic shade may also occur.

In addition to the acute stage, several more forms of the disease are distinguished:

  1. Subacute form. In this case, the inherent clinical signs of the disease are not so pronounced. In addition, redness of the skin and a feeling of pain may be completely absent.
  2. Pseudophlegmonous form. It is accompanied by a strong weakening of the immune system. The patient's temperature rises to a critical point, and muscle aches, weakness and chills are also noted.
  3. Chronic form. It is characterized by the presence of periods of remission and deterioration. At the time of a lull, the symptoms accompanied by pain and swelling of the joint cease to bother the patient. When another relapse occurs, the clinical picture of gout manifests itself with renewed vigor, giving the patient more pronounced discomfort.

All the signs of the above forms are observed at the initial stages of the development of the disease. In the absence of timely treatment, any form of gouty arthritis is accompanied by acute pain, swelling of the damaged joints and their atrophy.

Gout treatment at home

Often, the effects of gouty arthritis are experienced by people over 35 years of age who abuse junk food and alcohol.

Note! Excessive accumulation of uric acid, which is converted to salt deposits, is due to the presence in the diet of products containing a large number of purines. Frequent use of smoked meats, sausages, meat, offal and alcohol leads to joint deformities.

Full-fledged gout therapy at home is not possible without strict adherence to a special diet. Any products that contribute to the accumulation of uric acid should be completely excluded from the patient's daily diet. In addition to diet, pharmacy drugs and time-tested folk methods are also used.

The principles of drug treatment

With exacerbation, the treatment of gout should include drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating acute pain.

Specialists distinguish several types of medicines:

  • Nonsteroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect. Suppress pain caused by deformation of articular tissues. They come in the form of tablets, ointments or injections. If the first two forms are used to consolidate the result, then the injection method is most effective in case of acute development of gout with a pronounced clinical picture. Among the presented assortment distinguish Diklovit and Voltaren.
  • Hormonal drugs. The hormones of the adrenal cortex act as the main active component. The action of hormonal drugs is similar to the non-steroidal group of drugs: they instantly eliminate acute pain. However, the sustained effect of hormones persists over a longer time period. Increasingly, experts prescribe Cortimycin and Primacort.
  • Colchicine. The drug is based on plant components with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The effect of the drug is achieved by suppressing the phagocytosis of the structure of uric acid, which prevents the deposition of salts.


Once pain has been suppressed, it is necessary to continue further therapy for gout, aimed at reducing the quantitative production of purines.

To do this, use:

  • Allopurinol It affects the work of xanthioxidase, thereby preventing the deposition of microcrystals of salts.
  • Benzobromarone. A drug that removes uric acid. Normalizes metabolic processes of the body, activates the function of purine excretion.

The use of folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies helps only in the initial stages of the development of the disease. The prolonged course of the disease leads to partial or complete destruction of the tissues of the joints, which, in turn, requires subsequent surgical intervention. If treatment is started on time, deterioration can be prevented.

The best effect is shown by special compresses:

  • With honey and salt. The components are combined in equal proportions, after which the gauze moistened in the finished mixture is applied to the affected area. The compress is left overnight.
  • With kefir and brown bread. In a convenient container combine kefir with bread pulp and a teaspoon of soda. The resulting mass is left to infuse for five hours. In the finished strained mixture, the gauze base is moistened and applied to the diseased joint.

Also, for the treatment of the chronic form of gout, freshly prepared onion broth is used, which is consumed inside half an hour before meals. Several onions are boiled in a liter of water for 10 minutes, after which the prepared broth is cooled to room temperature and filtered.

Features of a Gout Diet

Successful treatment of gouty arthritis is not possible without following an appropriate diet.

The patient must adhere to the following rules:

  • Refuse to use foods with a high content of purines (these include beef, fish, shrimp, sardines, mackerel and legumes).
  • Balance the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • A complete diet should include fruits, vegetables, as well as dairy products, cereals, nuts and honey.

It is worth noting that during the calm of the ailment, the inclusion of a small amount of products containing purines in the diet is allowed. However, in the event of relapse, such ingredients should be completely excluded from their diet.


The best prevention of the disease will be the observance of a healthy lifestyle, devoid of abuse of fatty foods and alcohol. In addition, constant stress, disorders in the nervous system, as well as insomnia and general overwork of the body are the factors that contribute to the development of joint problems.

As noted earlier, gout is often diagnosed in overweight patients. The situation is aggravated by bad habits, a sedentary lifestyle and age-related changes in the body. Obese people are most susceptible to joint diseases. In this case, at the initial stage, it is necessary to normalize weight indicators with the help of a competent diet and moderate physical exertion. Then, additional drugs and biologically active additives are used to help establish natural protein metabolism.

In conclusion, I would like to recall that gout, like any other disease, needs timely diagnosis from a competent specialist. There are frequent cases when the signs characteristic of gouty arthritis are the result of a completely different disease. Further therapy in this case will depend on the results of the examination, on the basis of which the doctor will draw up an appropriate treatment regimen.