In the absence of adequate medical care, pathologies of the pancreas carry a serious danger to human health. The possibility of healing without the use of medicines will provide the treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies.

Recipes recommended by traditional medicine have been tested for years and by many generations of people. The main thing is that they are based on the most ordinary products offered for sale on the shelves of most markets.

Medical care for exacerbation at home

An exacerbation of inflammation in the pancreas is expressed in intense pain. Quickly relieve the attack of pancreatitis helps taking medications - H2-histamine blockers and antacids.

But in order to completely eliminate inflammation, a long therapeutic effect is necessary. For this, traditional medicine is ideally suited - decoctions and teas from plant materials. Unlike medicines, herbs do not cause adverse reactions and affect the diseased organ gently but effectively.

How to relieve an exacerbation

Inflammation of the pancreas, especially a chronic form of pathology, develops against the background of unhealthy other digestive organs. Fatty foods, abuse of fried foods and alcohol violate the functionality of most gastrointestinal systems.

Therefore, the treatment of pancreatitis at home provides means that can comprehensively affect the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the most useful plants is the familiar plantain.

Plantain grass has a huge healing potential, indispensable in the fight against gastrointestinal diseases:

  • reduces the tone of the gastric muscles, regulates the production of enzymes, relieves swelling of the intestinal mucosa;
  • flavonoids, phytoncides and tannins in the composition of the grass stop the inflammatory processes and start the regeneration of cells in the affected areas;
  • vitamins, minerals, bitterness and organic acids strengthen the immune system, support the functionality of the nervous system.

The reception of funds based on plantain allows you to normalize digestion and improve both the digestive tract and the body as a whole.

Plantain herb recipes

To stop the exacerbation of pancreatitis with traditional medicine, juice is used. It is believed that it is in the juice of plantain that the healing qualities of the herb are maximally expressed. Washed and dried leaves are crushed and squeezed juice.

Ready juice is combined with drinking water, observing a ratio of 1: 1, and boiled. The resulting product is stored in the cold.

Drinking juice - two sips before each meal. The maximum course of using the drug is a month. Then you should take a break from a month to three.

In addition, infusions are prepared from the leaves of plantain. It is enough to pour a glass of boiling water on a few leaves and leave for half an hour. Therapeutic dose - a few sips before eating.

Ready-made products from plantain for alcohol sold in pharmacies are not suitable for treatment - with pancreatitis, any alcohol-containing agents are contraindicated.

Relief of pain

If the pain that occurs during an exacerbation is taken by surprise, it is urgent to ensure its relief. To quickly normalize the patient’s condition, herbal collection of yarrow, chamomile, motherwort, dandelion, plantain and dried cinnamon is used - the same amount of each type of plant is mixed.

To prepare a serving of medicinal infusion, take a couple of teaspoons of the collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water and stand in a thermos for about 8 hours. In acute pain, take a tablespoon of infusion one-time. With pancreatitis with increased secretion of bile, the infusion is drunk daily at bedtime for 10 days.

Treatment with folk remedies - effective methods

If the inflammation in the pancreas has turned into chronic pancreatitis, one cannot count on a quick treatment result even with intensive medication.

Inflammatory processes lead to structural changes in the tissues, therefore, to restore the functionality of the pancreas, the body requires powerful therapeutic support. It is this effect that folk remedies can provide.

Black cumin for chronic pancreatitis

As recent studies by American scientists have shown, the seeds of the plant black cumin (Nigella Sativa), used in cooking as a spice, not only help with the chronic form of pancreatitis, but also kill the malignant cells.

The seeds and oil of black caraway seeds contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, essential oils and volatile.

Due to its rich composition, black cumin has active healing properties, especially valuable in the treatment of pancreatitis:

  • stimulates the outflow of bile, dissolves bile clots;
  • increases the production of pancreatic juice;
  • increases appetite;
  • relieves pain;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • stimulates the thymus, promoting the production of immune cells of T-lymphocytes, and thus protects the body from exposure to viruses, fungi, and the formation of tumors;
  • provides antimicrobial effect.

However, treatment with black cumin is relevant only for the chronic form of the disease. At the time of exacerbation, the use of oil or seeds of a plant can increase seizures.

Black caraway recipes

To make medicinal tea from black cumin seeds, you need one teaspoon of raw materials and 300 ml of water.The product is brought to a boil and warmed over low heat for about 10 minutes. They drink like ordinary tea. To improve the taste, you can use honey.

Mix black cumin oil with three tablespoons of honey. The resulting mixture is resorbed in small portions after eating.

Taking a teaspoon of black cumin oil on an empty stomach improves well-being half an hour before breakfast and dinner. Oil can be washed down with boiled water.

Herbal preparations for the chronic stage of the disease

To normalize secretory and motor function, plants with antispasmodic, analgesic, choleretic and antimicrobial properties are introduced into herbal preparations.

Recipe number 1. Take 50 g of calamus root and dandelion and grind in a meat grinder. Add 25 g of chopped hop cones, thyme grass and nettle root to the mixture. In five tablespoons of the resulting composition add 200 g of honey. The use of the medicine is daily by the throat. The course is one month.

Recipe number 2. The collection includes equal parts of field chamomile, corn stigmas, plantain leaves and peppermint, marigold flowers. A teaspoon of herbal collection is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and drunk in two divided doses in the morning and evening after eating.

Along with this, good therapeutic results are provided by tea based on the collection of fruits from anise and hawthorn, valerian roots, yarrow and St. John's wort, nettle and lingonberry leaves, dill seeds, buckthorn bark.

The use of medicines prepared on the basis of herbal preparations provides an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, improves the pancreas and the general well-being of the patient.

Propolis for pancreatitis

Bee products are known for their immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties. The use of propolis gives good therapeutic results.

Read also: what propolis helps with alcohol

Ways to use propolis:

  • water infusion;
  • chewing propolis slices with spitting. It is impossible to swallow the substance - its resinous adhesive structure is poorly digestible even with a healthy gastrointestinal tract;
  • a mixture with milk is a good way to restore the functionality of the pancreas. To do this, pour a teaspoon of crushed substance with a glass of boiled milk, mix thoroughly and filter through cheesecloth. After some time, a wax film forms on the surface. It is removed, and milk is drunk before going to bed in a warm form.

The use of propolis in acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of a chronic form is contraindicated.

Immortelle Flowers Against Pancreatic Inflammation

From the point of view of traditional medicine, immortelle inflorescences are the most useful part of the medicinal plant used for diseases of the liver, stomach and organs of the biliary system.

The composition of inflorescences includes vitamins, tannins, organic acids, bitterness, resin acids, essential oils and many other valuable substances.

The use of immortelle in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the pancreas allows you to:

  • normalize bile secretion;
  • restore the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice;
  • improve the production and quality of bile;
  • reduce blood bilirubin and cholesterol;
  • improve appetite;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • create conditions for the dissolution of stones in the bile ducts.

The use of immortelle improves the functioning of the stomach and relieves the intestines of muscle cramps.

Immortelle Recipes

Immortelle is effective when taken as an infusion or decoction. To get a decoction, the flowers of the plant are placed in boiling water and kept in a water bath. As the liquid evaporates, restore the original volume by adding boiled water. Drink 100 ml before meals.

To prepare the infusion, a handful of inflorescences are poured with cold boiled water and insist for a day. Take before each meal half a cup.

Immortelle tinctures for alcohol are used for pancreatitis only after permission and according to the doctor’s special recommendations.

Help at home

Given the causal relationship of chronic pancreatitis and cholelithiasis, therapeutic measures should include the use of bile-forming and choleretic products:

  • potatoes - in boiled form it is allowed to include in the diet in the acute form of the disease. Potato juice is used as a medicine for chronic pancreatic pathology. Half a glass of freshly squeezed juice two hours before a meal. Five minutes later, drink a glass of kefir. The course is two weeks;
  • juices - carrot, from Brussels sprouts, lettuce and green beans. Take 100 ml before meals;
  • oats - the basis for the preparation of a healing broth. On a glass of washed oats give one liter of water, soaked overnight. In the morning, bring the mixture to a boil and incubate in a warm place for 12 hours. Reception mode - half a glass three times a day for 30 days;
  • buckwheat with kefir - An excellent breakfast during the remission of the disease. Washed cereal is poured with low-fat kefir and insisted for 8-10 hours. The daily rate is a glass of buckwheat for two glasses of kefir;
  • barberry infusion. Finely chopped bark is brewed with boiling water - a tablespoon in a glass of water, and boiled for 20 minutes. Take two sips before meals;
  • cranberry. Cranberries fruit juice is prepared as follows - the berries are crushed, brewed, kept in boiling water for 3 hours. They drink with remission of the disease, like a regular fruit drink.

All of these products are only relevant for chronic pancreatitis.

Acupressure and Acupuncture

The use of oriental practices is an alternative solution to eliminate inflammatory processes in the pancreas. During the treatment, an effect on the bioactive points of the body associated with the functionality of the digestive system occurs.

In most cases, acupressure and acupuncture bring a comprehensive healing of the gastrointestinal tract, the result of which remains for a long time.

The choice of exposure points depends on the specific situation - the degree of development and form of pancreatitis, the individual characteristics of the patient.

Acupuncture and acupressure procedures can improve the secretory functions of the body, relieve spasms of the bile ducts, normalize the flow of bile and eliminate reflux, and also remove inflammation and the associated pain syndrome.

Regardless of the form of pancreatitis, the maximum effect of the treatment of the disease is possible only with a strict diet. Simple healthy foods, boiled or steamed dishes, vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, as well as cereals are welcome.

Pancreatitis is a serious disease. But it will recede if the body is given the opportunity to restore its natural resources.