A small wound or a scratch on the finger most often remains invisible to the eye. Sometimes such an insignificant thing leads to unpleasant and dangerous diseases. If microbes get into the cut, a panaritium of the finger appears on the hand. Treatment in such cases requires immediate and quality.
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Panaritium of a finger on a hand - causes
Diseases occur mainly in people engaged in active activities, physical activity. More than half of cases are associated with work-related injuries. Naturally, any scratch does not grow into panaritium. But there are factors due to which purulent inflammation occurs in the wound. They can be both diabetes and impaired blood circulation. Weakened immunity, immunodeficiency primarily aggravate the situation. And the fungus or the ingrown nail are the main reasons because of which the pus enters the subcutaneous tissue.
Symptoms and signs of finger panaritium
Inflammation appears through infection with bacteria and pathogenic microbes: proteus, streptococcus, staphylococcus, enterococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pathogenic microflora gives them the right to life. The disease takes edematous and purulent forms. The latter are localized on the upper phalanges of the fingers and extend deep into the hand.
The signs of the disease visible to the naked eye are redness and swelling due to trauma. In addition to pain (most often expressed in “shootings”, pulsation or a feeling of fullness), inflammation occurs, and the mobility of the finger stops.The general condition of a person can be described by fever, malaise, chills.
Views of panaritium
The disease has two types - superficial and subcutaneous panaritium of the finger.
In turn, they are divided into types:
- cutaneous;
- subcutaneous;
- subungual;
- periungual.
In a milder case, local symptoms prevail. Redness with yellowish bubbles affects part of the arm.
The deep form affects not only the external manifestations, but also the state of the organism as a whole.
As they penetrate the skin, secrete panaritium:
- tendinous;
- articular;
- bone;
- pandactylitis.
Surface views
Cutaneous felon occurs on the back of the finger, the skin reddens, near the nail begins suppuration, lifting the stratum corneum. The process is accompanied by a couple or three of unpleasantly yellow bubbles, the flow of blood increases. Burning sensation. An increase in the blister indicates the progression and transition of the disease to a new level.
Shooting pain under the fingertip gives a signal of development subcutaneous panaritium. The formed pus now does not break out, inflammation passes into the subcutaneous fat, from where it can seize joints, tendons, with advanced forms - bones.
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The entire blow takes on the distal phalanx of the finger. The pain gradually intensifies, a feeling of pulsating veins in the palms of the hands, a swelling is created. Temperatures above 37 degrees and weakness are only the initial signs of the disease, which are easier to defeat than regional lymphadenitis. Pathology of the lymph nodes causes severe diseases. Herpes, tuberculosis, syphilis, lymphomas are asymptomatic at first, and doctors consider lymphadenitis to be one of the causative agents. To avoid any trouble you should go to the hospital.
In the process of creating a beautiful manicure, minor and almost invisible injuries often arise. The usual barb provokes paronychia (periungual felon). The periungual roller inflames, the infection exfoliates the nail and seeps under it. The skin around the nail swells, swells and hurts with any slight touch. With a strong pus, located under the nail plate. In just 10-14 days, it is required to convert to a chronic form. During this time, you need to have time to take actions that prohibit the disease from developing.
Bruising or sinking a nail can easily create a disease such as subungual felon. A hematoma appears on the finger, giving rise to an infection. You should rather go to the hospital, not allowing severe suppuration.
Subcutaneous panaritium of the finger
It is called deep in another way. The tendon vagina is affected, and afterwards the entire fully ligamentous apparatus of the finger. Purulent exudate gives rise to increased pressure, which indicates the appearance of terrible pain and tendon necrosis. The joints are bent due to lack of motor function in the fingers.
At articular felon the entire joint cavity is infected. The hand swells, causing unbearable pain. The disease occurs less frequently than others, but requires treatment by a surgeon immediately. Weakness, fever, lymphadenitis - companions panaritium joint.
Distribution area bone panaritium - a bone where inflammation passes from soft tissues. The capillaries are clogged, as a result of which the destruction of bone tissue occurs. The defeat falls on the phalanx of the nail, peeling of the periosteum increases pain and reduces movement to a minimum. Feeling unwell overall. When bone tissue is dead, the process becomes chronic.
Pandactylitis - the hardest form of panaritium. Open injuries and advanced superficial panaritium complicate the disease. The ligamentous finger apparatus is completely affected - enlargement, deformation of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, joints, bones and tendons. Crimson skin is taut, blood circulation is disturbed.The finger thickens several times, motor activity ceases to manifest itself. Hyperthermia is common, fistulas, pus indicate an immediate visit to the doctor. Untimely treatment leads to extremely sad consequences - removal of the finger.
Disease treatment
Drug treatment
Vishnevsky ointment has always been an indispensable assistant. The smell should not scare. This is an excellent antiseptic, proven and effective.
Accelerates the process of tightening and disinfects Levomikol. It is convenient to apply on steamed skin under a bandage.
In the initial stages, it is recommended to mix tetracycline ointment with zinc paste in equal proportions. In advanced cases, these actions are inconclusive.
The antimicrobial furatsilin is dissolved in hot water. Such hot baths (hold the damaged finger for about 30 minutes) not only stop the development of microbes, but also wash the wound.
Compresses are made using the anti-inflammatory Dimexidum. Part of the drug and 4 parts of water.
One of the best remedies is Linkomycin. The developers offer an antibacterial agent in various forms - ointment, capsules for administration and injection.
When not to do without surgery?
In the absence of signs of recovery and the appearance of abscesses, you should consult a surgeon. Local anesthesia will provide painless surgery. Most often, just dead tissue or a nail is removed. Losing the finger itself is only possible in extremely advanced situations.
The postoperative period, do not forget about antibiotics and the rules for admission - no more than seven days. The doctor should prescribe the tablets in accordance with the well-being of the patient and related diseases or prohibitions / allergies.
Traditional medicine recipes
Doctors advised to apply a hot onion or boiled in milk to the affected area. Bandage for 4-5 hours, change the vegetable, so several times.
Normal potatoes will help get rid of suppuration. Tie the inside of the peel to an abscess. Change after a few hours. After a day, the discomfort ceases.
Pour willow bark with a glass of boiling water and warm for 20 minutes in a "water bath". At night, tie a cotton wool or bandage soaked in infusion to the boil.
Celandine has long been famous for its healing properties. 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs boil in 2 cups of water. Brew for 10 minutes. The tincture will be ready after a couple of hours. The resultant is superimposed on the site, wrapped in a plastic bag, on top - something warm.
Therapy from the people should always be coordinated with the doctor, because many herbs are not so harmless.
Treatment in children
The course of treatment of panaritium in a child is not much different from an adult. But, in no case should you self-medicate before using home remedies, consult a pediatrician. If the pain is twitching or the temperature rises, call an ambulance. If the child is very small, care must be taken that he does not play and tries not to use the injured limb.
Possible complications
Like many other diseases associated with purulent secretions and infections, panaritium is dangerous for its complications. Troubles can arise if the disease is left to chance or to hesitate very much with treatment.
The most common complications after panaritium can be:
- pandactylitis;
- inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as blood vessels up to the appearance of lymphadenitis and lymphangitis;
- phlegmon (inflammation) of tissues;
- sepsis and general blood poisoning;
- ostomyelitis (purulent inflammation in the bone);
- myositis (inflammation of the skeletal muscles);
- thrombophlebitis (thrombosis with inflammation);
- in especially severe cases - gangrene.
To avoid these complications, panaritium should be treated immediately when it appears.
Prevention of panaritium on the fingers
As you know, the most effective way to cope with a disease is to prevent it.
Panaritium prevention consists of several simple rules:
- Keep your hands clean and use soap when washing your limbs.
- Be careful when doing manicure.
- Wear protective gloves, especially if there is a chance of injury at the workplace.
- In case of cuts, deep scratches and other injuries on the hands, immediately disinfect the affected area, use a bandage or other protective layer, avoid repeated damage or contact with surfaces until the wound is completely overgrown.