Thrush in common people is called vaginal candidiasis. This disease is not a sexually transmitted disease, it is based on yeast-like fungi that live in almost every representative of the weaker sex in the vaginal mucosa. These microorganisms do not bring any harm until they become a lot as a result of various reasons. And then treatment is needed. Usually, the doctor prescribes pills for thrush, but alternative methods are also known.
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Symptoms of ailment
It is believed that every woman at least once in her life experienced a manifestation of candidiasis. This is a strange sensation and special discharge.
The disease is characterized by:
- curdled white discharge (hence the name);
- burning sensation in the genital area and perineum, especially during urination;
- a feeling of itching and burning during or after intercourse;
- bad smell.
Thrush, weakening the immune system, opens the way for other bacteria. Therefore, the disease is often combined with various ailments, the symptoms of which can be supplemented by other manifestations.
Causes of Thrush
The rapid growth of Candida fungus is influenced by various favorable factors.
Among them:
- stress, depression;
- some hormonal drugs, including contraceptives;
- antibiotics
- poisoning, intestinal infections;
- lack of proper hygiene;
- viral and infectious diseases;
- chemotherapy;
- hormonal imbalance;
- chronic ailments, including HIV;
- improper nutrition based on low-calorie foods, or a passion for sweets;
- wet or synthetic underwear;
- hypothermia;
- frequent douching;
- the use of toilet paper or tampons with fragrances;
- response to certain intimate gels or soap;
- long wearing of a pad or tampon on menstrual days;
- too tight underwear;
- pregnancy, menopause;
- frequent change of sexual partners.
The reasons may lie in deeper problems, including HIV infection, cancer, diabetes mellitus. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, you need to find out the cause and begin treatment. In addition, a cured illness in time does not develop into a chronic form, which is also important.
Diet for thrush
The fastest cure depends on the nature of the diet.
Even tablets from thrush will not give the proper result, if you do not exclude from the diet such products as:
- sweet carbonated drinks;
- yeast products, including kvass and beer;
- sugar, honey, fructose;
- chocolate, jam, dried fruits;
- food with dyes and preservatives;
- hot sauces and spices;
- starchy vegetables;
- Tea and coffee in large volumes.
Such a diet will have to be followed for three months, and sometimes a year. And even if there is no symptomatology, the diet should be kept as long as possible. The best remedy for thrush is not to create an environment favorable for the development of the fungus, and this largely depends on nutrition.
Recommended Products:
- seafood;
- natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk;
- green onion, as well as onions, fresh garlic;
- any greens and berries;
- buckwheat, brown rice;
- various nuts and seeds;
- lean meat;
- legumes.
Extra virgin olive and linseed oil added to salads.
Treatment for thrush during pregnancy
When the expectant mother is sick with thrush, this can affect the development of the fetus. Although it is believed that the infection is not transmitted from mother to child, however, cases of such infection have been recorded. This can cause premature birth, but more often the infection occurs directly at birth. The baby is able to become infected while passing through the birth canal and get a fungal disease of the lungs, skin, intestines, eyes. It is very important to cure thrush on time.
For this, the doctor may prescribe:
- Livarol. Candles are used for no more than five days. They fight Candida very well. One candle at night is enough;
- Diflucan. Enough single use in the amount of 150 grams;
- Fluconazole Not much different from Diflucan. The active substance is the same - fluconazole;
- Ketoconazole Available in the form of ointments or suppositories. A candle is placed alone at night. Ointment is used two to three times a day. The tool kills fungi in one to two weeks;
- Clotrimazole. It happens in the form of ointment, cream, candles. Good antifungal, not expensive, but effective. Take it in the form of a cream or ointment for up to 14 days, and one candle per day is enough;
- Terzhinan. It is considered a very effective tool. Destroys fungus, microbes and acts as an anti-inflammatory. One candle at night for 10 days is enough.
Terzhinan, Livarol and other drugs in the form of vaginal suppositories are very convenient to use and are practically not absorbed into the general bloodstream. Pimafucin is considered safe at any stage of pregnancy.
Preparations for thrush during pregnancy are selected taking into account a special condition so as not to harm a new life.
Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. It matters the dosage, the duration of use.
Folk remedies for candidiasis
Folk remedies for thrush are proven honey, chamomile, and calendula. Other methods are known, but dwell on the most common methods.
- 150 grams of honey is dissolved in half a liter of warm water. Then a cotton swab is impregnated with the solution and placed inside the vagina for 2 hours. Enough once or twice a day. You can do douching with this solution, but not during pregnancy.
- Chamomile is an excellent antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent.Brew a tablespoon of herbs in a glass of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes. Then they insist for another half hour. The resulting infusion can be used for lotions by placing an impregnated swab in the vagina, or as a douching. The mixture must be filtered before use. You can make a different solution by brewing two tablespoons of chamomile in half a liter of boiling water, insisting for half an hour.
- Also, an excellent result gives a decoction of calendula and chamomile. To do this, two tablespoons of each plant is poured with a liter of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Filter after half an hour. Can be used as a wash.
- A great helper in the fight against candidiasis is baking soda. It is dissolved in a liter of water, one teaspoon is enough. This tool is very good for douching and washing. The treatment is not suitable for children, pregnant women, with some diseases of the genitals.
- Kefir is another great remedy. It is advisable to use it daily. But it is quite possible to use as a solution for a tampon. You just need to wet the swab in a warm dairy product and place it in the vagina for three hours. After the procedure, wash with warm water.
- Another great antifungal is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, water and tea tree oil. To do this, take a teaspoon of tea tree oil, half a liter of water, a tablespoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide. All are mixed and used both for washing and for douching. It is important not to increase the amount of peroxide, so as not to burn the vaginal mucosa.
In any case, before using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor, especially during the period of bearing a child.
Disease prevention
Prevention of the disease is based on knowledge of the causes of thrush, as well as on how to transmit it. Thrush is not considered a sexually transmitted disease.. Both women and men can get sick. But it is women who predominantly suffer from the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs. Both partners should be treated.
Read also: thrush tablets - inexpensive and effective
Candida fungus always lives in the vagina, but becomes active only under certain conditions. These include, in particular, a sedentary lifestyle, hypothermia, malnutrition and stress. This is not a complete list of the reasons why the disease occurs. It can be repeated again and again, since no immunity from it exists.
To forget about the often recurring thrush, it is worthwhile to reduce the use of sweet, rich, yeast products, lead an active lifestyle, do not over-eat at night, do not provoke the disease with questionable perforated hygiene products.
Being overweight can also have a negative effect on the immune system, and therefore on the risk of thrush. Therefore, you should follow the figure.
Habits such as smoking and alcohol reduce immunity, contribute to the reproduction of the fungus. If there is a tendency to the disease, it is worth giving up cigarettes and alcohol.
Caution should be those who use external and hormonal contraceptives. Both that, and another can lead to candidiasis. In general, any hormonal drugs should be prescribed by a doctor, otherwise a person runs the risk of getting thrush.
Not too clean reservoirs or chlorinated water in the pool can provoke an ailment. Personal hygiene habits also influence. You do not need to use ordinary soap for washing, there are special intimate means for this. Ideally, normal warm water is sufficient for washing.
There is controversy over synthetic underwear. It is believed that it does not affect the occurrence of thrush. However, it is proved that underwear made from artificial tissues does not absorb moisture well, and a humid environment creates a good climate for the development of fungus. With a tendency to candidiasis, it is advised to wear underwear made of natural material.