Damage to the nail plate and its surrounding skin may indicate the development of mycosis. The fungus is spreading at an incredible speed, so treatment of the disease should be started immediately. In order to quickly get rid of the infection, in addition to drug therapy, the most effective folk remedies for treating nail fungus are used.
The basis of folk recipes is simple and affordable components, not only actively affecting the pathogen, but also contributing to the restoration of tissues affected by the fungus.
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How can you get a fungus?
Fungal nail damage is an infectious disease that develops after contact with a pathogenic source or an infected person. As a result of the penetration of dermatophyte fungi into the tissue, the nail plate changes color and is deformed, in complicated cases, it atrophies and can be torn away from the nail bed.
The main factors provoking the penetration of mycotic organisms into the nail are:
- mechanical injuries of the nail plate;
- exposure to chemicals - detergents, degreasers;
- frequent contact with water;
- increased sweating;
- flat feet;
- immune system dysfunctions.
Infection with dermatophytes occurs with direct contact of the foot with microorganisms.The most dangerous in this regard are such common areas as saunas and baths, beaches and showers, swimming pools, fitness clubs and gyms, as well as beauty salons, which do not maintain proper sanitation.
In the family circle, you can catch a fungus when using things of an infected person - shoes, linen, towels, washcloths.
The development of fungal infections leads to the transition of pathology into a chronic form and the complete destruction of the nail plate. In addition, mycoses provoke the appearance of a number of other diseases, which are difficult to get rid of.
After 50 years, the likelihood of contracting mycosis increases.
Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies - the most effective ways
Despite the abundance of antimycotic drugs on the shelves of pharmacies, quickly getting rid of the infection is not easy. The most effective is the therapy that combines medication and folk remedies for nail fungus.
Propolis treatment at home
The antiseptic, antimicrobial and antifungal properties of propolis can effectively affect the source of mycosis damage, accelerating recovery.
Propolis is used in the form of alcohol tinctures or oils, which can be prepared at home. To get alcohol tincture, one part of the crushed propolis is poured into four parts of medical alcohol and kept in a dark place for two weeks.
To affect mycosis, a cotton or gauze swab is moistened in tincture and applied to the affected nail. It is recommended to keep such a compress until it dries completely. The therapeutic effect occurs after two weeks of daily procedures.
Read also:remedy for toenail fungus
Propolis oil is prepared on the basis of tincture - a few drops of the solution are mixed with any kind of essential oil with antiseptic properties. The mixture is applied to the affected areas of the foot daily, best of all, at night.
In addition, an effective effect on mycosis is achieved using propolis baths. To do this, add a teaspoon of alcohol tincture into a basin with hot water and steam the feet for ten minutes.
Propolis can cause allergies. Therefore, before using it, a small amount of the product should be applied to the back of the hand. If an allergic reaction does not occur during the day, then the tool can be used to treat mycosis.
Soda, as a folk remedy for the treatment of fungus
Baking soda is an effective remedy for toenail fungus. The healing properties of soda are due to its disinfecting potential. In addition, exposure to soda softens, dries up coarse tissues of the foot and nails, and prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
For the treatment of mycosis, dry soda powder and solutions based on it are used:
- paste. Soda is mixed with water until a paste-like consistency is formed, a little lemon juice is added and applied to the nails. After ten minutes, the paste is washed off with warm water, the feet are thoroughly wiped until dry;
- bath. In a basin filled with hot water, add a little liquid soap and soda, then lower the feet into the water. For two liters of water, one tablespoon of soda is enough.
The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes.
Soda treatment is appropriate in the absence of wounds and skin lesions.
Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide
Using the antiseptic properties of ammonia is an easy way to make treatment for nail fungus at home more effective.
Liquid ammonia is a product containing a high concentration of ammonia. An antimycotic solution for compresses and baths is prepared on its basis.
For compresses, ammonia is diluted in water - a tablespoon in one glass. Before going to bed, a cotton swab or gauze soaked in a solution is applied to the affected nail, fixed with a fingertip and left overnight. In the morning, the compress is removed.
You can also prepare a solution for compresses according to this recipe - ammonia is mixed with water, and glycerin is added.
For baths, hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant, is added to the aqueous solution of ammonia.
The combination of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide prevents the spread of fungal microorganisms, destroys the membranes of their cells. In addition, the alkaline environment arising from the interaction of the components of the solution has a detrimental effect on the viability of the fungus.
Vinegar and iodine for the treatment of nail fungus
Regular table vinegar helps speed up recovery from mycosis. Thanks to vinegar, an acidic environment is created in the affected nail plate, in which the fungus loses its ability to spread and gradually dies.
The main rule is the careful, targeted use of the product, which prevents the appearance of a burn of the tissues surrounding the nail.
For vinegar lotions, gauze or cotton wool is moistened in a solution and applied to an infected area for 15 minutes daily, for a week. As an additional component, glycerin can be used. After the first procedure, a burning sensation in the affected area is possible.
No less effective, but more convenient in use is an ointment based on vinegar. To prepare it, you will need vinegar essence 70%, Dimethylphthalate (sold at the pharmacy), olive oil and glycerin. For two parts of vinegar take one part of the remaining components.
The ointment is applied with a cotton swab and not washed off for 10 hours.
Iodine application
Good results are shown by treatment of mycosis with iodine. The use of iodine, which has disinfecting and antiseptic properties, helps to destroy the fungus, and not only in the area of the nail, but also in the adjacent skin areas. And iodine treatment of healthy nails prevents their infection with mycosis.
For treatment, point cauterization using an alcoholic solution of iodine, baths with the addition of funds, as well as therapeutic mixtures with vinegar, Fucorcin, salt, celandine extract, olive oil are used.
For targeted cauterization, the iodine solution is combined with a small amount of apple cider vinegar and they treat the surface of all nails, including healthy ones, as well as the skin around them. The procedure is repeated daily for two weeks.
The use of plants in the fight against fungal diseases
The use of the healing properties of plants is the basis of traditional medicine. To combat mycotic lesions, plants that have an antifungal effect are recommended. From herbs prepare solutions and tinctures, ointments and lotions, which are used for lotions, baths and oral administration.
The most powerful antifungal properties are possessed by such plants: calendula, oregano, mint, onions and garlic, turmeric, lavender, eucalyptus and celandine.
The easiest and most affordable method of treatment is the application of onion gruel or juice.
Kombucha from nail fungus at home
It is interesting: how to grow kombucha from scratch
The healing potential of Kombucha is due not only to the rich composition of its infusion, but also to its antibacterial properties. For the treatment of mycosis, you can use both the infusion and the mushroom itself.
Kombucha infusion is used for night compresses. And small pieces of the mushroom are crushed to a state of gruel and rubbed into the affected nail and skin.
Therapeutic baths - recipes
Hydrotherapy is an effective method of therapeutic treatment of body parts affected by fungus with the help of healing broths added to water.
Good results are achieved when pine needles extract, celandine broth, eucalyptus, hop cones, lilac flowers, dandelion grass, horsetail are added to the bath. The principle of preparation of the extract is simple - a bunch of herbs or a handful of shredded plants are poured with boiling water and kept warm for about three hours.
Then the infusion is poured into water for bathing. The optimal time for the procedure is daily, before bedtime.
Tea tree oil has special antimycotic properties. If you add 20 drops of the product to a bowl of warm water and provide exposure to the feet for 20 minutes, the fungus will leave forever after a few weeks, subject to daily procedures.
The most effective pharmacy remedies for nail fungus
Launched forms of mycotic infection are difficult to cure without the use of medications.
The list of drugs with antimycotic action differs not only in the range, but also in the variety of forms:
- topical preparations, synthetic preparations for the fungus - Zalain cream, Exoderil, Mycozoral, Mikospor, Cyclopiroxolamine;
- sprays and gels - Lamisil, Lamella, Thermicon, Bifosin;
- tablets with antibiotic action - Fungavis and Nizoral based on ketoconazole, Lamisil with Terbinafine, Fluconazole from the class of triazoles, Orungal based on itriconazole;
- antifungal varnishes - Loceryl, Demikten, Batrafen, Mikozan.
The use of any drugs is possible only as directed by a medical specialist after appropriate diagnostic measures.
Fungal Disease Prevention Measures
Even after complete recovery, the risk of relapse remains.
To avoid infection or re-development of the disease, it is necessary to remember the main preventive measures:
- avoid walking barefoot in crowded public places;
- when visiting baths and saunas, they should wear closed rubber slippers;
- wear only cotton socks that allow the skin to breathe;
- never use other people's personal items;
- keep your feet clean and dry.
It is characteristic that the development of most infections, including mycosis, occurs against the background of a decrease in the body's defenses. Therefore, health promotion through a balanced diet, physical activity and the observance of the correct mode of work and rest is considered an equally important condition for preventing the disease.
- Dmitry