Violations of the endocrine system in the most negative way affect both the reproductive function and the entire body. Especially if there is a malfunctioning thyroid gland, as a result of which the vital hormones cease to be synthesized by the pituitary gland. In medicine, this phenomenon is called hypothyroidism, the treatment of which is complicated by many factors.
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What is hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disease in which the thyroid gland produces too low a concentration of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, two of the most important thyroid hormones.
Endocrinologists distinguish two main forms of the disease:
- Primary hypothyroidism. It develops as a result of trauma to the thyroid gland. And it can also be a consequence of reduced immunity or a serious infectious disease.
- Secondary hypothyroidism. It is diagnosed if the pituitary or hypothalamus, which are an important component of the entire endocrine system, is damaged.
Typically, hypothyroidism worries women, and in some countries every second patient is familiar with a similar ailment.
The causes of the disease
As noted above, endocrine disease can develop as a result of a malfunction of the thyroid gland.And in some cases, this phenomenon becomes a consequence of the malfunctioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The following factors provoke the primary form:
- Hereditary predisposition of the body.
- Congenital underdevelopment of the organs of the endocrine system.
- Surgery or complete removal of the thyroid gland.
- Human radiation exposure associated with various technogenic anomalies or developing in a patient as a result of radiation therapy for cancer.
- The use of isotropic medicines that are widely used in oncology, cardiology, neurosurgery and endocrinology.
- Damage to the thyroid gland by pathogens of infectious etiology.
- Acute iodine deficiency in the body.
The secondary form of the disease can be caused by the presence of tumors in the brain, as well as various disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.
Symptoms and signs of pathology
The main difficulty of the disease is that hypothyroidism can be completely asymptomatic, without causing any pronounced signs. In the future, a woman can observe only mood swings or the general weakness of the whole organism. Often, none of us attaches special importance to such symptoms, and even more so, those who experience apathy are in no hurry to seek help from an experienced specialist. There are several main symptoms of hypothyroidism. These include:
- protracted depression, increased irritability and tearfulness, attacks of aggression;
- sleep disturbance, decreased mental activity, forgetfulness, impaired ability to concentrate;
- general weakness and malaise, intolerance to cold;
- deterioration of the skin, nails and hair;
- a strong increase in body weight;
- a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, against the background of which anemia develops;
- development of insulin resistance;
- the appearance of cardiovascular disease;
- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
- appetite disorder;
- lack of regular menstruation, reproductive dysfunction, leading to infertility.
Important! Hypofunction of the thyroid gland in the absence of timely treatment can lead to myxedema coma, characterized by severe swelling of the whole body. Often, such negative consequences of the ailment are experienced by older women.
Diagnostic measures
TSH or, as it is also called, thyroid-stimulating hormone, is the main component of the endocrine system. It regulates the sufficient production of triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These two thyroid hormones are very similar in structure, with the exception of the quantitative content of iodine atoms. Triiodothyronine contains 3 atoms, and thyroxin - 4.
Diagnostic measures begin with a thorough study of TSH in the patient's body. Next, an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is performed to assess its general condition. In addition, if necessary, the patient is examined using electrocardiography to detect cardiovascular disease. A method of studying brain activity will help specialists detect malfunctions of the central nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary system.
Note: the TSH norm in a healthy person varies from 0.4 to 4.0 mkU / ml. Any deviations from the indicated value indicate the presence of endocrine disorders.
Treatment of hypothyroidism in adults and children
Subsequent therapy after all diagnostic measures will depend on the form of the disease and the main causes of its occurrence. The treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist, who prescribes drug therapy to the patient based on the results of the study.
Thyroid medications
Therapy of endocrine disease involves the use of hormonal drugs.Thyroxine and triiodothyronine-based products make up for the lack of biologically active substances and restore the thyroid’s normal functionality. In this case, the optimal dosage and duration of the course will depend on the severity of the clinical picture.
Endocrinologists often prescribe levothyroxine for both adult patients and children. Therapy of the smallest patients begins with minimal dosages of drugs. Further, if necessary, increase the dose of the hormone.
Hormone-free treatment of hypothyroidism is appropriate only if thyroid disorders are caused by iodine deficiency in the body. In this case, the patient is prescribed funds containing iodine products. A disease caused by a violation of brain activity involves the use of special agents based on thyroid stimulating hormone.
Folk remedies
In addition to drug therapy, time-tested folk remedies can be used. However, in this case, you must first consult with your doctor. During treatment, the following remedies worked well:
- Iodine net, which is applied to the neck using ordinary iodine and a cotton swab.
- A mixture based on iodine and apple cider vinegar. A teaspoon of vinegar is diluted in a glass of warm water, after which 1-2 drops of iodine are added. The finished solution is taken three times a day with meals.
- The use of a solution based on kelp. Half a teaspoon of the powder is dissolved in a glass of water. The finished mixture is drunk after meals 2-3 times a day.
Features of the course during pregnancy
Hypothyroidism in women in early pregnancy can be a serious threat to the life and health of the unborn baby. In the process of the disease, the patient rapidly gaining extra pounds, swelling of the arms and legs appears, there is a lack of iron in the blood.
In the late stages, endocrine disorders against the background of developing thyroiditis lead to such a serious complication as gestosis. A pregnant woman has bouts of vomiting, migraine and an increased concentration of protein in the urine. This condition becomes a cause of intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, and can also provoke the death of an unborn baby.
Possible complications
In the absence of timely treatment, the disease subsequently becomes the main culprit in the development of concomitant complications, such as:
- disorders of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, heart failure, coronary artery disease);
- reproductive dysfunction, in which the conception of a child becomes impossible;
- weakening of the immune system and, as a consequence, the inability of the body to resist infectious diseases;
- development of malignant tumors.
Disease prevention
There are no special preventive measures that can completely protect you from such an ailment. However, if you adhere to the recommendations below, you can significantly reduce the risk of hypothyroidism:
- Balance your diet. Include foods that are high in iodine in your daily diet. These include seafood and fish.
- In addition, take vitamins A, group B, as well as selenium, iron, zinc and omega fatty acids, which are involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
- Lead an active lifestyle, try to prevent nervous exhaustion, give up bad habits.
Once a year, undergo a routine examination by an endocrinologist to avoid subsequent complications caused by hormonal failure.