It is usually difficult to tell loved ones about such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids. And I want to get rid of it on my own in a short time, so that there is no need to share this with someone. Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids at home quickly, we will answer in today's article.

Home treatment

Signs of the presence of the disease are discomfort during sitting, movement and defecation. Mucus from the anus and even a little blood appears, as well as pain, burning and itching. Often there is a feeling of heaviness and not the end of an empty bowel. Although this may indicate the presence of other ailments.

Typical symptoms that indicate hemorrhoids include bumps and nodes that appear from the anus, which:

  • burst, bleed and inflame;
  • become one, which can degenerate into a life-threatening condition.

These substances are temporary or pronounced permanent in nature without the possibility of rectifying the situation. Knots and bumps can form, both inside and outside the body.

How to respond to a problem depends on the degree to which it is neglected. But in any case, the approach to treatment should be comprehensive.

Healing hemorrhoids with the help of “magic” pills or proven home recipes without lifestyle changes and food addictions is very problematic. Yes, and there will be a threat of the return of the disease in a more serious form.

Therefore, the first thing to do is:

  1. Solve the problem with regular bowel movements, if any.
  2. Avoid heavy physical exertion and heavy lifting.
  3. Start daily walks in the fresh air and engage in your physical development.
  4. Avoid excessive emotional and psychological overload.
  5. Establish your nutrition by eliminating harmful and unnecessary foods.

For effective treatment, you will need to use certain drugs inside, eliminating the problem from the inside. For this, a drug called Detralex, which has a natural origin and a minimum of side effects, is suitable.

Other pharmacy products, such as Ginkor Fort, Pileks, Venarus, Flebodia, Vikasol and others, also have a different spectrum of effects.

Important: only an integrated approach will quickly and without negative consequences save you from such a delicate problem as hemorrhoids.

Now, we will talk in detail about how to treat hemorrhoids, what tools exist that help in a short time and effectively relieve an unpleasant ailment.


The local effects of the components can be attributed to the advantages of suppositories, that is, they do not affect other organs with their healing property. They also gently envelop the walls of the intestine and hemorrhoid, protecting against damage. This form of medication makes softer feces and tone the intestinal wall.

Here is a list of the most effective candles:

  • The drug Anestezol has analgesic and preventing inflammation with edema. It is indicated for deep cracks and minor internal injuries, coping also with edema;
  • suppositories called hepatrombin G treat various forms of hemorrhoids. It is an anticoagulant that protects against thrombosis, improving blood flow. It is usually used at the very beginning of the problem in order to prevent the appearance of larger nodes;
  • Relief candles contain shark liver oil, which can heal wounds and relieve inflammation;
  • in the suppository Relief Advance benzocaine is included, eliminating severe pain and extensive damage inside;
  • the chronic form of hemorrhoids is treated by Relief Ultra, relieving swelling, burning and itching.

When buying, be sure to read the list of contraindications for candles in order to avoid negative consequences.

Read also: candles with sea buckthorn from hemorrhoids


Ointments against hemorrhoids are versatile in use - they can be rubbed, compresses and injected.

But such remedies are not indicated if there are extensive skin lesions:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment was made from natural tar of birch, in a short time, healing and disinfecting wounds, removing swelling, suppuration and inflammation.
  2. Improves blood flow, strengthens the walls of veins and capillaries Troxevasin ointment. It is recommended at the beginning of the disease, not allowing the node to grow. If the disease is already running, then the tool relieves pain and heals damage, removing bleeding.

The complex effect of the drugs makes it possible to alleviate the condition in a short time and gradually eliminate the problem.


To provide a general positive effect in getting rid of hemorrhoids, there are drugs in tablet form and capsule form.

These are angioprotectors, analgesics or phlebotonics:

  • protects against sprains, reducing fragility of blood vessels, reducing its stasis in the veins of Detralex;
  • To improve venous tone, there is the drug Phlebodia 600, the intake of which reduces the pressure of the lymph, it starts to circulate better and its speed and lymph increase. Even thanks to this tool, inflammation and swelling with pain are relieved;
  • Diosmin possesses similar actions;
  • an effective anti-inflammatory agent is considered to be a vazoket;
  • Venarus is a generic that quickly reduces venous congestion, improves blood movement and eliminates pain;
  • universal remedy with herbal ingredients in Pilex, with all the similar properties of other drugs, also inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

But each of these drugs should work in conjunction with other means - ointments, creams or suppositories.

Folk remedies

There are a huge number of folk remedies to eliminate this delicate problem.

Here are the most common and affordable:

  1. The prepared broth for the bath of raw potatoes is effective against hemorrhoids - put the peel removed from the root crop into milk and put on the stove for 2 minutes, then remove from heat and cover with a lid or towel, leaving a hole. Place a problem spot over this steam leaving it.
  2. Aloe also helps to cope with the disease, and it can be consumed inside, as well as in the form of candles, tampons, lotions and compresses.
  3. Cold eliminates congestion in the nodes and excessive blood flow, as well as itching and pain. And if applied correctly, it completely removes small nodes. Prepare candles for rectal administration - pour water into small cylinders made of paper and freeze in a freezer. From the finished “candle”, remove the paper and enter the anus for 30 seconds. When you get used to it, the duration can be increased. For greater efficiency, brew herbs instead of water, for which a hemoptysis and yarrow are suitable.

If we talk about ways to get rid of hemorrhoids, the best can be called ordinary washing of the anus. And when you get rid of the problem, such procedures will further protect against its appearance again.

Baths with herbs, infusions

Herbal baths significantly improve the condition, normalizing blood flow, relieving pain and helping to heal wounds faster. They are cold, warm (up to 35 degrees), hot (water temperature up to 60 degrees) and steam.

  1. Celandine relieves itching, heals wounds, relieves inflammation - pour dry herbs (1.5 cups) with 3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for a day, strain and do the necessary procedure.
  2. Calendula relieves itching and burning - pour 4 cups of boiled hot water with 4 large spoons of inflorescences in a dry form, leave for 1 hour, strain.
  3. Succession eliminates irritation by providing an antimicrobial effect - place grass in an amount of 100 g in gauze, making a bag, dropping it in boiling water (2 l) for 30 minutes.

Enema and lotions

A therapeutic enema is done with special solutions and it is better to make microclysters with a small amount of injected fluid. At home, it can be a decoction of herbs such as chamomile, strawberries (leaves) and oak bark.

The procedure for applying lotions will help get rid or reduce pain, inflammation, burning and itching, as well as swelling. And their regular use will make the skin more elastic, which will protect against damage and reduce the size of the nodes. They are made very simply, for this you will need gauze, a medical base and a plastic bag. On cheesecloth, folded in several layers, apply the prepared solution or ointment, applying this side to the sore spot, putting the bag on top. It is better to do this before going to bed.

Features of the treatment of external, internal and combined hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids that appeared inside, this is the initial stage of the external node. It is difficult to determine on its own, since there are no external signs. Such a problem is treated in 3 ways - conservatively, surgically and minimally invasively.

External hemorrhoids you find yourself on the nodes that appeared from the anus. We have already talked about the methods of treating such an ailment earlier.

And, accordingly, the combined form has symptoms, both internal and external. The difficulty is that it is a chronic pathology with inconsistent remissions, when the nodes can be eliminated from the outside, and the internal ones remain inflamed. Such hemorrhoids are treated, depending on the degree of development, but in 75% of cases surgically.

Pregnancy and lactation treatment

It is difficult for a woman after childbirth to pay attention to herself, since she is completely absorbed in the newly born baby. But hemorrhoids during this period are quite common, which requires immediate intervention to eliminate it. Therefore, during lactation, when it is not possible to visit a specialist, it is very important to know about home methods of solving the problem.

Treatment should be comprehensive and include the following:

  • treatment of nodes with ointments and suppositories with no contraindications to the lactation period;
  • compliance with basic rules of hygiene, nutrition and sleep with rest;
  • prevention of disease recurrence.

In the neglected case, when measures were not taken in the initial stage, surgical intervention is used.


Hemorrhoids during pregnancy also appear quite often for various reasons. Once you find it, you can solve the problem with "little blood", using gymnastic exercises, following a diet and doing massage in compliance with daily hygiene rules.

In the period of exacerbation, ointments or suppositories are shown - Troxevasin, Relief, sea-buckthorn suppositories or Heparin ointment. But at the same time, do not forget to consult with a gynecologist about the drug necessary for you.


Preventive measures are quite accessible to every woman - the first is hygiene, washing the area of ​​the perineum and anus after each visit to the toilet, replacing wipes and toilet paper with this procedure.

Pay attention to your diet, which, incidentally, will be useful for appearance with a figure.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, setting aside daily time for hiking and physical activity.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will not only protect against the appearance of hemorrhoids, but also improve overall health, fill with energy and tone for many years. Health to you and your loved ones!