According to statistics, every fifth modern inhabitant of the planet suffers from this unpleasant and dangerous ailment. But not all patients seek medical attention from a specialist, considering the problem too delicate. In this case, the best way out is home treatment for hemorrhoids with folk remedies. The most effective natural remedies are described below.
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Briefly about the causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids
The disease under discussion is a varicose vein of the rectum, which occurs due to circulatory disorders in the vessels of the problem area. The most common cause of the onset and development of the disease is a sedentary lifestyle, which leads to stagnation of venous blood in the pelvis. Therefore, people of "sedentary" professions are ranked as the main risk group.
The following are also included in the list of causes of the disease:
- Frequent problems with going to the toilet - restraining urge to defecate, constipation, diarrhea, straining during bowel movements.
- Pregnancy and delivery.
- Hereditary predisposition.
- Excessive exercise.
- Excess weight.
- Love for spirits, strong tea / coffee, canned food, spicy food.
- Diseases of the pelvic organs.
- Frequent anal caresses.
- Severe stress.
The sooner a person notices a problem, the easier it will be to deal with it.Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the first symptoms of hemorrhoids: burning and itching in the anus, flatulence, the appearance of painful anal fissures, mucous caustic discharge. If such signs are ignored, more serious ones will appear: severe pain in the problem area, bleeding, prolapse of hemorrhoids and others. In order to prevent such consequences, it is necessary to start the fight against the disease in time.
The most effective folk remedies
Many effective effective hemorrhoid medicines can be prepared with your own hands. These are candles, and ointments, and solutions for enemas, and other options. The main thing is to choose only high-quality components for this and strictly follow recipes.
Suppositories at home
It is very easy to independently make effective candles against the ailment under discussion. For example, raw potatoes can be used for this purpose. From its tubers pieces are cut that resemble suppositories in shape and size. The resulting workpiece on the acute side is smeared with petroleum jelly and injected overnight daily. The procedure is repeated until the patient feels relief.
By the same principle, candles can be made from crystallized honey. A miniature candle is introduced throughout the night. The procedure is repeated daily for 10 days. Both natural versions of suppositories relieve inflammation, remove pain.
Suppositories against hemorrhoids can even be created from ice. For this, purified boiled water is frozen in suitable molds. It is convenient to take, for this purpose, neatly opened packages from already used candles.
Ice products are lubricated with petroleum jelly, and then sent to the anus. The candle is left inside for 30-40 seconds. The procedure is repeated daily 3-4 times at different times for 20 days. Such a remedy relieves congestion in the "cones", narrowing the vessels. In addition, it eliminates pain and stops bleeding.
In a similar way, hemorrhoids are treated with cucumber. Part of the pulp or juice of the vegetable is frozen, after which it is used as a candle. As for the advice of some doctors about introducing a whole cucumber into the anus to combat hemorrhoids, this is a very dangerous procedure. The patient can only worsen the condition by damaging the rectal mucosa with a vegetable or even introducing an infection into the body.
If the patient is worried about cracks and hemorrhoidal "bumps", it is worth making candles from stone oil. To do this, mix 1/3 of a small spoon of such a product with a full spoon of warm boiled water. A small amount of flour is added to the resulting slurry, which needs to be taken so that a candle can be formed from the mass. Suppositories are introduced into the anus after a cleansing enema. It is advisable to use them at night. The full course of treatment is 10 sessions. In severe illness, the duration of therapy increases to 30 days.
Replace the candles can and tightly rolled up a piece of cotton swab soaked in natural medicine. For example, sea buckthorn oil or freshly squeezed potato juice. Such a workpiece is introduced into the anus for 2-2.5 hours daily. The course of therapy is 7-10 days. According to this principle, freshly pressed aloe juice is used.
Ointment Recipes
Homemade ointments are relevant for use with pronounced hemorrhoidal cones and cracks. Means from natural components perfectly relieve pain, inflammation, accelerate the healing process of injuries.
You can prepare an effective ointment from fresh lard. It will take 40 g. In a separate container, ½ teaspoon of dry grass of the mountaineer pepper, flowers of flax, oak bark is mixed. The composition is diluted with melted lard, after which it is left in a water bath for 30-40 minutes. The finished ointment is filtered, poured into a glass jar and cools.You can use it 2-3 times a day for 3 weeks.
Effective ointment is also prepared from tincture of calendula. For this, a pharmacy remedy is taken. For 5 g of alcohol tincture, you need to take 8-9 g of petroleum jelly. The components are thoroughly mixed, after which the product can be used for its intended purpose.
If the house turned out to be liquid bee honey, then it is also suitable for preparing a healing ointment against hemorrhoids. The product is mixed in equal proportions with ground cinnamon. The resulting composition is immediately ready for further use.
Any ointment is applied to the problem area only after bowel movement and subsequent hygiene procedures. The tool gently wipes the damaged areas. Do not rub the ointment. You can simply apply gauze pieces moistened in the finished medicine to the nodules.
Hemorrhoid enemas
It is enemas that allow delivering healing components to the problem area as quickly as possible. For the procedure, you can use sea buckthorn oil. It is considered one of the best natural medicines for treating hemorrhoidal disease. It is used in pure form. The optimal volume of fluid for one procedure is 50 ml.
You can not put an enema with exacerbation of the disease, the presence of cracks, with bleeding and inflammation of the intestine. This will only worsen the condition of the patient.
An enema treatment solution is prepared from various plants. For example, from wormwood. To do this, 1 large spoon of dry raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and cools to body temperature. To relieve pain, the drug is injected into the rectal canal.
Another option is a solution based on mummies. Six tablets of such a product are crushed and diluted in half a glass of water with a temperature of 37.5 degrees. The liquid relieves inflammation of the rectal mucosa and heals its damage.
For enemas, you can also use freshly squeezed potato juice, which prevents damage to the inflamed hemorrhoidal "cones" with solid feces.
Means for internal use
Freshly squeezed potato juice is used not only for enemas, but also for oral administration due to its vasoconstrictive effect on the body. The medicine is taken in 1/3 cup half an hour before meals once a day.
Traditional medicine offers many recipes for medicinal tea that helps with the issue under discussion. If you need to stop the pain, you should choose a collection of dill seeds, calamus roots, chamomile flowers, buckthorn bark, hay leaves. Two small spoons of mixed dry raw material are poured into a glass of boiling water. After 12-14 minutes, the product must be filtered. It is taken in a full glass twice a day.
Effective infusion is prepared from the tops of carrots. To do this, 35 g of fresh raw materials are ground and poured with 4 glasses of boiling water. After half an hour of insisting, the product is filtered and drunk in three doses. Such an infusion is prepared and used daily for 7-11 days, until inflammation passes and the pain disappears.
Healing baths
Sedentary baths also help to cope with the problem. Such procedures very quickly remove all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease under discussion.
They are divided into two types according to water temperature:
- Cold They help relieve pain and stop bleeding in the presence of external "bumps". A small amount of cool (but pleasant to the body) water is poured into the basin, as well as 3 times less than a decoction of wormwood. The procedure lasts 3-4 minutes.
- Warm. For such procedures, a warm herbal decoction is chosen. For example, oak bark, chamomile or onion peel. You can choose for a therapeutic bath and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You need to sit in a basin with a solution until it cools completely.
The procedure is repeated until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. After each bath (regardless of its type), it is required to treat the anorectal area with sea buckthorn oil.
Features of the treatment of external, internal, combined hemorrhoids
The choice of the optimal treatment for hemorrhoids depends on the type of ailment. If it is external, then you can use various ointments, lotions and healing compresses. With a running problem, the patient is prescribed surgical treatment of the disease. Internal hemorrhoids are often treated with enemas and suppositories. In both cases, the patient may be prescribed medications for oral administration.
With combined hemorrhoids, an excellent effect can be achieved without surgery, combining a course of suppositories and cream (ointment) for external use. This will simultaneously affect both internal and external nodes.
Folk remedies for pregnancy and lactation
Hemorrhoids often occur during pregnancy. In this case, women choose folk remedies for treatment in order to avoid the negative impact of pharmacy medicines on the fetus.
With special care, expectant mothers should seek help from various medicinal herbs. The body of a pregnant woman can react ambiguously to them. Therefore, it is better to completely refuse all kinds of healing fees or use them only under the strict supervision of a doctor.
In the "interesting position" you can safely use home-made candles from vegetables, honey and other components. Only ice products will have to be excluded. Lotions and ointments from natural ingredients are also completely safe.
It is forbidden to use any microclysters or cold / hot baths during pregnancy. Such procedures can lead to genital inflammation or provoke blood flow to the pelvic organs.
Prevention methods
So that the problem does not return, you need to take care of the correct comprehensive prevention.
It should include:
- Nutrition that does not cause constipation. You can not eat fish, meat, liver in large quantities. But fresh fruits and vegetables on the menu, on the contrary, should be as much as possible.
- Regular physical activity. You can start by walking and cycling.
- Quality hygiene. After bowel movements and at the end of the day, you need to carry out a toilet of the anus with soap with a minimum amount of synthetic additives in the composition.
- A selection of spacious underwear made from quality materials. In no case should it constrict the body.
- Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day. We are talking about clean still water.
You should also avoid hypothermia, heavy physical labor, prolonged sitting behind the wheel or in the office.