Every adult has experienced coughing at least several times in his life. This phenomenon is often a symptom of bronchitis. This is a dangerous inflammatory disease that requires immediate treatment. What should be a safe comprehensive treatment of bronchitis at home in adults, is described below.
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The basic principles of the treatment of bronchitis at home
Coughing is a key symptom of the disease in question. In addition to him, the patient may experience chest pain, severe headache, fever, general weakness.
Only in the most mild forms of the disease can it be treated exclusively with folk remedies. A doctor must give permission for this type of therapy. But it is better to combine folk remedies with high-quality modern medicines.
What drugs, antibiotics help against the disease?
The action of any selected drugs for bronchitis should be primarily aimed at eliminating sputum from the bronchi, restoring breathing to normal, combating pathogens and relieving inflammation. All medicines should be prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination.
Treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics is relevant only for bacterial bronchitis. In this case, the patient is most often prescribed Erythromycin or Amoxicillin. Amoxiclav and erythromycin are also popular antibiotic options for bronchitis. Any of these drugs must be drunk in a full course to prevent relapse.
To relieve cough and accelerate the elimination of sputum, bronchodilators are used. These are Berodual and Theofedrin. They are prescribed to the patient with a severe illness that cannot be cured for a long time.
Mucolytics are also used to dilute and eliminate sputum. They quickly improve the patient's condition. These are Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Fluditec. If there is no sputum in the bronchi, then you need to choose drugs that effectively fight dry cough. This is Codelac or Sinecode.
Inhalation as a remedy for bronchitis
Inhalation with modern drugs for bronchitis using a nebulizer is a very effective treatment option. As a result, drugs do not enter the blood and stomach, but immediately find themselves deep in the bronchi. Procedures are prescribed for acute or chronic illness. You can not carry out inhalation during an exacerbation of a chronic form.
The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day for 1-1.5 weeks. For an adult patient, the optimal duration of inhalation is 7-8 minutes (no more than 10). Medications before use for inhalation are combined with saline. These are Lazolvan (mucolytic), Berodual (bronchodilator), Tonsilgon (homeopathic remedy), Fluimucil (an anti-inflammatory drug that dilutes phlegm).
Folk remedies
Among traditional medicine, you can also find many options for natural medicines and anti-bronchitis treatments. For example, this is inhalation with sea salt. A pound of this ingredient is dissolved in 4 liters of filtered water. The mixture is brought to a boil, after which 1 teaspoon of dry extracts of raspberries and black elderberry is added to it.
From aloe you can prepare a healing tincture. 4 leaves of the plant are cut in the middle, after which they are poured with half a liter of quality dry white wine. The mixture is infused for 3 days at room temperature. Tincture is used for 1 teaspoon after eating 3 times a day.
Before going to bed, it is important to rub the breast with goose fat, then put on warm pajamas. After the procedure, it is advisable to drink a glass of warm milk with butter and / or bee honey.
An effective decoction against bronchitis is prepared from birch buds. For this, a liter of pure water and 8-9 fresh kidneys are combined. The mixture is brought to a boil and left on fire for 3-4 minutes. Further, the product cools, filtered through 2-3 layers of clean gauze and applied 40 ml 3 times a day before meals. The full course of treatment is 5 days.
More materials:how to treat bronchitis in adults
Massage and physiotherapy
Massage with bronchitis to the patient to alleviate his condition should be done by an experienced specialist. This procedure normalizes the metabolism and blood circulation in the respiratory system (including the lungs), and will also have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.
Massage will include several stages at once: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. It is allowed to conduct it independently during the recovery period of the patient after the illness.
No less useful for the disease under discussion and exercise therapy. Special exercises improve the general condition of the patient, restore the elasticity of the bronchial tissue, promote liquefaction and active elimination of sputum, strengthen the defenses of the patient's body.
Among the recommended exercises for bronchitis are the following:
- Starting position - lying on the left side. The body is slightly bent. Inhaling, the patient raises his right hand and straightens. Exhaling - bends the body again. The movements on the other side are repeated.
- Starting position - lying on your back with outstretched arms. On inhalation, the arms rise and wind up behind the head (behind the back of the head). On exhalation, the patient returns to its original position.
Treatment depending on the form of bronchitis
There are several forms of the disease under discussion. This characteristic is necessarily taken into account when prescribing treatment to a patient. Therapy of various forms of the disease is significantly different.
In chronic bronchitis, the patient is prescribed inhalations, diuretics (to lower blood pressure), hormonal bronchodilators (in the form of injections), as well as drugs that lower body temperature. Typically, complex treatment includes antihistamines, antibiotics, and vitamins.
For accelerated recovery of the body after an illness, the patient may be recommended chest massage, herbal medicine and healing exercises.
Be sure to treat acute bronchitis with a whole range of drugs of different groups. Hospitalization is necessary with the threat of pneumonia.
Antibiotics for acute bronchitis are rarely prescribed - only in cases where the ailment is characterized by a complicated course or with the appearance of purulent sputum.
More often the patient is recommended bronchodilators and expectorant drugs. The latter should be taken for 1-2 weeks, until sputum completely comes out of the bronchi.
With this form of the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotics (for example, Amoxicillin) or drugs of the cephalosporin group, which are administered intramuscularly and used during therapy in a hospital.
Obstructive bronchitis is also treated with bronchodilators. They can be combined with antibiotics. Drugs are taken for at least a week. But a more accurate period is determined by the doctor. With persistent narrowing of the bronchi, the patient is prescribed treatment with glucocorticosteroids. This, for example, Decortin and Medopred.
Smoker's bronchitis
Therapy for smokers bronchitis is always very long. It is carried out at home. For maximum effectiveness, it is worth combining medicines with folk remedies.
Of course, the first thing you need to do is quit smoking. Otherwise, any therapy will be useless. At the early stage of the disease, giving up a bad habit is enough.
If the problem is started, then mucolytics should be used to remove the accumulated mucus in the lumens of the bronchi. These are preparations based on thyme, marshmallow root and / or bromhexine. To remove the swelling of the body, antihistamines are selected. Bronchospasm will eliminate inhalation with salbutamol and various bronchodilators.
To begin with, the factor provoking the ailment is eliminated. This action alone can help prevent complications and achieve remission.
In the acute period of the disease, mucolytics, antihistamines and enterosorbents are used in the complex. Their task is to remove the allergen from the body.
You can also combine inhalation with physiotherapy. It is topical to apply laser therapy, electrophoresis and wave radiation.
How to relieve cough with bronchitis?
To improve the process of sputum discharge, the patient needs a plentiful drink. If the mucus in the bronchi is not fluid enough, then expectorant drugs can cause severe painful coughing attacks. It is especially useful to drink warm teas, decoctions of herbs and broths.
Helps relieve cough and moisturizer. If the air in the room is treated with an evaporator, it is easier to breathe and does not irritate the mucous membrane. This is especially true for night time.
How to cure bronchitis during pregnancy?
Often, future mothers, whose immunity is greatly reduced as a result of active hormonal changes, are ill with bronchitis. Any infection can be complicated by inflammation of the bronchi.
If the disease is started, then antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. In this case, the infection itself is more dangerous for the baby than a medication. The following agents minimize the effect on the fetus: Flemoxin Solutab and Amoxicillin.
Among antibacterial drugs, Bioparox may be prescribed for expectant mothers, and Mukaltin among expectorants. But Codeine is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.
Allowed for patients in an “interesting position” and inhalation. It is best to carry them with mineral water and saline without drugs.They will relieve an attack of cough, moisturize the mucous membrane, and accelerate the withdrawal of sputum.