Sleep disorders are one of the most painful symptoms of neurosis and other similar disorders. If this phenomenon occurred only one or several nights, then long-term treatment of insomnia is not required. It is only necessary to eliminate the causes and try to normalize sleep with the help of medicines and folk remedies.
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Causes of Frequent Sleep Disorders
W. Shakespeare described the calm, deep, sweet dream as "a miracle of mother nature, the most delicious of dishes at the earthly feast." This is not always the case. With sleep disturbances, nightmares, a person anxiously awaits the onset of night. There are many reasons for this condition. By nature, they are internal and external.
Internal factors include bodily pain, physical suffering, agitation of the nervous system after drinking coffee, alcohol, and strong tea at night.
Sleep disorders in the form of chronic insomnia are characteristic of traumatic brain injuries, vascular sclerosis, and other organic brain lesions. Mental disorders are similarly affected.
External causes of insomnia:
- loud sounds (dog barking, music, talking);
- stuffiness, heat or cold in the room;
- uncomfortable bed;
- bright light.
Insomnia in the elderly is often caused by increased blood pressure, tachycardia. It often happens that the patient takes several drugs at the same time. A cocktail may be the main cause of insomnia. It is difficult for a working person to fall asleep at inopportune times with the shift nature of labor.There may be other reasons: hunger, watching action films, reading books at night, sexual tension, creative crisis, or vice versa, inspiration.
How to treat insomnia
If it is impossible to fall asleep quickly, a remedy that brings the onset of sleep helps is better. Another variant of violations is frequent night awakenings, after which it becomes impossible to re-fall asleep. There is a need to use stronger medicines.
Drugs for the treatment of insomnia
Groups of drugs for treating insomnia:
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines.
- Antidepressants (some).
- Antipsychotics (individual).
- Combined.
- Antihistamines.
- Soothing.
- Homeopathic
Preparations of groups 1–4 retain a hypnotic effect for 7–8 hours after administration, and are usually dispensed by prescription. Such drugs have a lot of disadvantages, cause addiction in the patient.
- Combined funds in the form of drops "Valocardin" and "Corvalol" contain phenobarbital. These drugs have almost no side effects. In addition to phenobarbital, medicines include ethyl bromisovalerianate, as well as peppermint and hop oils.
- “Somnol” contains zopiclone, which has a hypnotic effect not like barbiturates or benzodiazepines. The tool reduces the time to fall asleep, reduces the number of night awakenings. The effect occurs half an hour after taking the tablets. The drug can be taken for a month or longer (if necessary).
- Do not cause drug dependence sleeping pills "Melaxen", "Melaren", "Circadin", "Melarithm", Tablets contain melatonin, are analogues in composition. They are mainly used for sleep disorders, primary insomnia in elderly patients, and people who change time zones.
- Means "Andante" has an antispasmodic, sedative and hypnotic effect. Tablets help to fall asleep with restless legs and / or irritable bowel syndrome, changes in weather conditions.
- If insomnia has arisen against the background of an allergic disease, inflammation, then it is better to take the funds "Valocordin-Doxylamine", "Relip" or "Donormil". They have a threefold effect: sedative, hypnotic, antihistamine.
- "Valemidine" - drops with an extract of valerian, motherwort, mint and hawthorn in combination with the antihistamine drug diphenhydramine. A calming drug can be taken in cases where high blood pressure, weather changes, magnetic storms interfere with sleep.
- There are OTC products based on natural ingredients that can be taken for a long time to improve falling asleep. This is Persen, containing extracts of lemon balm, valerian and mint. The drug reduces the manifestations of neurosis, facilitates falling asleep with VSD.
- Homeopathy has a complex effect, has a minimal number of negative effects. Homeopathic medicines to improve sleep: "Valerianochel", "Nervochel", "Calm down." For the treatment of insomnia in elderly women, homeopaths prescribe "Klimakt-hel." The drug helps with hot flashes that prevent you from falling asleep, from irritability and other symptoms of the menopause.
Read also: sleeping pills without prescription for good sleep
Folk remedies for sound sleep
Infusion, herbal tea is used as a natural sedative. The effect of most methods of treating insomnia with folk remedies is not in direct sleeping pills, but in improving the physiological processes necessary for falling asleep.
Collection for insomnia (take equal parts of herbs):
- rhizome of valerian;
- chamomile flowers;
- fennel fruits;
- peppermint;
- caraway seeds.
Take tinctures for alcohol: motherwort, valerian root, peony. Each of the solutions eliminates anxiety, accelerates the onset of sleep.
Drops, before drinking, diluted in 1 - 2 tablespoons of water. Infusions, tinctures of herbs will not help in advanced cases.
Diet for insomnia
Fish dishes will help to cope with the malaise.Every day should not become "fishy", but you should try to include more red fish, tuna in the menu. Other foods rich in tryptophan and B vitamins are also needed. These substances are necessary for the production of melatonin and serotonin. Thanks to two hormones, the alternation of sleep and wakefulness is carried out.
Tryptophan is rich in natural yogurt and cottage cheese. Another useful product for controlling insomnia is a ripe banana with a pinch of cinnamon, which is eaten at night. Do not overload the digestive tract before bedtime. You need to eat food that is easily digested.
Physiotherapy as a method of treatment
Water procedures make it easier to fall asleep - a warm bath, a contrasting foot bath. Relaxing essential oils are added to the water. This group of flavors includes lavender, valerian, bitter orange, bergamot, chamomile, rosemary. Not only aromatherapy are soothing. You can apply a drop of suitable essential oil to the whiskey or add it to the aroma lamp.
The aromas of basil, vanilla, frankincense, lemon balm and neroli contribute to good sleep.
Relaxing massage with essential oils and aroma procedures are contraindicated in case of allergies to the components of the drugs, high blood pressure, acute inflammation, infections.
Treating childhood insomnia
You must first establish the cause. If the child does not sleep well, then he may have hidden diseases. Another reason is the uncomfortable temperature in the children's room, uncomfortable bed.
It’s easy to create optimal conditions for a baby’s quiet sleep:
- provide dimming;
- ventilate the room;
- buy a comfortable mattress.
The best temperature for sleep is from 16 to 18 ° C. It is necessary to eliminate the sources of loud sound.
It is recommended that the child prepare before bedtime a warm bath with decoctions of sleeping pills. At the head of the bed you can put a small pillow stuffed with lavender flowers. If all else fails, then consult a doctor. A pediatrician may prescribe sedatives.
- Drops "Beresh Plus" contain macro- and microelements. The tool is used to treat insomnia and other disorders in children with a body weight of more than 10 kg. Drops improve sleep, but do not cause a feeling of weakness, lethargy.
- “Rescue Remedy” is a homeopathic liquid with a herbal aroma. The solution has a mild sedative effect. Not applicable under the age of 3 years.
- “Bai Bai” - drops based on extracts of herbs. Assign to children suffering from insomnia, with hyperactivity, aggressiveness.
- "Morpheus" - a liquid remedy based on herbs. It has a mild sedative effect, improves sleep quality. It is used to treat school children.
Tips from experienced doctors to get rid of insomnia
An integrated approach is needed: eliminating the causes of malaise, improving the regime, following a diet, taking medications.
There are several basic principles that should be followed daily for fast falling asleep and restful sleep:
- Lie down and get up preferably at the same time. An adult should be given at least 7.5 hours for a night's sleep, and a child 9-12 hours (depending on age).
- If drowsiness occurs, then you need to lie down. Fighting sleep can ultimately lead to insomnia.
- Late in the evening, it is undesirable to exercise on simulators, you should relax as much as possible.
- All classes that require activity, mental and physical stress, it is recommended to complete before 19 hours.
- Do not drink alcohol, tonic drinks, eat hard-to-digest food for 2 to 6 hours before going to bed.
- Useful nightly walks in the fresh air - in the garden, park, square, cozy courtyard.
- Avoid drinking plenty of fluids overnight.
It is highly recommended to get rid of the habit of napping in front of the TV, sleeping for a long time in the afternoon. It is enough to lie down after dinner for 30 minutes, if such an opportunity and a need arises.
If you can’t get enough sleep during the week, then you can lie in bed longer on weekends. Scientists have recently proven that sleep for the future is good.
- Genya