The noble laurel was known as a valuable subtropical agricultural and medicinal crop in ancient Rome more than 2000 years ago, and in ancient Greece it was considered a sacred tree. Hellenic laurel wreaths were laid on the heads of the winners of the Olympic Games. In cooking, laurel is appreciated for the essential oils contained in its elongated leaves, which from time immemorial began to be used as a seasoning and preservative. But few people know that this spice can also be used for medical purposes. The healing properties of bay leaf and contraindications are what we will talk about today.
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Bay leaf - healing and beneficial properties
The benefits of bay leaf for the human body are explained by essential oils, trace elements, vitamins contained in it in high concentrations. But few people know how to use laurel leaves in folk medicine. In fact, a decoction of this spice can be used to improve skin and hair, reduce symptoms of SARS, fight insomnia, strengthen the nervous system, lower blood sugar and many other problems in the body.
It is worth warning that any prescription in the article is not a panacea, and you should not refuse medical treatment!
What diseases does it help?
Bay leaf can be used in the treatment of certain diseases or alleviate their symptoms. It helps with arthritis, arthrosis, diabetes, stomatitis, neurosis, menstrual irregularities, SARS, bruises and injuries.
I want to say a few words about what you should not do:
- “Cleaning” the body, and not only with the help of bay leaf, but by any other methods (there are no “slags” in the liver, intestines, cells - this is a pseudoscientific fallacy);
- oncology treatment: no alternative methods treat cancer, and only in some cases reduce symptoms;
- the use of tinctures, decoctions, bay leaf oils as the main method of treatment: its therapeutic effect is not comparable with the effectiveness of medicines.
Application in traditional medicine
Of course, bay leaf does not give the effect of drugs, but it can be used as an addition to the main method of therapy. It is used both internally and externally.
Decoctions and infusions of bay leaf
Prepare a decoction of bay leaf only from raw materials of good quality. The color of the leaves should be moderately green, uniform without brown spots. Violation of the structure of the leaves indicates unsatisfactory conditions for its storage or the unhealthiness of the tree from which they were collected.
It is also worth evaluating the smell of bay leaf and its taste. Bitter odorless leaves are unsuitable for making a decoction.
For most diseases, the standard scheme for preparing a decoction is suitable: 20-25 leaves for 2 cups of boiling water are brewed for 5-7 minutes.
Infusion of Lavrushka
Another option for using laurel raw materials for medicinal purposes is an infusion that is not inferior in its effectiveness to broths.
After brewing the leaves for the required time, the liquid is insisted until it cools. Then either begin to use, or placed in a cool place, where he continues to insist.
Infusion of lavrushki is used to treat some chronic diseases.
- This infusion softens joint pain. With this symptom, use it 2 times a day for a tablespoon. Course duration - up to 3 days. Exceeding it is not recommended.
- For muscle pain and sprain, a small amount of infusion is mixed with castor oil and put in the form of a compress on a disturbing area. The compress is covered with a plastic film to reduce evaporation.
- Patients with diabetes mellitus of the second degree can drink a weak solution of tincture of bay leaf to normalize the level of glucose in the blood. A standard broth is diluted with water 7-8 times and consumed half a cup a day.
- With excessive gas formation, 5 grams of crushed sheet is brewed in 200-250 ml of water (one glass). This amount is sufficient for a single use, but more usually is not required.
A lot of controversy goes around the topic of its use in cases of menstrual irregularities, that is, delayed menstruation. Proponents of folk methods recommend brewing three sheets in one glass of water and drinking once, which should cause the onset of menstruation. Probably, the possibility of using such a tool depends on the individual characteristics of the body, so it is better to consult a gynecologist on this issue.
Bay oil - application
Due to the fact that the composition of the oil contains a number of vitamins and minerals, for centuries people have been using it to treat many ailments. It is a good antiseptic.
It does a great job:
- with certain types of dermatitis;
- ear diseases;
- a cold
- allergic reactions;
- bruises and ligament injuries;
- fungal infections.
To prepare the product, 30 grams of crushed bay leaves are poured with a glass of vegetable oil heated to a temperature of 60-80 degrees, and after cooling - they are transferred to a cool room. After three weeks, it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator, using if necessary.
The effectiveness of laurel oil can be noted with several problems:
- with insomnia, oil is added to boiled water, placed next to the bed and enjoy pleasant essential aromas;
- also for sleep disorders, you can use special candles, where oil is poured into a special container from which it evaporates under the influence of a flame;
- headaches subside if you massage the temples, gently, gently and slowly rubbing laurel oil;
- for skin diseases, 2-3 drops of oil are applied to lotions, creams, baths, face masks;
- gastric ulcer with low acidity is treated by adding a few drops of laurel oil to tea from yarrow;
- with stomatitis, rinsing the mouth with laurel oil solution, usually adding it to other means;
- for the first symptoms of a cold, it is recommended to carry out inhalation using a hot liquid with 2-3 drops of oil as a solution for the procedure. The duration of the procedure is from 3 to 10 minutes, not more than 1 time per day.
Bay baths
With psoriasis, eczema and some other skin diseases, baths with the addition of a laurel decoction can become an additional tool. Substances contained therein reduce irritation of the skin. But even in the absence of evidence, they can be taken to calm the nervous system, relieve tension and improve mood.
In a pot of water, 30 bay leaves are brewed, boiled for 3-5 minutes, the leaves are taken out and the liquid is poured into the bath. The effect can be felt after 20 minutes of swimming.
How to use bay leaf for weight loss?
The question of losing weight is the most popular, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that even bay leaves are commonly used for these purposes.
Bay leaf removes excess water from fatty tissues, which in obese people can add up to 3-4 extra pounds.
It helps only with a balanced diet and physical activity. Subject to these conditions, excess weight will not be returned.
To prepare a broth for weight loss, take three bay leaves, add them to boiling water (about 1.5-2 glasses of water) and keep on fire for 5 minutes, after which they allow to insist to cool. Take one tablespoon of tincture three times a day half an hour before meals.
Bay leaf in cosmetology
A decoction of bay leaves contains a large number of antiseptic substances, so it can be used to remove blackheads, acne, rejuvenate the skin, and rinse hair.
A strong decoction of bay leaf can wipe the skin. To do this, 20-25 sheets are brewed in 500 ml of water and kept on fire for 5 minutes after boiling. Such a homemade lotion is rubbed twice a day.
Hair can be washed with broth at the rate of 30 grams of leaves per 1 liter of water. This eliminates some types of dandruff.
Some people are allergic to the components in the composition of the leaf, so if in doubt, it is better to consult an allergist.
It is also highly recommended to consult with doctors before starting treatment with bay leaf for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
With hypertension, pre-infarction and post-infarction conditions, bay leaf is also contraindicated.
It is important to note that the use of bay leaf infusions inside increases the risk of constipation, since the substances contained in them have an astringent effect, and this provokes a violation of the intestines. To counteract this side effect, you should take more coarse fiber foods and consume plenty of fluids throughout the day.
Can I use bay leaf during pregnancy?
As mentioned above, there are several limitations to using bay leaf as a medicine. This also applies to the period of gestation of the baby. Tinctures of bay leaves during pregnancy, during lactation, and also in menopause are strictly contraindicated.
Despite the intensive development of the pharmaceutical industry, bay leaf remains an effective additional method in the treatment of a number of diseases. This is a natural storehouse of nutrients, essential oils and vitamins available to everyone. Proper use of bay leaf is useful not only for patients, but also for healthy people to improve overall well-being, strengthen sleep, and relaxation. Noble Laurel - a wonderful gift of nature for man.