The cinquefoil, which means "power" in translation, owes its name to the healing properties and miraculous power that was transmitted even to Ilya Muromets by inhaling the aroma of the plant. In the garden you can often find not only herbaceous plants of the genus, but also a shrub form, which is known as Kuril tea.

Cinquefoil - description and features of agricultural technology

The genus Cinquefoil from the family Rosacea combines under its name herbaceous and semi-shrub plants, which can be either annual or perennial. Erect, sometimes creeping shoots are covered with green feathery leaves. When choosing shrubby species, one should take into account the height of the plant, which can reach 1.5 m. When flowering lasts from late spring to early autumn, corymbose-paniculate or false-umbellate inflorescences of various colors are noted.

Types and varieties of cinquefoil

The numerous genus has more than 500 species of herbaceous and shrubby plants, some are very popular when grown as garden crops:

  • White bloodroot - perennial, the aerial part of which is represented by palmate basal leaf plates framed by brown stipules. From the leaf sinuses during flowering, a peduncle develops up to 25 cm long, on the top of which umbellate or racemose inflorescences of white color are formed.
  • The cinquefoil is erect - a species, also known as galangal, is distinguished by plants with upright stems up to 20 cm tall in the upper part. Ternate leafy plates in the lower part are radical, dying off during the flowering phase, and in the upper - stem, sessile. Flowers bloom in the summer on long peduncles.
  • Goose cinquefoil - a short grassy species with rosette basal leaves and a fairly high peduncle, crowned with single small yellow flowers.
  • Shrubby cinquefoil - a persistent, highly branched species of plants with a hemispherical crown, the diameter of which is 1 m. Leafy plates divided into segments at a young age have a bright green color, which acquires a silver hue due to their omission. Yellow flowers, collected, as a rule, in umbrella or racemose inflorescences, are noted during the summer and first half of the autumn season. Popular varieties: undersized "Dakota Sunrise", "Goldfinger", tall "Elizabeth", "Catherine Dykes."

Outdoor landing

To decorate the site with a miraculous flower, it is necessary to properly carry out planting work.

Choosing a place and soil

Cinquefoil prefers sunny areas that are shaded in the afternoon hours. Also, when choosing a place, it is worth considering the structure and composition of the soil: plants of this genus love fertile, well-drained soils with a loose structure that provides free access to water and air.

Sowing seeds of grassy species

For the natural stratification of the sowing material, sowing of seeds is carried out directly in the open ground under winter. After the snow cover has melted and the soil has warmed up, friendly shoots appear, which are to be planted in permanent places of growth.

Important! Young plants in the first year need additional protection from winter cold.

Planting seedlings of shrubby forms

Planting of shrub species planting material is carried out in early spring after thawing, when:

  1. In the selected area, holes are dug, the depth and diameter of which should be twice as large as the similar parameters of the root system of seedlings, and the distance between each other is at least 30 cm.
  2. A layer of broken brick is placed at the bottom of the pit as drainage.
  3. Half of the hole is filled with a nutritious soil mixture of humus, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 with the addition of 150 g of nitroammophoska.
  4. Next, the sapling is lowered and covered with the extracted earth so that the root collar rises 1-2 cm above the ground.
  5. The trunk circle is watered and mulched with sawdust.

Attention! It is allowed to plant seedlings of Kuril tea in summer and autumn.

Bloodroot care

Undemanding and very hardy flower is able to grow even with minimal attention. However, so that the potentilla pleased with lush and prolonged flowering, it is worthwhile to carry out simple care measures in a timely manner.


The cinquefoil needs additional hydration only in dry periods at the rate of one bucket of water under the bush every two weeks.

Mulching, loosening and weeding

To preserve the loose structure of the soil, the near-trunk circle is periodically loosened. Covering the soil with mulch since spring will reduce the time for loosening and combating weeds. The mulch layer is updated three times during the growing season.

Top dressing

The soil under the plants should be enriched, preserving its fertility and providing lush flowering. For top dressing, which are held in May, June and September, liquid mineral fertilizers are used for flowering plants with a high concentration of phosphorus and potassium.

Cinquefoil pruning

Every spring and autumn, the cinquefoil is trimmed, in which:

  • a crown is formed - the plant is shaped like a ball by removing ⅓ the length of the young shoot in the spring and shortening the broken branches in the fall;
  • old, diseased and inwardly growing shoots are removed;
  • rejuvenation is carried out - after 5 years, the next three years on the bush are cut off ⅓ of all dried shoots.

Autumn Care

If annual species grew on the site, then the plant debris is removed, and the beds are dug up. In the case of perennial varieties, shoots with dried inflorescences are shortened, after which the specimens are treated with Bordeaux fluid to prevent the development of diseases.

Winter care

Cold-resistant culture does not need shelter for the winter. The exception is rooted cuttings in the current year or only planted seedlings.

Pests, diseases and control methods

Bloodroot is rarely attacked by pests. However, sometimes it marks the nutrition of scoop larvae, which should be combated with an insecticidal preparation according to the manufacturer's instructions. Of the diseases under adverse weather conditions, spotting and powdery mildew can develop, which should be treated with copper-containing fungicides only in case of cultivation of perennial species.

Plant propagation methods

In addition to growing from seeds, cinquefoil can propagate by vegetative methods.


In the second half of summer, the procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. From apical shoots with previously removed flowers, cuttings 10 cm long are cut.
  2. Cuttings are buried in the ground in a shady place, moistened and covered with banks.
  3. After 1.5-2 months, the root system begins to form.
  4. In winter, plantings are covered with spruce branches.

Propagation by layering

At the same time, you can carry out a very simple procedure in which:

  1. Low-growing shoots are selected and cut.
  2. In the trunk circle, grooves are prepared, where the lay-ups are laid with the damaged side down.
  3. Layers are fixed with brackets and sprinkled with soil.
  4. By autumn, layering forms roots, after which they are separated and planted at a constant place of growth.

Bush division

Reception can be carried out in the spring or in the beginning of autumn, when:

  1. The rhizome of a four-year-old specimen is removed from the soil, cleaned of its residues and divided by a sterile knife.
  2. Delenki, each of which has 3 kidneys, are planted in permanent places.

Use of a plant in landscaping

Garden forms of cinquefoil are widely used by landscape designers in the design of personal plots and landscape gardening zones:

  • Low-growing and ground cover varieties ideally complement other plants in rock gardens and rockeries.
  • Tall herbaceous varieties are used in flower beds in the preparation of various flower arrangements.
  • Shrub forms will come to the rescue when forming a live fence or designing a flower-shrub ensemble.

Thus, the beautiful-blooming cinquefoil has a unique combination of high decorativeness and absolute unpretentiousness, which makes it a favorite of many flower growers and landscape designers.