Properly performed lamination of hair with gelatin at home is an excellent opportunity to get almost salon care for your curls for little money. You can perform it yourself without outside help. There are several recipes that allow you to carry out the procedure at home and put your hair in order.
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What is hair lamination?
Often, girls perceive the discussed procedure solely as professional and very expensive. In fact, it is enough to get ordinary gelatin to do it yourself. The effect will be no worse than the professional version.
Gelatin has many useful properties for our hair. It contains a large portion of natural collagen, vitamins, protein, essential trace elements, amino acids.
All these ingredients are very important for the health of the hair and without them it is impossible to restore hairs damaged by improper care. After all, even the simple use of a hair dryer / ironing leads to the fact that the curls break very much, become thinner, lose their luster.
In the process of gelatin lamination, each hair is covered with a very thin film that is invisible from the side, which will further protect it from external negative influences. It should be noted that this coating is breathable, therefore does not harm the curls. As a result, the strands look more resilient, voluminous, smooth.Interestingly, with regular procedures even the cut ends disappear.
The resulting film also has thermoprotective properties. Therefore, the procedure under discussion is simply necessary for all representatives of the fair sex, who regularly resort to heat treatment for drying / laying their hair.
Homemade gelatin treatment makes hair more manageable. They easily "remember" the desired form. Among other things, the film traps moisture in them, and this important effect provides a high content of vitamin E in the composition of the product.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like every caring procedure, gelatin lamination has its own advantages and disadvantages. These important points must be studied by each representative of the fair sex before experimenting with a new tool.
So, among the main advantages of home laminating with gelatin, it is worth noting the absence of contraindications to its use. But they can appear on additives that can be introduced into the gelling mass, so special attention should be paid to minor ingredients. Among them may be, for example, essential oils, which often act as aggressive allergens.
The list of beneficial effects of gelatin on hair includes:
- quick restoration of split ends;
- strengthening thin and brittle hairs;
- giving elasticity, gloss to the locks;
- creating visual volume.
One cannot fail to note once again the budgeting of the home procedure. Gelatin costs a penny, and every lady can afford it to care for curls. As for the remaining ingredients, you can find them in the simplest home medicine cabinet or even in the refrigerator.
Among the minuses of a home procedure is its short-term effect. After about a month, hair treatment should be repeated. But the result of salon lamination sometimes lasts up to 4 - 6 months.
But useful substances from the composition tend to accumulate in the hairs. As a result, with each new procedure, an excellent result will last longer.
Sometimes after the first treatment, it seems to the girl that there is no bright effect, and her hair still looks. In fact, just the effect of home lamination is not immediately noticeable. It is necessary to carry out several procedures with a short break to see the desired effect. By the way, with salon processing everything is easier. After the procedure, carried out by professional compositions, the effect is noticeable instantly. Even the most damaged curls are immediately saturated with vitality and look different.
In general, gelatin is easily washed off the hair even without the use of any special means. But, if mixed with some additional ingredients, the result will be different. For example, rinsing gelatin with burdock oil from curls is not so simple. In this case, a long and not very comfortable completion of the procedure becomes one of its disadvantages. It is not necessary to completely rinse the hair, and they will look greasy, dirty.
Is it possible to carry out the procedure during pregnancy
Treatment of hair with gelatin is a completely harmless procedure even for expectant mothers. Especially if it is carried out at home using natural ingredients. Such a tool will allow a woman in an interesting position to maintain her beauty in a natural way without the use of expensive shampoos, masks and without visiting a beauty salon.
By the way, a future hairdresser is also not forbidden from a professional hairdresser to conduct the discussed procedure. But a specialist should carefully select a safe composition for her. Today, there are a lot of such drugs with a minimum number of contraindications. All of them will only benefit the appearance of a pregnant woman.
How long does the effect last?
As already noted above, the result of home lamination does not last too long.The first couple of weeks after this treatment, the hair looks great and is protected by a special, thinnest film. But after this period, the coating begins to gradually disappear. After about 3 to 4 weeks, a repeat of the procedure is required. In the first month, you should do it every week to achieve maximum effect.
Tools and materials for home lamination
It should be noted right away that no special expensive tools and materials are required for the procedure under discussion.
You need to take only:
- Ordinary gelatin and, if desired, additional ingredients to it for feeding hairs.
- A container with a lid in which the mass will be prepared for the procedure.
- Any convenient tool for applying it to the hair (brush, comb with a minimum distance between the teeth).
- Film or large bag.
- Warm towel.
- A mild shampoo and a little lemon juice for hair treatment after washing off the healing composition.
If there was no suitable comb or brush in stock, it is quite possible to apply the composition to curls and simply with your fingers. The main thing is that the girl should not have a manicure with very long extended nails and a lot of rhinestones on them as a decoration. Otherwise, the processing will turn into a long and extremely inconvenient process.
If you plan to repeat the process regularly, it is advisable to purchase a pan with a minimum bottom diameter. Otherwise, the composition will spread over it with a thin layer, which is difficult to mix and scrape to apply to curls.
Gelatin based mask recipes
Today, there are many recipes for laminating hair with gelatin, which can be done at home without the help of a specialist. But to start a conversation on this topic is with the simplest option. It is considered classic and involves the use of only edible gelatin itself, as well as any balm / conditioner. Any habitual one will do.
Step-by-step preparation:
- A bag of dry product (15 g) is sent to the pan and pour 3 tbsp. l slightly cooled boiling water. Close the container with a tight lid. Leave on for 17 to 20 minutes. Heat the resulting composition until all lumps in it are completely dissolved. If they suddenly were not there, you can skip this step. The main thing is to ensure that the mass does not boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose all its properties.
- Pour half a tablespoon of the usual balm / conditioner into the composition. If it turns out to be too liquid, increase the amount of the supplement. But you can not overdo it with this ingredient, otherwise the effectiveness of gelatin will decrease.
- Wash hair with the usual cleanser, get wet, but do not wipe dry.
- Apply to the curls, bypassing the scalp, the resulting warm composition. They need to be processed quickly. If the mass has time to harden, you can slightly warm it.
- Cover the strands with a bag. Wrap a warm towel on top or put on an old hat. If the insulation turned out to be insufficient, it is worth additionally warming the structure with a hairdryer for a quarter of an hour.
- Walk around with the whole structure on your head for about half an hour. Wash off the composition with warm water without using shampoo.
- Rinse the curls with acidified lime / lemon juice with water.
It must be remembered that rinse the composition for lamination in no case can not be hot water. Extremely pleasantly warm.
If the girl has problems with hair loss, then in the main composition you can pour half a teaspoon of burdock and castor oil. Further, the procedure must be carried out in exactly the same way, only to wash off the composition you will have to use a small amount of mild shampoo.
If you need to add volume to your hair, then a special mask can be prepared on the basis of gelatin. Of the ingredients for it is taken: 1 tsp. colorless henna, gelatin and mustard powder, 2 tbsp. l pure water and 1 raw yolk.
Mixing a mask involves several steps.
Need to:
- Prepare a base of gelling powder and water.
- Pour in raw yolk and all other ingredients.
- Grind everything well. Break all the lumps. If necessary, increase the amount of water - a mixture should appear, in consistency like thick sour cream.
- Apply mass to the hairs along the entire length. Warm, for example, with a warm hat over the film. Rinse off with slightly warm water after approximately 70 minutes.
The number of ingredients of all the above formulations are designed for short hair. If the young lady has long hair, then you need to double or even triple the servings.
Hair care after the procedure
After home lamination, no special hair care is required. It is only necessary to try not to wash the curls with very hot water. It is allowed to blow dry strands, use irons, curlers and other accessories to create hairstyles, hair styling.
Always in the preparation of hair masks with gelatin, you need to take into account that three parts of the liquid are added to 1 part of the dry main ingredient. It does not depend on the composition of the additional components of the tool.
- Yulia